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Hey brother Balls, welcome back. Looking forward to reading your latest adventures. BTW- About the silk worms. Did you seriously take advice from a guy who has 98 other voices in his head Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Hey brother Herm, well said and good for you. I to am a firm believer in getting back on that horse. Of course in my case the poor horse keeps coming up lame so I keep having to shoot him . Never give up on love bro and it won't give up on you. Peace

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:16 pm on Dec. 20, 2002
The Machine
Everything seems to have been said that could be said but i will add my two cents anyway.
I gather you friend is old enough to know his own mind regardless of the obvious pitfalls that have been well documented here in this thread.
He will probably go ahead regardless of any advice that he may be given , and after all he is big enough and old enough to make his own decisions for himself.
Hopefully he will be one of the lucky ones but to be lucky will ironically require a lot of hard work.He will have to adapt and adopt many Thai cultural patterns.This may not be easy but will definitely be necessary to have a successful relationship but even then it will also require a lot of understanding as you are dealing with a working girl. A working girl has extra baggage with which you must deal with and this baggage will reveal itself overtime and may not be easy to manage.Communication problems may well be insurmountable.
I would suggest as others have that he rent a house for 6 months to a year and tell his girlfriend that his cash is tied up for the moment and that when his cash is freed i.e. in a year that he will go ahead and build her the dream house.In the interim year he should get a good idea of whether the relationship will last and he will not have wasted too much money.
On the topic of money
the problem with the money is that it is quite often used by the men as the bargaining chip.They are using their financial status as the hook to get the girl.If he is one of these guys i am afraid that the relationship is most likely doomed from the start .IN my experience these guys brag about their financial status and make promises about buying this and that.
One needs to remember that worthwhile relationships are not build on sex and money alone they require from both parties a longterm committment and the ability to relate on an emotional level.
I have to agree with many others that i fear the odds are stacked way too much against this guy.I for one could not make the sacrifices and go thru the difficult times that  are required to make this sort of relationship work.
It is just too damn difficult                  

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:35 am on Dec. 21, 2002
Cmore, Balls, et al. ÝSorry, didn't realize I left you guys hanging! ÝI thought this thread was dead but just saw that you guys had pumped some life back into it!

There's been a lot going on with my situation. ÝI had kinda been holding off since I wanted to see how things finally panned out. ÝBut here's the deal:

My gf as you know is pregnant, now about 4 1/2 months. Ý In October we found out that there was Ýa problem with the baby and the doctors advised that she should get an abortion. ÝMy gf had a big problem with this as being a good buddist she didn't think it was the right thing to do. ÝAlso, and probably more realistically, for her having a baby is akin to having something to keep her company like a pet dog. ÝShe has no family whatsoever and lives alone in her apartment in BKK. ÝSince I'm only there one week out of every six usually, she get's very bored sometimes. ÝBut shes been really good and doesn't go out to discos or do anything that would give a bf call for concern. ÝPhew, what a relief considering all the other horror stories in farang/TG relationships...

She went in for the abortion (cost 13,500 baht) and left the clinic 8 hours later. Ý2 days later she realizes that something isn't right so she went back to see the doctor. ÝIt turns out that the head of the clinic decided that the baby could survive so they did a perceedure on her to "clean her womb" (whatever the hell that really means I'll never know) and didn't abort the baby. Ý ÝI immediately sent her to the doctor at Bumrungrad that we had originally seen together to find out what was really going on... Ýfrankly, if this had happened in the US a malpractice suit would have been immediately filed by me. ÝI was blown away that they didn't even tell her that they didn't abort the baby!!!!

The doctor at Bumrungrad did an ultrasound and said maybe things were ok but told here to come back 2 times over a period of a month so he would know for sure. Ý My gf continued to get bigger and started to feel that everyting was AOK. Ý However, on the third ultrasound, the doctor at Bumrungrad confirmed that it was a no-go and that the baby wasn't growing and would not survive. ÝWorse, if she didn't abort it could be big trouble for her.

