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Why's the Siri voice assistant such a cool concept? For those of us with memories, because it harkens back to Apple's original vision, dated 1987, of the Knowledge Navigator... and Siri might just evolve into exactly that, once it moves to the iPad, and evolves 3-4 more generations.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:43 am on Oct. 5, 2011
Doesn't look like Apple will have any trouble with iPhone 4s sales:

Phones4u: iPhone 4S signups double those of iPhone 4

Phones4u shows rabid UK demand for iPhone 4S

British phone store Phones4u partly debunked beliefs the iPhone 4S might not sell well after touting very high early interest on its sign-up page. The major reseller has so far doubled the number of customers taking an interest versus the iPhone 4's interest last year. iPhone 4S interest was already past its predecessor in five hours, the chain said.

The majority of those signing up to date have been 18 to 30 years old, it said. The demographics bucked trends groups like Nielsen have seen in the US, where Android is more common among younger buyers and iPhones skew older.

Sign-ups don't equate to paying customers and won't completely reflect actual demand. They nonetheless contradict early conservatism from the most technically savvy users and analysts, many of whom have thought Apple made a mistake by not changing the design in a more visible way. Apple has had an unusually sustained interest in the earlier iPhone 4 and isn't thought to have encountered the usual slump from waiting customers, even as it has a delayed upgrade cycle.

About 74 percent of Phone4u customers asked before the reveal had presumed it would be a full iPhone 5, but the tally didn't appear to have affected actual plans.

Early speculation has pointed to Apple possibly enjoying the combinations of pent-up demand and a launch near the holidays to spike demand. [via Pocket-lint]

Sent from my iPad

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:44 pm on Oct. 5, 2011
bit disappointed, like many people I was expecting iPhone 5 instead we got iPhone 4S that looks like iPhone 4 with better innards. It's an incremental update aimed at switchers and 3G / 3GS owners. Us iPhone 4 users have no incentive to upgrade. I remember Apple pulled a similar one going from 3G to 3GS which was a collection of inside changes (the processor got a boost, speedier HSPA, better camera etc..). I guess Apple is following the American carrier contract cycle (2 years), so the 4 users will be targeted next year with a proper new model with new form factor the iPhone 5.
Shame that Siri is only available on 4S but I'll definitely upgrade to iOS 5 next week.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:25 am on Oct. 6, 2011
Yeah! Can't wait for iOS5!

iOS 5 and iCloud To Arrive on iPad on October 12

Apple will be releasing iOS 5 and iCloud service for iPad and other products on October 12. Mark your calendars for the big event as iOS 5 rolls out with 200 new features.

Apple’s annual iPhone event on October 4 revealed more details of iOS 5 and iCloud, along with the unveiling of iPhone 4S – an iPhone 4 with bumped up processor (A5) and camera optimizations. The event also marked the rise of iPad applications on App Store to 1,40,000, a jump of 40,000 from June this year. No other tablet OS can boast the same or even come close to this figure. App Store’s collection of apps has now gone up to 500,000.

Apple’s iOS 5 update will be available for free through iTunes 10.5. iTunes Match, another product from the Cupertino company will launch towards the end of the month in US, with an international roll out available later. Apple is making this update free to build a customer base for its iCloud and iMessage service.

iCloud offers customers 5GB (for a maximum of 10 devices with 5GB per device) of back-up storage for free to save music, docs, videos, photos, books, apps, etc. A matching non-iTunes music service will cost you $25 per year. iCloud will push your content to all the devices via the cloud, including iTunes music. Any new purchases, contacts and appointments will be pushed to the cloud automatically to be accessed across devices. An additional 10GB will cost $20 per year, 20GB will cost $40 per year, and 50GB will cost $100.

iMessage is a free chatting service for iOS users to communicate over WiFi or 3G. User can set delivery receipts, read receipts, and type notifications.

Other great additions in iOS 5 include tabbed browsing in Safari, access of camera from locked home screen and clicking with volume button, access multi-page stories in a single browser screen, swipe down notifications that encompass missed calls; email notifications; Facebook and other app updates; sports scores; and more, enhanced multitasking, Find My Friends app to keep track of friends’ locations who have enabled it, Cards for you to design and Apple to print; emboss; and mail, syncing wirelessly with a computer for updates and backups, and loads more.

We can’t wait.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:33 pm on Oct. 6, 2011
iOS 5 and iCloud are a kick-ass combination!

Ive been beta testing both for the past few months, and the current GM (Golden Master) release of both are rock solid, and really work exactly as promised.

Looks like Apple won't have to worry much about the pundits that are "disappointed" in getting *only* the iPhone 4s.

Pragmatically, this is exactly the same as Apple has done for every single iteration of the iPhone, right from the start.

