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I'd be surprised if there's much demand for COBOL since there isn't as much IT history to support it. Most places looking for a thai national, preferably with Java skills, less financial burden and paperwork to hassle with. I was able to find a job, but I have a lot of experience.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:48 am on Dec. 22, 2005

Quote: from Shorty on 6:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2005
kinda the answers I expected;) what about the bar thing then, nobody thought of that before I think. Yea, it`s a joke.
Anyway there`s gotta be something to do. Think Shorty, think!

Merry christmas anyway and i`ll continue searching for my 500THB an hour bedtesting job.Ahh.. back to dreaming

But seriously Shorty, you need to be realistic. By your own admission, you have no qualifications so what can you bring to a thai employer that they can't get for under 10,000 baht a month from a Thai national?

Contrary to cheapcharlie's post, it is possible to pick up a teaching job here without any formal qualifications, but it will be in a crap school on crap salary and in a crap location. That, of course, is your choice.

As for a bar? Well, putting aside the fact that what Thailand needs right now is another bar, the only options you have are buying an existing one or starting a new one. If you buy one, the better ones delivering profit either won't be for sale or will cost a fortune; if you start one.. well that's another ball game altogether.

Some people eke out a living in the islands selling timeshare, but it sounds a crap life to me.

The farangs you see who live here are usually either:

1) expats working with overseas companies
2) businessmen running serious businesses
3) people who can work online, from anywhere
4) living on pensions or investments.

you won't find many farang working as brickies or sparkies, I'm afraid.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:52 am on Dec. 22, 2005

Quote: from bkkz on 2:58 pm on Dec. 22, 2005
If you are an experienced C++ programmer, I could get you a job.

Holy shit! Are you serious, BK? I've been a C programmer for 19 years, C++ for 7. Argh, the timing sucks though. Any details?

Btw, I think most COBOL opportunities died after the Y2K conversions.

Az Jim

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:55 am on Dec. 22, 2005
Ronnie Raygun
Perhaps Shorty can be the doorman at Check Inn 99.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:24 am on Dec. 22, 2005

Quote: from scobie on 7:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2005

Quote: from Shorty on 6:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2005
kinda the answers I expected;) what about the bar thing then, nobody thought of that before I think. Yea, it`s a joke.
Anyway there`s gotta be something to do. Think Shorty, think!

Merry christmas anyway and i`ll continue searching for my 500THB an hour bedtesting job.Ahh.. back to dreaming

But seriously Shorty, you need to be realistic. By your own admission, you have no qualifications so what can you bring to a thai employer that they can't get for under 10,000 baht a month from a Thai national?

Contrary to cheapcharlie's post, it is possible to pick up a teaching job here without any formal qualifications, but it will be in a crap school on crap salary and in a crap location. That, of course, is your choice.

As for a bar? Well, putting aside the fact that what Thailand needs right now is another bar, the only options you have are buying an existing one or starting a new one. If you buy one, the better ones delivering profit either won't be for sale or will cost a fortune; if you start one.. well that's another ball game altogether.

Some people eke out a living in the islands selling timeshare, but it sounds a crap life to me.

The farangs you see who live here are usually either:

1) expats working with overseas companies
2) businessmen running serious businesses
3) people who can work online, from anywhere
4) living on pensions or investments.

you won't find many farang working as brickies or sparkies, I'm afraid.

Thx for the answer and yes, I kinda knew that but maby, just maby there`s was something out there I didn`t know about. Doorman @ Check Inn 99 huh;)
I don`t know how to open doors either so...

I guess internet and that kind of work is my thing so i`ll keep working on that.Eventually it would be nice get it right then move the BKKpermanently. As you say, you can work worldwide.

