...from the sports desk. At a press conference in Athens today, the IOC announced plans to introduce a new mens demonstration sport at the 2008 Olympic Games. It’s called the Trisexathon. A Russian spokeswoman for the IOC, Onya Bakkyabich, outlined the new event and said it would comprise of three separate disciplines – the Soapy Splash-and-Dash, the Parallel Barfine and the FL Pickup. “This event will test an athlete’s endurance and spunk to the limit,” she said. “Forty minutes are allowed for each discipline with no break in between. Points are awarded for technical merit and artistic interpretation. At least one shot is required in each discipline. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Extra points are awarded for multiple shots. Selection of a starfish or ladyboy by an athlete from any of the line-ups will also result in disqualification.” When fielding questions from reporters she confirmed that at this stage the IOC had no plans to classify Viagra as a banned substance and she re-emphasized the Olympic ideal that it was more important to take part rather than cum first. Preliminary trials begin in Bangkok this September.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:15 am on Aug. 26, 2004
would this be a team sport, this oblivously would have to be a men only sport as of the female fake orgasm, so who would be the sexual partner's be, do we choose or are they pre selected and would there be time-out's for the girl's to catch a breath and which head would they put the medals around?
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:24 am on Aug. 26, 2004