Quote: from hzink on 12:21 pm on Oct. 4, 2004 So, the way I see it, this thread was started in a timely fashion, and is pretty much on target. Harry
I see it too. Very timely fashion. Very much on target. Maybe something good will come out of this. Keep up the good work Harry.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:48 am on Oct. 4, 2004
This all explains Tuggers chicken like behaviour of late, bang he's got it good. But really, Thailand will be free of bird flu by the end of the month, eradicated, extinct. The prime minister said so.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:50 am on Oct. 4, 2004
Now your going to get all historical? Then yes you are right. However, medical science has upped the learning curve a little since the Black Death. The fact that the medical world has indicated initial deaths from an original Avian source is light years ahead of waving a crucifix and burning a pile of dead bodies in the town square.
FastMover... Speaking as a member of the medical scientific community I assure you that despite massive advances in treatments, vaccination programmes, genetic manipulation etc etc, the avian flu virus mutatING to a strain which is capable of human-human contact has the potential to cause catastrophic consequences and this is the prime reason why it receives such media attention. We have yet to find a total cure and complete preventative treatment for the current human strains of flu (which are relatively speaking of lower virulence and severity of effects than the consequences of a species jump of the H5N1). Despite concerns of a pandemic we only have small batches of vaccines for the H5N1 strain and no scaling up of vaccine production against this strain is going to happen in the short term that I am aware of. Since my last post I have read that Thaksin has given ultimatums to the public health ministry to contain things...but knowing thaksins past history he isnt the best guy in the world at coming up with a plan! My original post wasnt purely a concern for thailand but more of a concern for the global consequences of such a species jump. We shouldnt rush to conclusions and in science....that is exactly what we are trained to do, but we are also obliged to let people know when...in our scientific opinion... there is a real threat to great numbers of peoples lives. We certainly cant look at other killer diseases and viruse and say..oh well..this avian flu is not as bad as AIDS because it doesnt kill as many people....Crikey...if this is the extent of the intellect of the average Joe then we are not worth saving.....and I should go and bury MY head in the sand!! When placing this post I was announcing news...i.e: something that not everyone may have been aware of at the time... (hence the title of the category). Lets keep all our heads out of the sand and see how SE asia tackles this?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:12 pm on Oct. 4, 2004
Power24....head in the sand? No more than normal. We all know the possiblity of the 'big one'. Unrestrained virus outbreaks that spread worldwide rapidly and deadly. Again this has been dealt with on many threads. The average guy in the street can change nothing. Especially us expats in Asia who have zero input with local politicians. For us it's everyman for himself, and frankly my concern ratio goes down dramatically relative to others. I have seen medical process and health care nightmares here in China beyond belief. The SARS effort here was a complete sham. I have only one plan if all hell breaks out. Get the here outta here and die at home. My sympathies to your efforts.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:45 am on Oct. 5, 2004
http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/10/19/thailand.tigers.ap/index.html Looks serious, but isn't as bad. Some idiot decided to feed the tigers chicken carcasses that happened to have died of avian flu. We've had incidents of the avian flu jumping over to felines before, so this isn't the end of the world. Still, interesting - between Thailand (where the information is more or less open), and China (which is 'containing' news more than avian flu), there's still plenty to worry about - as there doesn't seem to be a real containment mechanism in place, aside from medieval mentalities. (IMO) Harry ----- 23 tigers die in bird flu outbreak Tuesday, October 19, 2004 Posted: 1021 GMT (1821 HKT) BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Twenty-three tigers have died from bird flu at a private zoo in Thailand after being fed the carcasses of chickens infected with the disease, a government official said Tuesday. The tigers had been dying at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo in central Chonburi province since September 14, and the animal park was forced to close its doors to the public while authorities investigated, said Charal Trinvuthipong, director of the Bird Flu Prevention and Elimination Center. "We've discovered that all 23 dead tigers had bird flu," he said. "We've found that another 30 tigers are sick. We believe that the tigers contracted bird flu because they ate chicken carcasses, and we believe the carcasses had bird flu."
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:32 am on Oct. 20, 2004