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Although professional incompetence is rampant all over the world, I have found it to be especially striking in here in SE Asia. People who are supposed to be in the know simply have no idea what they are talking about.

Some recent examples:

GNC: I walk in a nutrition store and ask if they sell ZMA (a very common supplement for athletes). The guy (who looks like a stick) has no idea what I am talking about. Then I ask him which Whey brand he recommends based on my current diet a workout schedule. Again I draw a blank. This guy works a nutrition store, but doesn’t have the faintest clue about nutrition.

Taxi drivers: don’t get me started on these f***wits. Besides the fact that they only speak their own dodgy dialect and are extremely rude at any time of the day, they have no idea where anything is. Especially in Manila this is absolutely dreadful. Most of them wouldn’t find the way to their own ass if it was pointed out with 50.000 volt laser beams. If you ask if they are sure they know the way, they will confirm repeatedly and then just tour around with you. (I made a habit of getting out then without paying and leaving the door open)

Pharmacy: I go to a pharmacy to buy medicine against a cold. I ask for anti-biotics and coughing syrup. The woman hands me liquid vitamins for children and pills against a sore throat.

Gym: Aside from the common bodybuilders/personal trainers, the “fitness assistants” at the gym have no idea how most of the equipment works, let alone that they know something about nutrition, diet or supplements. Even the personal trainers perform most of the exercises incorrectly and - even more stupefying - explain the exercise incorrectly at their clients.

I guess the root lies in the fact that they are all tremendously underpaid and hence have no professional motivation whatsoever. What a sad life it must be to wake up every day to go to a job you don’t like, with no ambition or drive towards your future.

Any thoughts?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:57 am on June 20, 2005
Any thoughts..

Well seeing as you asked so nicely, yes.

What do you really expect from the lower class bottom feeders?

Another HyperLube post telling us how stupid the Thai people are and he is so much above the masses.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:08 am on June 20, 2005

Quote: from Ravan on 4:20 pm on June 20, 2005
Another HyperLube post telling us how stupid the Thai people are and he is so much above the masses.

I was talking in general: as in that there are a lot of occurrences of professional incompetence. Nowhere did I imply that ALL Asian people are incompetent. It is generally know that Asian are much smarter then whites. All this is generally speaking again of course.

Ach, I don’t know why I spend time in replying to your gibberish, Alifco or whatever handle you are using now. I should know better by now.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:14 am on June 20, 2005
Maybe you should know better, maybe it is a sign that you are not as smart or smarter than everyone like you seem to think.

Maybe it is a sign that the dumb ass asians and particulalry the Thais that you like to belittle so much, are in fact much smarter than you.

Maybe you should not think so hard ha ha

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:18 am on June 20, 2005
Mr Alan
hypershade, the people you mentioned make less than $0.75 (US) per hour (that is about 0.62 Euros per hour). To say they are underpaid is an understatement. Plus it is hard to find people who know much about bodybuilding or vitamins, since most Thais have much healthier diets and lifestyles than Westerners and don't see much need in those things.

In the USA, to get someone to recommend an anti-biotic, they must see a doctor or a nurse practitioner (in states that allow them), and it will cost $75.00 minimum for that (the actual anti-biotic is extra). In a Thailand drug store, the anti-biotic recommendation is free, assuming that they understand your English concerning your problem description (always best to do your own research on the internet).

I don't know about where you live, but in NYC, it is a miracle if you find a taxi driver who speaks English.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:30 am on June 20, 2005

Quote: from Mr Alan on 4:42 pm on June 20, 2005
Plus it is hard to find people who know much about bodybuilding or vitamins, since most Thais have much healthier diets and lifestyles than Westerners and don't see much need in those things.
I don’t see how these are related. For me it’s the same as somebody who works in a bookstore who doesn’t know what a dictionary is. Even if you don’t get paid a lot, its what you have to do all day *anyway*, so why not learn a bit about it?
The way I see this, is that its not these people fault, but the fault of the person who hires them. Which is even worse. I am by no means trying to be elitist, I am just pinpointing some of my daily nuisances.

You are saying that its OK not no know the difference between coughing syrup and liquid vitamins if you work in a pharmacy?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:37 am on June 20, 2005
Mr Alan
I suspect the problem in the pharmacy was with a language mix-up. THis is often caused by the "save face" principle in Asia. They don't like to admit that they did not understand your English and had no idea what you were talking about.

Concerning the other point, I agree somewhat, but I don't find it much different in the West. That is why I ignore sales clerks whenever possible, and often buy via the internet. Sometimes sales clerks in the West will claim they know what they are talking about, but they seldom do know.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:43 am on June 20, 2005

Quote: from Mr Alan on 4:55 pm on June 20, 2005
I suspect the problem in the pharmacy was with a language mix-up. THis is often caused by the "save face" principle in Asia. They don't like to admit that they did not understand your English and had no idea what you were talking about.
I agree with the save-face madness, but this has occurred to me in Thailand and the PI on numerous occasions. Language mix-up is almost out of the question as everybody in the PI speaks English and I can help myself in Thai and Tagalog.

I need to stress that the aforementioned examples are by no means isolated incidences.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:46 am on June 20, 2005
Broken Leg
Interesting points Hypo, and my thoughts would be on two of the issues you raised.

Quote: from hypershade on 4:09 pm on June 20, 2005

Pharmacy: I go to a pharmacy to buy medicine against a cold. I ask for anti-biotics and coughing syrup. The woman hands me liquid vitamins for children and pills against a sore throat.

I would suggest here that this is not incompetence but perhaps actually the epitome of competence. She gives you pills so as to avoid face loss or embarrasment on either side. However she is aware that when you ask for antibiotics for a cold you are a crazy farang who has no idea about medicine because as she and everyone else who is not farang baa knows antibiotics will do nothing against a cold. In fact it is this sort of misuse and abuse of antibiotics worldwide that is leading to a surge in drug resistant strains of bacteria which will ultimately have very serious reprecussions for world health.

I guess the root lies in the fact that they are all tremendously underpaid and hence have no professional motivation whatsoever. What a sad life it must be to wake up every day to go to a job you don’t like, with no ambition or drive towards your future.

Any thoughts?

Yes I would agree that the route lies in lack of funds / education, I would suggest that that is obvious. However whether that is a sad life is a different matter as I am sure you are aware Asians tend to spend far more of their lifes smiling, laughing and generally being in happy moods than you ever find in the west especially when they have "nothing". Perhaps it is really a sad life to have a "total and abject disdain" for virtually everyone you meet.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:06 am on June 20, 2005

it is this sort of misuse and abuse of antibiotics worldwide that is leading to a surge in drug resistant strains of bacteria which will ultimately have very serious reprecussions for world health.

Why, thank you for that riveting update, but in the PI,anti-biotics (i.c.amoxycelin) is available everywhere and ALL doctors prescribe it ALL the time. In the provinces, it is the ONLY thing they prescribe, whether you just had an operation or if you were bitten by a giant spider. Both based on personal experience.

Perhaps it is really a sad life to have a "total and abject disdain" for virtually everyone you meet.
You clearly have never met me. And it is usually AFTER I meet people that those feelings start to breathe, based exactly on the interaction with most people. Anyway, this is not the matter at hand. On top of that, your are quoting Daffy and not me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 am on June 20, 2005

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