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It's impossible to not notice them. The farang who have been here a long time and who start to 'let things go' a bit. Maybe they become less concerned with getting a regular haircut. Then the commitment to shaving regularly is relaxed. Then the same teeshirt gets put on two or three days in a row. Then their smart jeans are replaced by cheap soiled shorts, not just once on a hot day, but every day.

And then you start to see some strange stuff. The 40-50 something dressing like a teenager, convinced that he looks good. Balding, straggly long hair but proudly wearin that pair of Gangsta Rap pants his TGF persuaded him to buy. The ludicrous attempt to display wealth by wearing a pimp gold chain and a fake Rolex to complement the dirty cheap clothes. I mean, who are they trying to kid?

I'm not saying all farang are like that. Far from it. None of the BTFers I've met fall into this category. But they do exist - I'm sure we've all seen them.

So what causes it? Is it the more relaxed lifestyle? A devil-may-care attitude caused by the mai pen rai culture? Or is is something else?

I have a sneaky suspicion that these guys believe the bullshit they're fed by the girls here. 'You hansum man'. They hear this all the time. They know it's bullshit, but do some start to believe it subconsciously. Do they really believe they are handsome just because they are farang and that they don't have to make an effort anymore?

I think another factor comes into play also. In farangland, our partners are quick to pounce on any signs of us letting things go. A subtle nag here; a sharp look there, and before you know it we're back on track.

Do you every worry you might go down the same road?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:56 am on Mar. 30, 2005
I know exactly what you mean mate.
I know this fella in Pratong, he is a sad sad alchy,
but jesus ! he has the personal hygiene of an unwashed jungle bunny! I can't understand why either as the shower is next to the loo and all he has to do is drunkenly fall off the loo, turn on the water and wriggle around to get clean...

He wears hole'y nylon shirts (you know those 70's style stripey ones) greasy hair and sits around telling everyone else what they are doing wrong!
I must say he did show me how to make fantastic G & T's, but still he is a minger.

I like to introduce him to newbys so they know the limits... and what to possib;y look forward to..

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:16 am on Mar. 30, 2005

Interesting topic Scobie.

I think it worries us all a little bit at the back of our minds.

Let's look at a few things that start to happen naturally after you live here a few years.

1. You begin to believe the TGs 'pak waan'. You know all that stuff about you being 'hansum man' and looking at least 10 years younger than your real age. (Good test for 'pak waan'. Go into a bar and offer 10 girls Bt1000 to correctly guess your real age - you might find that they are better at guessing than you think.)

This of course leads to dressing like you are 20 years younger and of course acting like you are 20 years younger. Afterall you are 'only as old as the woman you feel'.

2. No mates from the real world to tell you that you are acting like a complete pratt. Of course in Thai Disneyland you are generally associating with either low class, uneducated TGs or farangs in a similar situation than yourself. Not difficult after a while to start behaving like them. You dont have any good mates from the real world telling you that you are acting like a jerk - anyways you wouldnt believe them because - wtf - are they doing in the real world anyways.

3. You start believing that the Thai price of things is somehow real. At this stage you probably think that an US$8 - 30 minute ride from the airport to Sukhumvit is a rip off (when there is a Bt10 bus ride). You probably know the price of beers in all the different bars.

(Reminds me of a 40 year old guy drives up on a moped and goes up to a gf of mine and says 'you only like him 'cos he got a fancy car...'..and she... replies... 'well at least he's got a f***ing car.')

4. You believe that it is perfectly 'normal' to be dating a 'hooker' cos she is a 'person' too. Lets face it... nowhere but nowhere is it considered normal to be dating a hooker. Everywhere but everywhere you are considered a low life.

If you consider it is cool or funny when you say 'I get to bang my BG for free, when everyone else has to pay' you are in big trouble.

5. Actually you never knew how to dress properly anyways. Not as sad as it sounds. You see when you come from say the UK where they dont have a summer, you really dont have a clue how to dress in the tropics. 40 years of in built in domestic culture means nothing when it comes to deciding whether speedos are de rigeur or socks and sandals were designed to go together. Turning to your BG girlfriend wearing tank top, jean skirt and platforms is hardly likely to be enlightening.