Now my gf, 4 1/2 pregnant needs to go in for a more serious abortion that involves a hospital stay for at least one night and cost of around 20,000 baht. ÝI haven't been able to make it back to BKK yet, so she's stressing out bigtime not wanting to go through this alone. Ý I certainly don't want her to do this either so am doing everything I can to try to get over there before the end of the year to take care of the situation and my gf while the proceedure happens....

So as you can see I've had a lot of rollercoaster days since my last post on the subject. ÝMy gf has been very emotional about the situation, but our relationship has been real tight. Ý She keeps telling me that she doesn't care about my money and is so sorry that I have to have this problem with her. ÝShe also tells me that she'll wait for me as long as it takes even if it is 1 year, 10 years or 100 years. Ý ÝThe skeptics will chime in that of course that is all a load of crap. ÝI honestly don't know either, but for now we get on real well and have a very high degree of communication. ÝI just need to try to make my trips to LOS more frequent and I think things will be ok...

So, the story isn't over yet, but that is the latest!!!

Over to you, guys...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:40 pm on Dec. 22, 2002

Wow, a tough situation. I've been through the abortion ringer many years ago in the States, nothing like you are describing, and it still sucked. So I can only imagine what your TGF is feeling. Thank goodness you took her to a good hospital before things got really bad. I'm glad you are both hanging together, really hard to do with this kind of thing. Hopefully when this is all over, you will still have somewhere to take your relationship. Best of luck with this, really, and let us know how it turns out.

As for me, I'm kinda of gathering my thoughts before I post 'em here. Some funny, some sad, but all about my saga as I continue "Falling in Love" with a BG. I'll try to post a few in the next day or so.

- Balls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:44 pm on Dec. 22, 2002

Tough situation. ÝI hope everything works out fine in the end for you and your TGF.

IMHO: ÝPerhaps all the brothers with serious TGFs should introduce their TGFs to each other so they can have a support group of TGs to hang out with. ÝThis may reduce the boredom factor and lessen the chances of straying. ÝOf course if things don't work out between the brother and his TGF, there may be a TG lynch mob after the brother. Ý

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:59 pm on Dec. 22, 2002
One of the worst things that can happen to a women is to not be able to carry a baby to full term. She will be hurting for along time and you need to talk and talk alot more about what happened. Men can put this aside and move on, where a women will allow this to build up within her. Since she has only you. YOU must make yourself available for her to talk to you about this. She will want to talk about this for along time. Don't shut her down. Good luck.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:25 pm on Dec. 22, 2002
Hey brother Z, words fail me ( And for that to happen to me is a miracle ). I'm so sorry that a good couple like you and Ms. Z have to go through this. After all the two of you have been through all these months and you still managed to stay together, you both deserve much better. I can't even begin to know what you're both going through right now. My thoughts and good wishes are with you both and I know that the deep love that you share together will see you through this. Be strong bro and take care of our Ms. Z. She's more then proven that she's one of the rare ones. Peace

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 pm on Dec. 22, 2002

You are painfully right about your advice. When I went through this years ago, I tried to talk with my then-GF about it, but she completely shut down. It was the death of the relationship, not a pleasant part of my history. So zzzZ, heed BigDUSA's sage words.

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 pm on Dec. 22, 2002
Yes, I definitely hear you guys... and my increased phone bills are a testiment to the wisdom of your words  ;-)

She's emotional about it for sure but I think we'll be ok.  

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:14 am on Dec. 23, 2002
Hey brother Balls you're killing me here. I've been waiting weeks for those FR's you've been teasing us about posting and still no sign yet. I'm too old for this kind of stress . Seriously I hope you're doing okay. You kind of hinted that not everything in your FR's were going to be of a happy nature and I was just thinking about you. You know we're here for you if you need us.

BTW- Has anyone heard from brother Z lately? Is he there in LOS yet and has he and Ms. Z taken care of that final step yet? Same goes for you also Z. We're here if you need us and our thoughts are always with you both. Peace

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:57 pm on Jan. 11, 2003

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