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Quote: from bkkz on 12:26 pm on Sep. 1, 2011
Okay! It's September now, Daffy, do you have any news on the iOS5 release?

iOS beta 7 was just released yesterday - haven't had enough experience yet to judge.

Most iOS releases go through 3 beta cycles, so this is lengthy. I expect one more beta (in 2 weeks' time) before a GM release, at most, placing iOS 5 towards the end of September.

Since most iOS releases are based on the equivalent Mac OS release (i.e. iOS 4 had Snow Leopard underpinnings), I assume iOS5's extended beta period had a lot to do with it being based on Lion 10.7, and with the fact hat Mac OS Lion has turned out, so far, to be a piece of crap, in its initial release.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 am on Sep. 1, 2011
Oh yeah, and that "sticking" Steve Jobs photo that spark felt like parading around as much as he could... photoshopped fake.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:42 pm on Sep. 1, 2011
key word being "seems"

sadly it isnt fake, its real

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:00 pm on Sep. 1, 2011
even your site you quoted doesnt show any proof or share links
it just says rebuffed by other sites?
which ones?
because every major news channel had it
tmz still has it online
for sure if it was fake then jobs would have had cease and desist legals on it by now

and if you check the credits, tmz never took the photo anyway

its real, just face it mate, your bf is sick, dying, and thats what cancer patients look like

perhaps jobs will donate his billions of wealth to cancer research when he dies?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:05 pm on Sep. 1, 2011
Damn, snpark, you're just a genuine piece of trash, aren't you?

Other sites having done a fine job debunking that picture:

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:26 pm on Sep. 1, 2011
other sites
lol. yeh they look pretty decent sites to me

cant you quote someone a bit more credible?

cnn? fox? bbc? sky news? or even apple?

not just a couple of tech nerd blogs who love jobs

just face the facts mate, your idol is sick and dying, he has cancer, thats what he looks like

end of story

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:28 pm on Sep. 1, 2011
omg thats so funny, not only is the first link just the pic from the 2nd one

but the link is for some forum, where actually everyone says its bs and NOT photoshopped hahahaha

did you actually read it??

come on, show us all these other sites where there is proof its photoshopped

tmz is a credible source, run and owned by a lawyer, you think if it was fake he would have taken it down by now ? or been sued?

how come all the major news sources also ran the same photo and story (which isnt a tmz photo anyway) ??
none of them have retracted!

and all you have in defense is some guys blog where even on there everyone accepts its real

just man up (or duck up!)
hes on his way out, its sad, but hey, thats life

i never met anyone so stubborn protecting his bf like you duck, you crack me up!!! hahahaha

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:35 pm on Sep. 1, 2011
Here's a video of Steve 3 months ago.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:23 pm on Sep. 2, 2011

Quote: from snpark on 11:35 am on Sep. 2, 2011

tmz is a credible source
Wow, you just yourself all credibility - either that, or you have no clue what TMZ is.... either way, you're toast.

Quote: from snpark on 11:35 am on Sep. 2, 2011
how come all the major news sources also ran the same photo and story (which isnt a tmz photo anyway) ??
How come you weren't able to provide the same sources? fox? can? msnbc? Hmmm?

You've been running around barking off about Jobs is dying at least half a dozen times so far... Yeah, you know, at this rate, you might actually end up being right.... some day.

Never seen anyone as desperate to make an ass of himself so consistently, like you.

So, what is it? You're just bitter about people that are better than you (not that being so requires much effort)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:01 am on Sep. 3, 2011
yes I know what tmz and it is a credible source, its not just some dodgy showbiz site, its run by a lawyer for a start, and its often quoted by major networks

and why do I need to provide links? im not the one saying the pic is photoshopped!!

what about the guy next to jobs? was he pasted in as well?

"You've been running around barking off about Jobs is dying at least half a dozen times so far... Yeah, you know, at this rate, you might actually end up being right.... some day. "

huh??!?! really? me??

so if he isnt dying, then wtf is wrong with him? just a sore throat and on a diet??

im not jealous of him or pi55ed off or anything, what a pathetic thing to say! iphones etc are fine, I just dont use them as I prefer others, doesnt make me any different or worse than you (sadly)

so why dont you provide proof or credible links that this photo is photoshopped
or tells us what is wrong with steve jobs??

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:21 am on Sep. 3, 2011

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