New design, followed by one fine-tuned iteration.

- iPhone first gen, 2 versions (minor differences)
- iPhone 3G, followed by 3Gs
- iPhone 4, followed by iPhone 4s

You can bet that the iPhone 5 (released next October), will be followed by an iPhone 5s.

Don't expect too much from iPad 3 either.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:45 am on Oct. 7, 2011
With AT&T and Sprint having announced record-breaking pre-sales, I am sure that the "disappointing" iPhone 4s is off to another good start to become the world's best selling smartPhone, along with helping iOS to maintain its lead as the top worldwide mobile OS.

No doubt disappointing - to those expecting it to flop.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:04 pm on Oct. 9, 2011
Now, how odd - an OS that is actively being used by consumers shows a higher "in use" percentage than one that mostly sits on stores' shelves, unsold.

comScore: iOS still trumps Android in real, total user base

comScore shows iOS still in front for actual use

Despite common perception, iOS still has the absolute lead in its total installed base in the US, comScore found Monday. Helped by Apple's wide majority in the tablet space, the iPad, iPhone, and oPod touch combined made up 43.1 percent of American use this past August. Android, almost exclusively led by smartphones, was at 34.1 percent.

Loyal BlackBerry users kept it the third largest platform at 15.4 percent, but all other mobile platforms combined topped out at 7.8 percent. Most of these are likely to be Windows Mobile and Windows Phone users given its legacy.

Apple's hardware also had a disproportionately high lead in web traffic, suggesting that some Android and BlackBerry users stayed offline. iOS represented 58.5 percent of mobile web traffic both at home and at work that month, while Android was just 31.9 percent and the BlackBerry exactly five percent.

Mobile traffic was still small relative as a whole, at 6.8 of American Internet use, but it was growing through a mix of more frequent Wi-Fi hotspots and tablets.

iPads virtually control actual use among tablets, comScore found: 97.2 percent of tablet Internet use came from Apple's devices. Of those, the gender bias was leveling out at 54.7 percent male. The largest group was still early adopters, as 30 percent were between 25 to 34 and almost half, 45.9 percent, in homes making more than $100,000 a year.

News and social networking were some of the most common tasks at almost 60 percent of owner regularly using both. Just under half had bought something from the tablet and implied they were comfortable with spending money on the new platform.

Android has recently led in active sales, most of all in phones, and might close the gap with iOS as a whole over time. The gap between recent and total users still points to Google's troubles capturing anything but the phone market as well as the legacy built up by Apple shipping a year and a half earlier.

By Electronista Staff

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:37 pm on Oct. 10, 2011
Good news for iPhone 4 users, as your device will experience an upgrade not just in version number of iOS, but also in speed:

comScore: iOS still trumps Android in real, total user base

comScore shows iOS still in front for actual use

Despite common perception, iOS still has the absolute lead in its total installed base in the US, comScore found Monday. Helped by Apple's wide majority in the tablet space, the iPad, iPhone, and oPod touch combined made up 43.1 percent of American use this past August. Android, almost exclusively led by smartphones, was at 34.1 percent.

Loyal BlackBerry users kept it the third largest platform at 15.4 percent, but all other mobile platforms combined topped out at 7.8 percent. Most of these are likely to be Windows Mobile and Windows Phone users given its legacy.

Apple's hardware also had a disproportionately high lead in web traffic, suggesting that some Android and BlackBerry users stayed offline. iOS represented 58.5 percent of mobile web traffic both at home and at work that month, while Android was just 31.9 percent and the BlackBerry exactly five percent.

Mobile traffic was still small relative as a whole, at 6.8 of American Internet use, but it was growing through a mix of more frequent Wi-Fi hotspots and tablets.

iPads virtually control actual use among tablets, comScore found: 97.2 percent of tablet Internet use came from Apple's devices. Of those, the gender bias was leveling out at 54.7 percent male. The largest group was still early adopters, as 30 percent were between 25 to 34 and almost half, 45.9 percent, in homes making more than $100,000 a year.

News and social networking were some of the most common tasks at almost 60 percent of owner regularly using both. Just under half had bought something from the tablet and implied they were comfortable with spending money on the new platform.

Android has recently led in active sales, most of all in phones, and might close the gap with iOS as a whole over time. The gap between recent and total users still points to Google's troubles capturing anything but the phone market as well as the legacy built up by Apple shipping a year and a half earlier.

By Electronista Staff

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:39 pm on Oct. 10, 2011
One million iPhone 4s pre-orders in the first 24 hours:

Damn, how will Apple recover from this debacle?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:38 am on Oct. 11, 2011
this guy was seen queuing up overnight outside a SF Apple store, despite being sent two iPhone 4S in the post. How quaint

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:44 pm on Oct. 14, 2011

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