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There is another caviat to this that is that we always crave for things that we don't have and want

Of course. And then we get them and things change. I don't see how you can have any idea how 'faithful' you're going to feel towards dreamgirl after one year, let alone 5 or 10.

Personally, I think men are naturally promiscuous, and monogamy cuts right against the natural grain of male sexuality. The Thais are unusual in their near-open recognition of this, which is why the whole the P4P scene is so entrenched in the culture.

But why the stark choice? Why does there have to be this yawning chasm between complete indifference on the one hand and lifelong commitment & fidelity on the other? It has nothing to do with reality. In practice, you can remain committed to your wife but have sex with other women, and even love them to some extent too. Completely irrelevant, imho, whether they're involved in P4P - no-one's just a piece of meat unless you're a meathead.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:23 am on Sep. 21, 2003
Mr Arcadius.....quote "In practice, you can remain committed to your wife but have sex with other women, and even love them to some extent too."

What you say is perfectly logical to me, and given the right wife, perfectly possible. I could live by the words you have written, no problem.

But what if the wife has the same idea and wants the same freedom?

My freedom works for me, but her freedom doesn't work for me, and I think most men feel the same way.

I'd like to say, OK its cool honey, but I could not.

Why?  Probably because being a cold heartless bastard when it comes to sex, I figure that's easy, but maybe the wife is going to fall in love with some dude, and that would be hard to take.

I do not think a man is ever faithful.  Even eyeballing some chick and wondering what she would be like to bang, is same as f_cking them according to some women.

Being horny all you life is almost a pain in the ass.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:31 am on Sep. 21, 2003
The Machine
I think you would be surprised but i believe that the majority of women also play up on their husbands and boyfriends at some time or another.
Women are very good at playing the monogamy card and how important it is......but they  are also generally speaking much better liars than men and so are harder to pick than we are...
On what to i base my opinion?
Well I have had sex with many married women and women with boyfriends and likewise girlfriends of mine have done the dirty on me.
Women IMHO are no more monogamous than men and guys if you think about it how many women have you slept with that were already  in relationships?
I bet the answer is plenty.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:27 am on Sep. 21, 2003
Mr. The Machine......quote "Women IMHO are no more monogamous than men and guys if you think about it how many women have you slept with that were already  in relationships? I bet the answer is plenty."

Well hell, I don't ask 'em, but thanks for the compliment.  Unless they tell me, I avoid all discussion about the current relationship, if there is one. Unless of course that's the purpose of the cheating in the first place.

But to tell you the truth, I do not think women cheat as much as you think they do.  Many women are not really cheating if the relationship or marriage is almost over.  What they do is give themselves reason to end it by freeing up their emotional responsibility.

Then the go back to the dude they are leaving and let him know the bad (sometimes good) news.

I hate bad news myself.  That's my point.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:41 am on Sep. 21, 2003
The Machine
"But to tell you the truth, I do not think women cheat as much as you think they do.  Many women are not really cheating if the relationship or marriage is almost over.  What they do is give themselves reason to end it by freeing up their emotional responsibility"

Yes, that is exactly the sort of logic that a female will use.
Or the classic , it just sort of happened .
Thus you are absolved of all responsibility!
Anyway I do not ask women about their relationships but these things inevitably come up when you have some sort of thing with a women.
My favourite was an ex girlfriend who said she had men for different things.
She had one for going out with.
One to confide  in and
One to f_ck
She said that it was to hard to find all those qualities in one man so she had three for different purposes!    

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:53 am on Sep. 21, 2003
WOW. you slept with 40 girls aready?? only once or several times??

yes I am married. do you want to sleep with my wife??


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 am on Sep. 21, 2003
dirty guru
i will throw in steak knifes...............seriously i drove a water taxi in a rural area, that is on the furthest region of sydneys island and bays serviced by this taxi that took the 2000 odd residents home out a snap shot of a typical community, i very quickly learnt that woman over 35 are big cheaters, but very cautious, while men get caught and very stupid!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:34 pm on Sep. 21, 2003
I'd be interested to know why over the age of 35 seems to be the tripwire to infidelity.
And why women do not get caught, but men do. I never really thought about a success ratio before. Interesting.
I know smaller communities like the one you describe Mr Dirty Guru can be a hotbed of infidelity.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:05 pm on Sep. 21, 2003
"a hotbed of infidelity"

nicely put.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:09 pm on Sep. 21, 2003
dirty guru
because its still centrally close to average urban places, it isnt too much of an isolated instance.....infact, often even those that move away , are same same, after a year.....its just the truth, only christians and other f_cked up people shun from a simple but true observation, the way humans are wired like animals is to have strong instinct to f_ck.........35?.......last quater team?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:15 pm on Sep. 21, 2003

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