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Latest update from the girl: Upon my suggestion, she has confided in her best childhood friend who has agreed to help her out, and keep this matter confidential. The two have already contacted PDA for details and will try to schedule a visit after the 27th (her office will not grant her any leave till then). Since the center is closed over weekends, I believe if anything will happen, it wont be before this 30th. She seems much relaxed now. Time will tell how it will turn out to be. For the sake of her well being, I hope she comes out of all this unscathed, but with a better functioning brain.

Thanks again for DG, Magnum, Koolbreez and others for the inputs.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:58 pm on April 18, 2012
hey Snoops.... anyone saying they don't need this forum anymore in my opinion becomes open fodder for the rest of us.... Just like EPC sai, "see ya"... but I will be a little more direct....

Suck my cock you piece of shit.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:11 pm on April 18, 2012
PDA-population and community development association.

I googled it - im a bit confused. Are they advocating abortion to control population. Or are they commited to inform chicks on why not to have sex with nincompoops?

i didnt say I dont need this forum-its very entertaining when silliness like this show up. I said if I get the boot -so be it!

Lets review. Man meet office girl once and have hott sex. No contact for a year and girl then gets knocked up and dude is the only one she can go to. Man who is 1000s of miles away comes up with great idea that she should tell her chilhood friend and go see pda.

Got to love it!

I cant let this pass......op say he hopes girl comes out of all this with a better functioning brain. Is he saying she is at the moment is a DOOFUS.

Come on guys, lighten up, its sad for the girl but what can you do?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:18 pm on April 18, 2012

Quote: from snoops on 8:27 am on April 18, 2012
No offense but I fully believe all of us are full of shit! This is what thailand does to people!
I for one find it all funny. Yes its not compassion but I didnt invent thailand........but I love it! I pays my money and get my jollies off!

... aw, what a pile of horseshit, snoops!... just HORSEshit!... 'this' is NOT what Thailand does to people (by 'this', I assume you mean 'your shitbird self')... you do it to yourself... Thailand is a test of a man's character.

... when there are no cops or rule of law, no school teachers or preachers looking over your shoulder, no family whose better standards of behavior to live up to, no buddies to smack you up side the head when you are making an idiot of yourself... then... THEN, all you got left is the stuff of which you are made... your character.

... take a look, snoops... out here, is the reeeal you.

... and, you think everyone on this forum is like you?.. ("all of us are full of shit")... umm, no... I don't think so... (though, that says volumes about you).

... behind all your blathering and squawking, I hear a classless, Spam sucking trailer trash shitbird, snoops... your blabbering tells far more about you, than any inane point you never quite make, always just beyond your grasp.

... I've learned to expect little from mouth-breathers who can't hold two complex thoughts in their heads at once (much less understand either), so I can't be greatly offended at your braying... yep, a man with a real depth of intellect, you are.

... while you certainly blow hard at a keyboard, at a bar, amongst most of the men in this crowd, I think you'd do well to sit on the outside edge of the circle, grin and nod a lot, laugh when the men laugh... and shut up.

... you walk a mile in our shoes, then you might have something to say that we will consider worth hearing at this table... so far, you got nothing.

... you seem here a young man amongst men, snoops... that can be forgiven, but don't push it, lest you take Blonk's belt as the Forum's Village Idiot... and that cretinous f*** Blonk set a pretty high bar... stupidity is nothing of which to be proud.

... and, oh... I don't mean to be demeaning to simple-minded animals, but enough with your "............ hahahahaha!"... (jeez, guys... just writing that makes you FEEL stupid!).

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:51 pm on April 18, 2012
calm down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Even op acknowledges this whole situation is a bunch of nonsense. OPs own words say he hopes girl cums out of all this WITH A BETTER FUNCTIONING BRAIN. this is so funnie!

Stop trying to turn me------if you notice I only tend to comment on situations so bizarre its unbeleivable. You guys trying to defend the undefensible.

Just have a beer and a shortime and laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hohoho!

