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I don't know how many will admit it but I think deep down we are all looking for a 'Soul Mate' ?

Or maybe I'm just being Romantic ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:11 am on Sep. 14, 2004

Quote: from Hermanolobo on 7:42 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
Can't buy me love

Money can buy you a Thai girl, in fact it can buy you lots of girls. But do you want a relationship based on Money No.1 ?

I hate to lecture you again, but any relationship with a woman is based on money - THai (or asian) girls are just more up-front about it, which is refreshing.

If you're looking for that 'perfect' soul mate where money doesn't matter, then you'll be unhappy for a long time.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:48 pm on Sep. 14, 2004

Quote: from hzink on 1:03 am on Sep. 15, 2004

Quote: from Hermanolobo on 7:42 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
Can't buy me love

Money can buy you a Thai girl, in fact it can buy you lots of girls. But do you want a relationship based on Money No.1 ?

I hate to lecture you again, but any relationship with a woman is based on money - THai (or asian) girls are just more up-front about it, which is refreshing.

If you're looking for that 'perfect' soul mate where money doesn't matter, then you'll be unhappy for a long time.


Dear Comrade hzink (the font of all knowledge!)

You are obvioulsy well travelled and know all women. Therefore you can make that sweeping generalisation?

I have known a few relationships (not my own I might add) where money is not the main consideration,it is not even No.3 on the list!

I don't know why you have this sad and cynical outlook but it shows you need to get out more.

In psychology (I am not sure of the exact term as it varies depending where you study) there is a term called 'projection' or psychological 'screen' where an individual projects his views and hangups etc onto someone else and accuses them of having the very qualities from which they 'suffer' ?

Everything is relative harry. I would not push my view of reality onto someone else. Why do you ?

I'll have to have words with your Rabbi ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:14 am on Sep. 15, 2004
Phla Laa
It is more likely that if you take MPG then the 'relationship' is going to be about money - and Harry's comment is about these MPG, GGG, or its equivalent, then maybe it's true. Maybe it's going to make us unhappy when what we want is relationship where money doesn't matter.

Which leads me to another musing, IF you really want a "normal" relationship (ie you don't have to act as ATM all the time) - wouldn't you have to go through the ATM part before you can (if you're lucky) get through to her conscience (if she still has) and only after that you will have a closer-to-normal relationship where money is not the first?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:22 am on Sep. 15, 2004
I think we are dealing with a culture that is very money orientated. The 'West' is more that way too now! I am sure it never used to be.

Whatever happened to altruism and doing things purely for the sake of it?

Yes it does still happen but you just don't hear about it?

There is definitely something 'political' about having people 'hooked' on money. Hooked on their mortgages,hooked on their cars (and the repayments) hooked on consumer goods.Hooked on loans! 'Money' is the new 'Opium of the Masses' in that, it has replaced religion.

It therefore maybe said to be a form of 'People Control' ?
In the past 'religions' fulfilled that function. In fact in some areas it still does. It's called 'Islam' or 'Jehovah's Witnesses.

Sorry for the long dissertation about money and politics but they are all interrelated and one inevitably leads to the other in any serious discussion.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:38 am on Sep. 15, 2004
jack attack
Let me see...

Guy goes to a bar, MP, etc. has a few drinks. Judgement may begin to be impaired.

Guy sees a beautiful, young woman in various degrees of undress. Judgement further impaired.

For a small sum of money compared to western standards, guy buys girl a few drinks. Her judgement begins to be impaired.

Again for a small sum of money by western standards, guy pays to take beautiful girl back to his room. Alcohol has heightened sexual awareness of both adults and the physical pleasure burns an indelible mark on man's brain.

Guy is in Love. Girl is paid.

How does this get translated in to Thailand being a culture that is very money oriented? It is warped from both perspectives from the beginning. The guy wants the girl and has the means to overcome barriers by way of cash. The girl seeks payment for her desirability in cash.

The fact that a beautiful Thai girl would go with a less attractive, older western male for any price suggests that it isn't just about the money. She has her own self respect.

I believe she will first need some physical, mental or emotional attraction to overcome cultural barriers to consumate the transaction. I have been turned down by BG's before and I know they realize they are passing up $$$ (as well as the best lay of their life). But maybe I didn't trip their wire at all and that was enough reason to pass on the most memorable experience of their lifetime.

Go to a girly bar in the west and most of the dancers have no time for customers the way they do in LOS. It isn't about the money as many guys in this situation would be willing to stick plenty of cash in the G-string. They don't have the 'snap' with the guy.

20 something Thai women have no problem being with a man- Thai or falang- who is 20 years older. 20 something western women would rather slit their wrists. But these same women, when they reach 40, suddenly realize a man 20 years older is actually not a bad deal.

Does it take western women 20 years more of maturing to finally get it? Yep!

Are western women less mercenary? Nope!

IMO, Thai women in P4P are no different than western women in the same game. They may actually be smarter and more mature. Certainly they are more comfortable with being feminine and being a woman.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:00 am on Sep. 15, 2004
Jack Attack,

I said a 'Culture' that is very money orientated !

You will find the same thing in Malaysia and other parts of Asia.

You can't see the 'culture' for the bar girls !
Which is probably the only thing you think about ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:10 am on Sep. 15, 2004

please please believe me. Dont let a GIK become a lover!!
dont do it for free!!
dont think you are being "smart"!!
pay the money!!
pay only a little if you want, but pay something!!
dont fall in love!!
dont let her fall in love!!

If she says she is your "friend", does not want money, and it is a freebee......RUN!!

I have fallen for this twice now!!

your "friend" will become your "partner"!!
your "partner" will make demands!!
they will involve being faithfull!!
only me, promise!!

your shagging days will be over!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:24 am on Sep. 15, 2004
Samthedog....true words...........

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:55 am on Sep. 15, 2004
^^^ samthedog

Right on the $$ !! You pay sooner or later. The sooner you pay, the easier the payment ( just like a loan, man, that's depressing) Remember all those tele-evangelists in the US that were caught with their pants down. One guy ( I think it was Jim Bakker) had to pay his secretary for that ONE shage a tidy sum of US$280,000. That is 11 million bahts to you and me 55555 ! If he had only known about BKK, poor bastard.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:40 am on Sep. 15, 2004

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