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Sawasdee khrap Folks -

Iím going back to LOS in June ñ I was there last year and thoroughly enjoy it, so much so that I will explore business opportunities as well as the usual touristy activities.

I must say that this forum is proving to be an invaluable source of information and helpful advice ñ I meant to contribute with my limited experience (one trip so far) but I feel positively inadequate when reading posts by regular contributors as they obviously are seasoned Thai visitors or resident expats.

One thing though, I havenít come across (yet!) a thread regarding contributorsí preferred relationships with Ladies ñ I mean do you generally see BGs or more likely to date regular Thai women? I hope Iím not going to get shot down with this post but Iím genuinely interested to find out other peopleís point of view on this matter.

Iíve done my tiny bit of go-go (NEP & Patpong), freelance (Grace Hotel) and beer bars (Pattaya) but I quickly got tired of the wham-bam thank you madam kind of sexual trysts Iíve experienced in there ñ so Iíve had a couple of relationships with ordinary girls. In fact I found quite easy to date girls, whenever I went ñ the only drawback is that (in my humble experience) Thai women tend to be rather possessive and want to be with you at all time. Iíve had a couple of tricky moments - I was in my Pattaya hotel bedroom getting better acquainted with the hotel restaurant manageress, when the girl I was going out with showed up unannounced and started banging at the door. I laugh at it now but it was an awkward moment at the time.

The question is what percentage of your relationship is with ordinary girls as opposed to Bgs?


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 am on April 13, 2003
First off. Welcome to the forum.

Secondly, in my opinion, you should not feel intimidate or inadequate to post your opinions and findings just because you've been there only once. So, feel confident to post away!! ha ha ha!!

Now ... to reply to your question, which is a good one, by the way.

I've dated and had if you want to call it relationships with both "working" females and "non-working" females. I would say that more of my experiences have come from the working female side.

I've found that both are very territorial and possessive. I think that probably stems from the fact that they figure that they will only see you for a short amount of time and they also don't trust the mice while the cat's away!! ha ha ha!!

I believe that one must choice what kinda of relationship and time they want to spend in Thailand and with the females.

In my opinion and ingeneral, taking a non-working female out and doing things that would be more reserved for a bf/gf type relationship is dangerous especially if that person still wants to sample the other food.

Since these females are non-working females, then sex is not something that I would generally think that they just give away to anyone. Many will treat it as something special and monogamous relationship. Hense, they see the relationship differently then say a workng female.

I'm not saying a working female can't treat it as special, or want a monogamous situation. But in general, I would think that someone that does not have sex for a living probably holds the act more precious.

With that being said, this is why I will mostly take females out that are the "working" type. I find that there are less strings attached. And less is a relative words, since all of us have gotten calls on our cell phone saying "I miss you, why you no come see me." Or "can I come see you now, I miss you."

But, I find that it's easy for me to deal with a working female in my mind, knowing that they do this for a living, so finding an excuse not to see them comes more naturally!! ha ha ha! Compared to a non-working female where I find that I will have a hard time not seeing them. I hope that makes sense??

So .......

In my opinion, if a person wants to sample a lot of food, then it's best to stay in the working female area. I think that there would be less headaches in general with sampling and working female, then sampling and non-working one!!

Just my 2 cents!! ha ha ha!!

Did I answer you original question?? ha ha ha!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:55 am on April 13, 2003
Khwaap koon khrap mak for your welcome! Much appreciatedÖÖÖÖ

I agree with your post, it must be said that a relationship one expect with ìworking girlsî is different from the one with regular girls ñ itís the same world over.

What is peculiar to ordinary Thai women (IMHO) is that they seem to get attached to you after a very short time; even now 8 months since I left Thailand, I get regular weekly calls, SMS and emails claiming undying love and making preparations for my return to the kingdom. So this time around itíll be more bar action - as you said, with BGs (in theory), once the business transaction has ended there is no emotional commitment.

On the hand I do miss the thrill of the chase of dating women, not knowing if & when youíre going to score, with BGs you already know what is going to happen. The only uncertainty being, in ST encounters: Is she gonna leave soon after or is she going to nuzzle back in the sheets?


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:24 am on April 13, 2003
U Welcome!!

I think that is what draws so many of us to Thai females. They are so trusting and open with their hearts and feeelings. Which could explain why they become so quickly attached to an individual and vice-versa.

Yes. Some could be just playing the game of trying to get sponsorship, but all in all I believe that they mean it and it's not just words.

Okay. Let's not break out the "sucker" sign to be placed on my Ýback just yet. ha ha ha!!

All I mean is that they tend to be very genuine with their feelings.

On the hand I do miss the thrill of the chase of dating women, not knowing if & when youíre going to score, with BGs you already know what is going to happen.

Nicely stated!! I think that that is one of men's greatest dillema's!! ha ha ha!!

Have a good one.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:35 am on April 13, 2003

 umm...."Good gals go to Heaven, Bad gals go everywhere"

 it all depends where u wanna bring them??

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:04 am on April 13, 2003
JackRabbit present...

Bro's said enough from ordinary thai ladies.

I do not want to waste my time through date , dinner , dance and still be left with blue balls.
I can do that at home !!

Get into nightlife and charge !!!
There are a lot of girls who behave and are good company.
Nice and naughty is the way.
Mannered when met , whining when wet.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:38 am on April 14, 2003
Thai Guys [ with the Mia Noi - or 'minor wif'e' ] have go9t it worked out - think if your spending any amount of time here, you need both !  i.e. A good girl you are slowly/steadily pursuing, and they do take time if in fact they are a genuine 'good girl' - lunch. chaperones etc for a while first at least, - and then when you put her in a Cab at 9-10pm,  just a good time to go find a bad girl !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:55 am on April 14, 2003
Thin White Duke
Welcome to the Boards Sarge:

If your into torturing yourself, maybe a visit to Chateau Jade is in the offing.

Yours truly has had up to 6 "good" girls in one night. Well, actually 3 were very good.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:42 pm on April 14, 2003
Folks -
thanx for your warm welcome!

Thin White Duke - Chateau Jade? where is located? Is it a Go-Go bar? Do tell more........

I think thaiprivateeye hit it right on the head whe he says:
" .....good girl you are slowly/steadily pursuing, and they do take time if in fact they are a genuine 'good girl' - lunch. chaperones etc for a while first at least, - and then when you put her in a Cab at 9-10pm, Ýjust a good time to go find a bad girl !"
This is precisely the predicament I'm finding myself in both in Bkk and Pattaya.

I've noticed that the Mia Noi arrangement is widely spread in the kingdom, both with Thai & Farangs.

It'd be interesting to know how many of you have/had a Mia Noi..............


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:59 pm on April 14, 2003
Thin White Duke
SARGE- Please!!!!! Just joking about the Chateau Jade. Only incredibly hardy individuals need apply to this S@M chamber of well, things. Mr. Sauron, I humbly beg forgiveness for the transgression.

You got the general idea though, as you study the threads you'll find the answers they're all here, you just gotta look for um.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 pm on April 14, 2003

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