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If one wants to buy a second hand laptop or two....for "thai associates" does this make sense in regards to getting a decent performing unit?? Looking for a decent machine that can play games and play videos, etc. Opinions please. Thanks

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:19 am on Sep. 19, 2006
Well, if you really want to play games and videos (you mean DVDs right?) then probably not.

Most of the 2nd hand, low end machines at Pantip have limited horsepower, no warranty and many have crap batteries in case you want to take it somewhere

I was there today and saw some new, low end toshibas for 20k and up from there....pretty damn cheap. Personally I would never buy one of these because I am just to hard on my gear and it would most certianly break but for limited use, it should be fine.

High end machines (2nd hand) that are suitable for gaming, video etc do not give you are significant price difference once you think about things like warranty and so on.

At the end of the day, you need to decide on what your budget is and then work the machine around your budget. If you can score a new machine within that range, I would do that over buying a used one.

my 2 cents worth...

PS...see post in other tech forum I just posted which has some links to current pricing here in BKK for some machines...

PPS... and if this post was of any use to you at all, you can feel free to include one more laptop in that buy for me

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:31 am on Sep. 19, 2006
Mel Gibson
I purchased a Toshiba Laptop specifically because of its robust build..... but perhaps you are talking thai copy Toshibas?

I'm a keyboard basher,,, never learnt "touch" typing and generally unsimpathetic to my machines,, my Toshiba laps it up ( pun intended).
I would however most certainly stay away from Acer laptops,,,, but their desk tops are OK.

AHHH 20K Toshiba,, now I get where your coming from,,, I paid 40K for a second hand here in Aus,, it was top of the range 12 months ago.

Could they be Acer with Toshiba stickers?


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:50 am on Sep. 19, 2006

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 10:08 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
I purchased a Toshiba Laptop specifically because of its robust build..... but perhaps you are talking thai copy Toshibas?

MG you are right some of the Toshibas are really good and these are genuine Toshibas. But clearly it is a low end model. For the right kind of user, it is a perfectly acceptable machine. You can get ones in the us for as low as 300 (USD) if you catch the promos!

Every company has various models generally ranging from really great ------ to really shitty!

In stating the obvious, lower priced machines = lower quality parts = more likely to break.

Since it is not a question of if your machine bites the dust but when, this becomes part of the purchase plan.

I know someone that buys only low end machines because he sees them as disposable. He will spend 450-550 US tops as long as it has a 1 year warranty. After the one year, if it breaks he buys a new one. From his point, why spend 1000-1500 or more on a machine when he could buy one now, one next year and one the year after that for the same price while getting better specs each time.

To each their own....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:02 am on Sep. 19, 2006
If the 'Thai associates' are serious about gaming then the latest and greatest specs are de riguer [sp?] and the newest high-end model is called for. The second hand market here seems to consist of very dated machines. At least that's the way it appears in Panthip and the Fortune IT.

You might send them to browse around the Thai Second Hand site.

Now, if they'd settle for a nice second-hand Apple Powerbook you might give me a ring- I've got a first generation 17" and a one year old 15" that are both cherry.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:41 am on Sep. 19, 2006
Mel Gibson
visitingbkk, good point about throw away laptops,, similiar to what the Japanese do with cars/washing machines/refridgerators etc. Ahh the sellers dreams the ecologies nightmare.
I purchased my original desk top Acer some 10 years ago,,,it was a Pentium celeron 433, 256 ram 17 inch montor.I upgraded in 2001 to a Pentium 1.2G.
After that in 2003 got a new "box" Pentium4 2.8 333fsb,512 ram, 256 video card.
etc,, but kept original keyboard / mouse and monitor.
Overall a great deal.

Skip,,, I think my old ( 1 year ) laptop can cut it with some of the new ones,, 2.0 meg mobile pent,,, 1024 meg 533 ram,, dedicated 512 533Mhz Video, dual layer DVD/CD burner etc etc.
But its the build quality I like,, almost bullet prrof.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 am on Sep. 19, 2006
I've been looking at laptops lately as my great but old asus nears the end of its competitive life.
Right now there are some good bargains to be had with the now outdated pentium chip computers. Core duo and soon core quadro are making the P4s look slow and hence companies are off loading them. Promotions in the Atriums of malls like panthip or fortune can be productive.

Games and videos? Get one with a good (not shared) graphics card. 256 needed for good gaming with the latest games.

Wish I was in the states for a day where the prices are cheaper and some brands like Alienware are aimed at gamers. Only for a day though!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:32 pm on Sep. 20, 2006

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 11:58 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
similiar to what the Japanese do with cars/washing machines/refridgerators etc. Ahh the sellers dreams the ecologies nightmare.

I agree and the whole idea of disposable tech is a real problem. I tend to run mine into the ground for years and donate it when I get a new one.

Some years ago I started a programme to work with organizations to deal with companies to get their older equipment and use it in hardware training/repair classes as bench items. Once the computers were repaired, they were donated out to community groups, shelters and schools for basic PC and application skills.

While old, still perfectly usable for most things and even if a PC can cost <300 US, that is more than many people have to spend. Many of the traininig groups would then give the computers to the students that passed the class for them to take home.

It works well and I am considering trying something like this here. If anyone has ideas, comment, suggestions or knows of groups doing this, please PM me


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:09 pm on Sep. 20, 2006

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