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well I always believe, until someone provides me with evidence to prove otherwise

gravity is a myth
the earth sucks

so I will believe that photo of steve jobs is real unless you tell me why it isnt?

is that fair?

and fyi, tmz is actually owned by aol time warner

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:35 pm on Sep. 6, 2011

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:53 pm on Sep. 6, 2011

aha, the traditional duck response when he gives up, and knows he is wrong!!

deflect deflect deflect

oh well, better luck next time ducky

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:37 pm on Sep. 6, 2011

Quote: from snpark on 5:35 am on Sep. 7, 2011

so I will believe that photo of steve jobs is real unless you tell me why it isnt?
Sure, knock yourself out - because I actually don't give a rat's ass what you believe.

I posted the image analysis earlier. You chose to deny it.

Maybe you should turn your attention to 9/11, next. Prufie desperately needs a friend.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:11 pm on Sep. 6, 2011
Go to the originator of that photo, "Pacific Coast News"

and do a search for "Steve Jobs".

No results found.

If they did, in fact, provide (or take) this photo, why is it nowhere to be seen on their web site?

It would certainly make for breaking news on their blog (look at that one word near the top which says "Bikini Babes").

'Nuff said?

Yeah, I'm sure you'll claim that Pacific Coast News is a legitimate site, as well, right? Not a tabloid at all. Bwahahahaha!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:25 pm on Sep. 7, 2011

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 9:11 am on Sep. 7, 2011
I posted the image analysis earlier. You chose to deny it.

oh you mean the msclipboard red arrows and boxes?
thats what you call "analysis" ?!?!

sorry, I thought you meant expert opinion, not just someone debating about the glare and shadow


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:48 pm on Sep. 7, 2011

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:25 am on Sep. 8, 2011
Go to the originator of that photo, "Pacific Coast News"

and do a search for "Steve Jobs".

No results found.

If they did, in fact, provide (or take) this photo, why is it nowhere to be seen on their web site?

It would certainly make for breaking news on their blog (look at that one word near the top which says "Bikini Babes").

'Nuff said?

Yeah, I'm sure you'll claim that Pacific Coast News is a legitimate site, as well, right? Not a tabloid at all. Bwahahahaha!

bloody hell, for someone who pretends to be smart, you are pretty thick

pcn sold the photo and the rights - therefore why would they have it on THEIR website?! it doesnt belong to them anymore!!
do you understand that? they are not allowed to publish it, the rights belong to tmz / aol time warner
anyone who uses that photo has to pay for the rights

surely you understand how publishing works?

and no, I didnt claim that pacific coast news was a legitimate site, it probably is just paparazzi, but they took the photo, sold it and the rights to tmz / aol time warner after it was verified to be legitimate

hence now you cannot see it on pcn site, only tmz and anywhere else where it has been paid for

and im STILL waiting for YOUR legitimate site/s where you can show evidence or proof that it was photoshopped

and I dont mean someone drawing a red line on it and saying oooohh look at the shadow

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:53 pm on Sep. 7, 2011

The photoshopping can be seen in the image above, where the neck doesn't really line up. In addition, does anyone seriously believe that Steve Jobs, would be seen outside a building wearing that sort of get-up

this is the best that your site can come up with?
the neck "doesnt really line up"
and "would steve jobs be seen wearing that sort of get up"

well, what do you want him to wear? a tux? he is obviously wearing casual comfortable clothing on his way for treatment, and probably didnt expect the worlds media waiting for him

as a public figure / ex ceo of the worlds most profitable company (as u like to remind us) its reasonable to expect investors to worry about their ceo and his reluctance to go public with his health

if warren buffet or richard branson or potus started looking like that, i'd be worried too

anyway ducky, when you can find any other site or dodgy forum that can debunk the tmz photo, please let us know, so far all we have is one man with red boxes saying steve jobs wouldnt wear that to his health centre

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:59 pm on Sep. 7, 2011

Quote: from snpark on 4:53 am on Sep. 8, 2011

hence now you cannot see it on pcn site, only tmz and anywhere else where it has been paid for
...and yet, you fail to provide any links to any of the dozens and media outlets that you claim published that picture....

We're done here!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:19 am on Sep. 8, 2011
ladies first ducky

you show me one that says why how etc its photoshopped
in the meantime the original is still up on tmz, owned by aol timewarner
im sure if it was fake they would have taken it down by now?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:08 am on Sep. 8, 2011

Quote: from snpark on 5:08 pm on Sep. 8, 2011

im sure if it was fake they would have taken it down by now?
I'm sure if it wasn't a fake, all the other news outlets that you lied about would have reprinted it - yet, it's nowhere to be found.

Why is that?

Because, to quote Joe Wilson : "You lie"

It's telling how you desperately avoid providing links and proof for the outlets you claim all published it at the same time - yet, none did. Not even FOX.

... and MSN reported on the doctoring of the picture:

Hey, MSN is owned by Microsoft... and they have lots of lawyers on staff, you know.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:17 am on Sep. 8, 2011

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