Just miss that place soo much and in the desperation of not being there got control over my brain just for a sec. I guess if there was an easy solution or way, there would probably be so many farangs in BKK I could just stay @ home: ( 40 years till my pension kickin in so no worries. *wating* there yet? huh

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:41 am on Dec. 22, 2005
Shorty - I discovered Asia (there are places just as good as Thailand) 20 years ago when my papa worked in Jakarta, I'm now 36 and it seems to have fu*ked my life for sure - I cannot see anything attractive in farang women any more and the political correctness and all the other shit in uk p*sses me off more and more every day. I don't play the bars anymore (it does get boring to most) I have a girl and we go travelling when I can get out there. I done a TEFL but in the end unless you want to be a Teacher with no prospect of pension and no prospect if you wanted to return to the UK (its expensive to return once you been out too long, I know I got a mate squatting with his Kymer wife upstairs). Of course if your of that mindset then good luck to you - me I miss asia everyday but in the end I don't want to be one of those saddo's down pattaya way without a pot to p*iss in chucking myself of buildings....I'm miserable as f*** in uk though ! Cue...the shrink !

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:04 am on Dec. 22, 2005

Quote: from scobie on 7:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2005
But seriously Shorty, you need to be realistic. By your own admission, you have no qualifications so what can you bring to a thai employer that they can't get for under 10,000 baht a month from a Thai national?

Well, he could offer to do much less, for under 5,000 baht? There's always the inherent gain of face for having a farang working for the employer - you know, big status symbol, there

Quote: from scobie on 7:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2005
Some people eke out a living in the islands selling timeshare, but it sounds a crap life to me.

Yeah, but aren't they just one notch above pond scum, in that case? Then again, they are proof that even losers can find a job in the Kingdom - no education, no skills - now all shorty would need is bad attitude.

Here's an idea, shorty - how about spending the next year or two building up a skillset, or getting and completing an education? New concept?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:21 am on Dec. 22, 2005

Quote: from Shorty on 6:30 pm on Dec. 22, 2005
kinda the answers I expected;) what about the bar thing then

There you go:

If you have roughly $4,000 lying around, and know how to manage a bar, and turn it around to make tons of $$$ in a challenging environment, then you have found your calling -- still, if I may make a suggestion - don't!

Quote: from West on 6:35 pm on Dec. 22, 2005
Know of any other IT jobs BK? I know an excellent COBOL programmer who's looking to quit his current place of employment.....

WTF? There's still people eking out an existing with COBOL? What next, BASIC?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:33 am on Dec. 22, 2005
ich, back to school. Well, to be honest I don`t know what i`d do in the big world of education and school system. I`ll sertainly not gonna give up the thought though.

I got a few websites going and more on the way trying to get som adverticements going soon but it`s kinda slow since I don`t really focus on the one but more like 10: ( Peer2peer and forums mostly but working on a serious one.

I`ll haveto check up all my options before I go do something stupid.AGAIN;) Meanwhile i`ll go back a couple of times for fun maby, yea not maby but definatly!

I was there for two months last time and I think I paid a girl like 3 times the entire time. Got lucky I guess cause sertainly not skills. I suck when it comes to women! I can actually choke up and just freeze when talking to one.I`m like a 15 year old just realizing he has access to the titty for the first time;) I found that the late night parties is the place to get "good" ones for free. Or the leftovers others may call it;)

I met this guy down there, nice fella, working as a architect making a good living.Man I wish I had that kind of degree in my backsack, but no.

Where is that place you papa took you again all4one?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:39 am on Dec. 22, 2005
Jakarta - Indonesian Capital, gave me a good grounding watching all his mates get divorced married to Indo's then divorced again : ( sad but true. How old are you shorty ? are you in uk ? I have mates in bangkok doing the English Teaching thing in Bkk but I wouldnt want to live there lifes, I enjoy weekends I spend there now but anymore..Nah..
However there are plenty of places I would live out there given half the chance - I guess there are professional shaggers on this board who would disagree.
Sounds like your looking for an easy way out Shorty ? listen to the guys on here as most have been there seen it done it...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:03 am on Dec. 22, 2005

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