Another clue as to girls character-she slept with op on first meeting. Is that what you going to teach your kids as a good thing?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:53 pm on April 18, 2012
dirty guru
What we discovered about Blonk was he suffered mental illness, but did in fact have university degrees in Engineering and taught students ( that he buggered) in Bangkok.

Snoops on the other hand could well be a mid western American whose only real depth in Thailand has been exposure to the "Bar Scene" the tribal dog eat dog.

Where evolutionary laws decree on both sides to trust is to loose?

This would explain many of his comments.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:43 pm on April 18, 2012
Hey snoops, are you saying that you NEVER made any mistakes or took a wrong decision in your life? That you are THE MOST perfect man who ever took birth on this planet? We are all humans and make mistakes. And we LEARN from our mistakes, thats what sets us apart from brianless idiots. What I implied by 'a better functioning brain' was hope she keeps this incident in mind before plunging into another relationship. I thought it was quite obvious, but maybe I was wrong.

For me, not everything related to a girl is about sex. I consider them as a good 'friend' as well. She might have slept with me the first time we met, but did you know that we were in contact through webcam and chats for many months before that? And dont you sleep with bar girls whom you have met just few minutes ago? What does that tell about YOUR character? Dont act like a saint, cos you dont have anything good to teach your kids either. Take a break dude, who knows, maybe the information provided here by others might come to your rescue one day, or the people whom you actually care about (which I hope you have, cos if not, then you really are a lost cause).

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:14 pm on April 18, 2012
We all know what you meant by A BETTER FUNCTIONING BRAIN. No need spin control-all the guys are on your side! Learn from mistakes is one thing but A BETTER FUNCTIONING BRAIN is an odd way to put it.

I will provide my analysis of mangum. I think he started out with good intentions by taking in 4 trubbled children. But it aint working out so he lashes out at a guy on a SEX forum.................whatever floats his boat is fine with me.

I bet his kids can sense his anger, kids arent fools either!

You all treat these girls like little babies, and a lot are, but get a clue you not going to be of help 1000s of miles away.

Have some decency and send her some baht! You all seem to favor abortion-how much can that be? Im sure you can afford $500. DG,mag., and yourself $167-whats the problem????????????

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:18 pm on April 18, 2012

Quote: from snoops on 6:41 am on April 18, 2012

I fear banishment because its not politically correct to call someone stupid even if they are STUPID.

Since ill be spending a lot of time in thailand I wont be needing bkk tonite amusement anymore............................hahaha!

So whatevre!

Quote: from snoops on 3:18 am on April 19, 2012

...."i didnt say I dont need this forum-its very entertaining when silliness like this show up"

Quote number one says:

"Since ill be spending a lot of time in thailand I wont be needing bkk tonite"

Quote number two says:

"i didnt say I dont need this forum.."

You make the call.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:40 pm on April 18, 2012
dirty guru
Snoops is actually gold....I vote he stays and we acknowledge his rights to say his take.

He has no idea of our background and/ or experiences collectively..

We are aging......I say tolerate Snoops.....and watch over time some sort of learning curve.

"Hating ignorance is a mistake.." people......are those that not attack ignorance but "educate it....."

Snoops whispers to us in his posts what the majority of "bar guys think."

They tend to harden and "mistakenly " think "those...outside their consciousness are fools" the audacity he had to address Magnum for instance.

He doesn't get it.

The author of this thread sounds very capable to me...intelligent and balanced.

Magnum may well be a man that Snoops "in decades " may in some ""wheel of destiny that spins and turns "....vaguely remember and relate to and feel empathy after all..maybe respect?

How I read this guys is the persona of Snoops ""only has a very limited exposure to Thailand knowledge " and has no idea of the people he addresses

He actually may think his bar mates supersede our times

We should forgive that.

As a Christ would say

"" they know not what they do"

Let's also acknowledge he makes for traffic here albeit an annoying reason to reply.

And lastly is a testament to personal growth for us.

Many many moons ok.....maybe in 1993...I recall my mindset as not too dissimilar......

""Life gives us lessons in order to learn"

And learn you shall our catholic boy

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 am on April 19, 2012

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