IMO, Cheap Charlie...your point about being married is spot on...... but people just dont post that much anymore....and many that do are so negative others are withdrawn to post... I guess CS posted pretty clearly...it is the current posts that determine others involvement... and when you have people ragging on others it disrupts new guys in posting their actual opinions.... I agree, we need new guys takes and questions in tandem with older members giving positive recommendations... my 2 baht worth, atl
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:08 pm on Jan. 25, 2009
Well I'm looking for something a little bit different. I've done Tulip, don't fancy Eden, had enough of soapies and I am sure I have banged a girl from every go-go bar in Bangkok. Done lesbian doubles, even trios from memory so I am open to suggestions lads. Mothier and daughter? Twins? No katoeys thanks
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:17 pm on Jan. 25, 2009
The membership fee is what has almost killed the board. Pure and simple. No more, no less. People, most people, are not going to pay to participate in a message board. Drop the fee and in a few months, once the word gets around, board activity will pick up. A secondary reason, which has already been pointed out, is the Ikonboard software package. I've worked with a few different packages and overall, IMHO, Invision Power Board (IPB) is by far the best for the users and the administrators. If you prefer Open Source (as in free) than Simple Machines LLC (SMF) is your best bet.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:39 pm on Jan. 25, 2009
Frank La Rue
I think the fee worked for those of us who where already on the board, it initially was a volountary donnation to keep the board going, I think you are correct about the fee for new members, no other forum I can think of has it.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:26 am on Jan. 26, 2009
Two things : - wholeheartedly agree, the high and mandatory membership fee is a huge turn-off to any newbie. Setting up a 3 month 'trial' period for $30, or simply reverting back to the donations button, would be a good way to encourage newcomers. - Doing away completely with the mandatory fee, or setting up something like a 30 day trial, would also be a good approach. - This needs to be accompanied by strict moderation, to keep the idiots to a minimum, of course. - Please check out the front page, and give it a go to find a link to the forum. There is none. At all. Even if the price of admission was not an issue, a total lack of 'link' or pointer to the forum would definitely do it in. This isn't rocket science, as other have pointed out -- it's pretty damn obvious why there are no new people; it has little to do with flame wars, personality fights; or he-said-she-said battles of supremacy -- look at the above points, that's all you need to do. Lastly, I would suggest vBulleting - it's commercial, has a reasonable cost and yearly license (which is not mandatory), and is extremely well-supported, and has a thriving mods and plugins community (vBulletin.org).
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:01 am on Jan. 26, 2009
Quote: from sanook269 on 12:39 pm on Jan. 26, 2009 People, most people, are not going to pay to participate in a message board.
You're absolutely right about that. Will fix that soon. Only posters will have free access.
Quote: from DaffyDuck Please check out the front page
Where? http://bangkok2night.com? Look at the left hand navigation, just after Events.
Quote: from DaffyDuck Lastly, I would suggest vBulleting - it's commercial, has a reasonable cost and yearly license
The reason why I didn't set up vBulletin a long time ago, was not because of the cost, that wasn't the issue. It was the older server, it didn't have the necessary software installed to run it. Now, it's a different thing. So, that's going to be fixed soon.
Quote: from Frank La Rue no other forum I can think of has it.
Well, I am currently paying $30/month to be a member in one.
Quote: from kenneth on 11:17 am on Jan. 26, 2009 Done lesbian doubles, even trios from memory so I am open to suggestions lads. Mothier and daughter? Twins?
Kenneth, try four or five, very tricky though. I remembered my session with 4 in a jacuzzi tub, it was just too confusing. Mother and daughter? Hmmm... I have always done one or the other, and mother wanted to let me try her daughter, but she was still too young, I'll wait another couple more years. Twins, you must try them! Identical twins are the best.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:23 am on Jan. 26, 2009
If the duck is talking about the home page of Bangkoktonight.com, he can look down the left side of the home page with the various categories that begin with "Apartments" and end with "Site Map". The 13th item on the list clearly says "Bangkok Forum" and will lead one to the forum. If it's another home page he is referring to, then....why?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:02 am on Jan. 26, 2009
I had 5 on one bed in the ST room in on Asoked next to Cowboy after one of our RT a few years ago my original intention was to share them another board member who disappeared recently I had 7 in Soi 6 though, that was something else
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:02 am on Jan. 26, 2009
Ah, good ! it looks like my first post has started to work, the Boss is taking in suggestions, guys are posting their Ideas........great stuff ! Again have a look at my opening post and think about it, me thinks its a great way to Kick off BKK tonight. S05
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:16 am on Jan. 26, 2009
Quote: from Beretta on 6:16 pm on Jan. 26, 2009
Okay, I have made a change for contributors/posters. It's a manual process for now. They just need to send me a message and I'll get their account upgraded.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:39 am on Jan. 26, 2009