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MainTech – Buying a Laptop Comp. for G/F All Topics

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Hugh Jardon
Can any Bro. Computer Geek over there assist?
I'm thinking of buying a laptop for my TGF. At the moment she uses internet cafes or her work comp. I thought that if I got her a laptop, then she could use it to keep in touch (and the webcam that I've sent her) and then when she comes over here to stay, she can bring it with her and I can use it for my business to supplement my desktop PC.
I was thinking of spending about 40000 Bt and have searched on the computer to see what's available in Bangkok. Her brother will look for me too and I think that he's trustworthy. Ideally, I'd like an Intel Centrino, 1.5/1.6ghz, or a Pentium M, same ghz, which I understand can often run as well as the Centrino, but might have other differences in spec that would not qualify it as a Centrino. Also on wish list would be CD-RW/ DVD, at least 40gb HD, 256MB RAM. Screen size not that important. What would be a typical cost of an ISP over there per month? Is it easy to be online with wireless connection there?
Is it Ok to buy from Pantip Plaza, or are they a load of cowboys who will try and sell it labelled as Centrino or Pentium M, but with other processor inside? Bangkok Computers might be better?
Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:16 am on Feb. 13, 2005
Panthip is fine. There are so many vendors that it is very competitive. Scams are not very common (if someone offers the same laptop for half the price and you fall for it... well good luck).

I would recommend Acer as a brand here that has good back up (also Fujitsu but more expensive).

ISPs are no longer expensive - broadband ADSL with unlimited usuage can be had for as little as Bt600 a month..

Bt40k is about right - should get you what you want.... easily.

(BTW there are some genuine bargains at Panthip. There is quite a lot of stuff - like hard disks - that have fallen off the back of a lorry (read slipped out of the back door of the factory) which is half the price of the west.)

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:32 am on Feb. 13, 2005
Send me the cash and I will get it sorted for you.

Seriously, there are some real bargains to be had in Pantip. I live quite close. Don't get a brand new one, you (she) can pick up a good used laptop for half the price...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:47 am on Feb. 13, 2005

well outside of my aTec advice

I would still say, buy a brand name, if you don't want to get the cowboy special

a dialup ISP like JI-Net is only 170b for two weeks unlimited access time

thanks for showing us your unlimited posting potential TC


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:56 am on Feb. 13, 2005

The word is spelt (Advice) used in that context.

If you do that again I will have to report you to the good Doctor...

TC = Today Corrections...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:04 am on Feb. 13, 2005
Nick Lloyd
I apologise for bringing up something which may cause a little offence. Here goes anyway:
What if the unthinkable happens? Lap top goes missing - or she claims it does. She 'lends' it to her brother...either way, one lost lap top, or cash used to purchase it.
I assume from your confidence in her that your relationship is strong. Still, it's an awful amount of temptation, don't yoiu think?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:06 am on Feb. 13, 2005
Mr Alan
Don't justify the laptop based on whatever use it would have once it is brought back to the UK. It will have no warranty, and possibly software versions will not right (Thai version of Windows, etc).

Also, she would legally be required to pay import duties on the laptop when she comes to the UK. Customs will screen non-residents a lot more closely than they check returning UK citizens.

I don't know about the UK, but laptops are not cheaper in Thailand than in the US.

If she has internet access at work or an internet café, that sounds more than sufficient to me. And as others have pointed out, you are tempting her with something that could cause a problem with your relationship.

If you want to get a laptop for your TG, then justify it on the assumption that she needs it in Thailand and you will never see or use the laptop yourself.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:24 am on Feb. 13, 2005
Hugh Jardon
Thanks for all the help and advice, Bros. Thanks in particular to Abrak for that link. I'll post it on to her to show her brother.

LY, I forgot that I mentioned this under "shopping". Well spotted.

Nick Lloyd. No offence taken at all. Yes,we do have a very strong relationship. This is the girl that I will marry in June. I met her on a dating site almost 8 months ago and was in Phuket with her for 12 days, 5 days after the Tsunami. She works at an Estate Agency and is university educated. I've met all of her family and her younger brother is Chief of Automation for a Government Pharmaceutical Company. I understand that your concerns are largely based on the fact that this is a pussy forum, mostly involved with the morals, (or lack of same) appertaining to BGs. If I couldn't trust her on a matter like this, then I certainly wouldn't marry her.

Regarding the ISP, this is what her brother said in his email about it.
For air card, the price is about 9,500 to 12,000 Baht (use for connecting to the GPRS and take the internet with out telephone line). In this service we need to pay for monthly charge about 1,500 to 2,000 per month according to the quality of signal or reliability of service provider.
Presumably, he's talking about an internal card for the computer to receive wireless transmissions, although I assume that some of these comps will have that built in already. I'll send him Abrak's estimate for ISP ADSL connection and see what he says, as his estimate is double, or perhaps that's a cost for wireless connection. Presumably it is possible to have a broadband connection put in to most residential parts of Bangkok. Any idea of cost of installation?

Mr. Alan. Would she have to pay import duty to bring it over here? She'll be on a visitor's visa staying for 3 weeks. Surely a businessman taking a laptop to Thailand doesn't have to pay import duties over there, so why would she have to pay it to bring one over here, provided that she maintains that it is to keep in touch with her company and friends back home?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:04 pm on Feb. 13, 2005
The 'air card' he is talking about is a wireless internet connection that goes beyond just the standard 'connect wirelessly to YOUR ISP' - it is, in fact, a card that allows connection ANYWHERE you are, via the same technology mobile phones use, GPRS.

The alternative is, based on the phone she uses: If her phone supports 'BlueTooth', you can just pick up a Bluetooth dongle for it, and use the phone as a wireless modem. I guess the idea here is to allow her to be connected wherever she is, and not just at home.

If connectivity at home is important, than don't forget to include a base station for wireless connectivity, if the laptop is planned to have Centrino connectivity.

The aircard, from what it sounds like, is NOT the same thing as the Centrino wireless connectivity.

Dr. von Quack!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:58 pm on Feb. 13, 2005
Mr Alan

Quote: from Hugh Jardon on 11:58 am on Feb. 13, 2005
Mr. Alan. Would she have to pay import duty to bring it over here? She'll be on a visitor's visa staying for 3 weeks. Surely a businessman taking a laptop to Thailand doesn't have to pay import duties over there, so why would she have to pay it to bring one over here, provided that she maintains that it is to keep in touch with her company and friends back home?

I am not very knowledgeable about UK customs laws, since I live in the US. In the US, if a non-US resident brings items to the US that they intend to leave here (give it as a gift or sell it, etc) they have to pay customs duties if the value is over $100. If they are going to take it back with them when they leave, then no customs duties are owed. It might be hard for customs to know whether they will in fact take it back (I can't really say about UK), but I am just telling you what the law is, not whether it will be enforced.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:02 pm on Feb. 13, 2005

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