As for none of this applying to BTF members... I dont know. I mean somehow - if you are the sort of guy that needs to shag as many BGs as possible at Bt500 a go, in order to boost your ego, my guess is that you are half way there.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 am on Mar. 30, 2005
Good points by Abrak especially no 5.
It is true these guys would be scruffy no matter where they lived it's just that the weather in BKK enables them to wear fewer layers.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:02 am on Mar. 30, 2005
Good observation, I just think that older farangs in thailand tend to (obviously) date with rather much younger girls/women, therefor they try to stay young and of course, dress like young chaps. Its the matter of taste, really. But then.. if you dress too well, u can't do so much of a bargain.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:04 am on Mar. 30, 2005
This of course leads to dressing like you are 20 years younger and of course acting like you are 20 years younger. Afterall you are 'only as old as the woman you feel'.

There is no question that my 'wardrobe' has been getting younger in the last few years. It may have something to do with the fact that I lost a few kgs and could wear lycra T-shirts again. Fortunately, I have put some of those pounds back on again and the "comfort' fit is now my style..but it was fun while it lasted. There is no question that living in Asia keeps you young & I do not plan to leave any time soon.
I was 40 a couple of weeks ago by the way!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:13 am on Mar. 30, 2005
I can't help but feel that Thailand actracts a disproportionate number of bell ends, who have no social/dress sense skills.

That they stand out more here (because there are fewer farang) doesn't help, and the heat makes anyone carrying extra pounds or from non tropics sweat like a pig, adding to the visibility factor.

Ironically, they seem to be more common in the slummy tourist areas, but not necessarily in the bar areas.

Dress is up to the individual, but I really find the odours of some of these people pretty bad; have considered telling our security to offer our staff shower facilities for free to some of them, but worried that we would not be able to get rid of the smell.

One particular bell end in Poi Pet; waiting in the queue on a really busy day; Thai line backed right up alongside the western line.

Friggin' bell end ate his tom yum goong too fast, so throws up all over himself and the floor. Lovely, smelly, not so good. He then refuses to leave the line, because he is worried about losing 10 minutes, and having to wait again if he goes outside to wash.

People around him offered to hold his place and look after his stuff, but of course, he doens't trust them.

Police offer to look after his stuff, and let him use their shower, but he doesn't trust....their water!!!

Finally, he was convinced to jump the queue and the police gave him a change of clothes for free; no doubt he kept all his 10 year old unwashed clothes, because he cannot afford new stuff, riiiiiight.

Hold up, he jumped the queue.... maybe he wasn't such a bell end after all.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:50 am on Mar. 30, 2005

"It may have something to do with the fact that I lost a few kgs and could wear lycra T-shirts again."

I bet you went down a treat in Boyztown (no pun intended)

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:53 am on Mar. 30, 2005

Frighteningly accurate Abrak !

With reference to point 5) I wondered why I got funny looks wearing my 'Motown suit' or my linen one ? Probably thought I had just got out of Dr Who's Tardis ?

another accurate point from 'Scout' i.e wear good clothes and the price goes up ?
How does a 'Classy TS' view the way farang dress ?
What is important ?

I remember a particularly sharp girl I used to chat to in 'Cathouse'. She said to me,"Don't live here! All the farang I know who live here go 'ting-tong' eventually !
Come here for a holiday, stay 3-6 months. But don't live here!"

Wise words ?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:06 am on Mar. 30, 2005

Quote: from Hermanolobo on 8:00 pm on Mar. 30, 2005

I remember a particularly sharp girl I used to chat to in 'Cathouse'. She said to me,"Don't live here! All the farang I know who live here go 'ting-tong' eventually !
Come here for a holiday, stay 3-6 months. But don't live here!"

Wise words ?

Well I wouldnt call them that 'wise'. I mean I wouldnt put anyone off coming to live here. I just think you have to make a special effort to remain sane and fairly normal. I find reading BTF, and realising what could happen to you, helps keep me fairly sane!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 am on Mar. 30, 2005

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