No, but for doing that you get frozen for a day.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:49 am on Aug. 12, 2008
Quote: from scruffy on 6:56 pm on Aug. 12, 2008 I believe that I normally stay on topic, but if I need to shut up someone just needs to tell me
Scruffy, what I meant was a guy like you on his first trip, and having oodles of reports to post on this forum should not be restricted by any limit. It would be a loss for readers too. And there is great fun in posting live while you are there, getting feedback and responding from the site ! BK, it would perhaps be better to tighten your present rules on flaming and digressing rather than rationing the flow of information !! Just another tuppence
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:32 am on Aug. 12, 2008
Not sure why newbies like scruffy should be penalized for posting their new experiences, or likewise, being unable to keep up to date on developing news (like the Thaksin flight), just to accommodate the neurotic and frightened agendas/vendettas of 4-5 spiteful members. Agree with KaymanX that tighter flaming, and threadf***ing controls with more direct penalties would probably go a longer ways towards the stated goals.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:05 am on Aug. 12, 2008
China Sailor
Gotta disagree with you Kaymanx. As an old hand you probably remember the days of 'smoke and fire' when there was less control and more creativity in posts made to the BTF. In those days there was much more valuable information being posted in the field reports and site reports being made by the membership. The downside was that the more prolific of the poster were also the ones most sensitive to criticism thus the 'flame-wars' that occasionally broke out. But that is the nature of a vibrant and active forum. Now as the controls over the posters tightened fewer and fewer posted and the posts they made were benign due to fear of being froze or banned. At the same time certain posters started filling the forum with irrelevant and useless posts to support a cause, product, or program that they had an interest in. These iPosts were accompanied by a flood of attacks against anyone who were not in agreement with the cause, product, or program being promoted. Rarely did they have a direct relevance to the purpose of this Forum; to wit: The support of punters and residents living in LOS who are in the pursuit of a Bohemian lifestyle. The end result of these iPosts were to drown out any posts that furthered the purpose of this Forum in order to highlight the cause, product, or program they supported. Restricting flaming and digressing will not correct this problem as it would be difficult for BK to screen all of the posts in a topic for relevance and eliminate/move those that were not related to the end purpose of this Forum. On the other hand a strict 5 post limit, if enforced on everyone, would make the membership think twice about what they were posting. For example, if the iDuck were limited to a total of 35 posts a week do you think he would be as aggressive in defending his dear APPL? Would he (or anyone else) be as likely to start useless threads to promote their own self-worth? I doubt it. Now for those who find the 5 post limit too restrictive, particularly as they have several personal interests that they need to expound on, we have a venue for that. It is called the 'Z' Forum. Here one can post as much as he wants on any subject under the sun, including LOS. It is in the 'Z' that the merits of APPL vs Microsoft should be argued. It is in the 'Z' that we should be discussing all politics (including Thai politics). It is in the 'Z' that the various iIdiots need to post when trying to prove to the world how smart they are. I say to BK, Free the Main Forum! Move the iPosts to the 'Z' and return the Main Forum to it's purpose.... Booze, Food, and P4P! Limit all of the posters to 5 posts and the iPosts will go away... BTW: I know you can read this iDuck even if you have me on iggy and I will tell you now that it has been your ability to post more than the post limit that has filled this Forum with crap and sent it 'down the tubes'. That is why none of the remaining 'Long-Term' members of the BTF respect you...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:38 am on Aug. 12, 2008
Quote: from China Sailor on 10:12 pm on Aug. 12, 2008 Limit all of the posters to 5 posts
All, except YOU, of course, right (and your friends, right?)
Quote: from China Sailor on 10:12 pm on Aug. 12, 2008 Limit all of the posters to 5 posts and the iPosts will go away...
Actually, seeing as this is part of your continuing failure prone strategy to take BTF down, all this would result in is even less posting than before. Considering you bemoaned the alleged tightening of controls as being detrimental to BTF ("Now as the controls over the posters tightened fewer and fewer posted") yet here you advocate the ultimate tightening of controls, which you know will result in a logical consequence -- less posts all around. Plus, there are a lot of users who actually pay a membership fee to BTF for the privilege of participating - should BK reinstate the fee? I also note that you do not appear to have contributed financially, yet you are one of the loudest to complain and advocate a more restrictive stance -- interestingly, many of the other strategizing as such, have also never contributed financially, yet you seem to exhibit a sense of entitlement to BTF. Here's a suggestion - forum software is cheap. Why not run your own place, where you would have everything you seek? (Well, everything but the attention you truly seek.)
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:04 am on Aug. 12, 2008
hear hear me too case in point - iphone thread has more pages (almost) than the EDEN CLUB ?!??! huh!!! go figure that one out!! now get BK to work out daffys % contribution to that thread!! I bet u he has more than 50% of it
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:32 am on Aug. 12, 2008
China Sailor
Damn iDuck, I knew you were reading my posts, it only took 26 minutes for you to post a response.
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 11:38 pm on Aug. 12, 2008 All, except YOU, of course, right (and your friends, right?)
Tell me iDuck, what part of the term 'all the posters' did you not understand?
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 11:38 pm on Aug. 12, 2008 I also note that you do not appear to have contributed financially, yet you are one of the loudest to complain and advocate a more restrictive stance -- interestingly, many of the other strategizing as such, have also never contributed financially, yet you seem to exhibit a sense of entitlement to BTF.
Point of Order iDuck. I was one of the first to voluntarily donate to the BTF and not just once but a few times. I believe I have put more in the pot than the normal entry fee. But of course you conveniently forget that.
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 11:38 pm on Aug. 12, 2008 Here's a suggestion - forum software is cheap. Why not run your own place, where you would have everything you seek? (Well, everything but the attention you truly seek.)
Great idea iDuck, As the computer expert why don't you do that (since you are not posting on P4P anyway). Just think, you can have an iForum, invite me in then ban me! In the end you will have a forum with all you little acolytes who worship your every word and we can stop talking about APPL and have a field report or two posted instead. The fact is iDuck, according to the search engine you have never initiated a thread in the Field Reports Section, and the last one you commented on was in December 2007. Meanwhile (to save you the problem of having to do a Search) whilst I do not comment often on Field Reports I have made them. You even got mentioned in one of them. Which brings us back to the intent of my original post.... are you here to post on P4P or to support your interests in APPL? Since it appears that your intent is to make iPosts why don't you take them to the 'Z'? Afraid to face the arguments as you can't put us on iggy there? Or maybe.... you are afraid that your acolytes will not follow...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:39 am on Aug. 12, 2008
Well, this forum has gone bananas lately. So, if it is gonna survive, something should be done. What I'm not sure of. But a post limit cannot hurt to test out. 5 posts a day should be more than enough and could make people think twice before posting some random ramblings. This forum is about Thailand, mainly about Bangkok nigthlife. Some people refuse to see that point. There are tons of tech forums out there. Maybe it would be an idea to create a separate tech forum (just like z) that does not show up on any last 25 lists.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:04 pm on Aug. 12, 2008