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After 35?  Women become really good at it?  Dedicating themselves to others less fortunate?  Practice makes a happy Mrs.?  It's the new aerobics?  

Mr. Dirty Guru...."wired like animals"!  Cool! I feel better about f_cking around already!

"Baby, its not my fault, I'm just 'wired' like some kind of wild animal."  "OK honey NOW I understand!"

I guess I am going to have to develop some kind of suitable animal roar in order to be more convincing!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:29 pm on Sep. 21, 2003

Quote: from Arcadius on 1:23 pm on Sep. 21, 2003
Personally, I think men are naturally promiscuous, and monogamy cuts right against the natural grain of male sexuality. The Thais are unusual in their near-open recognition of this, which is why the whole the P4P scene is so entrenched in the culture.

Actually, if you said that HUMANS (aloong with many other mammals) are naturally promiscuous, you would be far moore correct instead of trying to claim some top-of-the-heap place foir males. Recent research has shown that women can be (and often are) just as promiscuous as males - the difference is that our cultures make it more permissible for males to overtly act that way. Do the math.

Also, it's not just that Thais that recognize this, but many asian countries.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:31 pm on Sep. 21, 2003

Quote: from The Machine on 5:27 pm on Sep. 21, 2003
Women IMHO are no more monogamous than men and guys if you think about it how many women have you slept with that were already  in relationships?
I bet the answer is plenty.

Amen. Yeah, always amusing how some guy will brag about how:
- they are cheating on their wife/GF.
- the girl they are cheating with is married.
But if they catch their girl cheating - ooh, boy, watch out!

Double standards only reflect badly on those applying them, and I couldn't agree more with The Machine.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:34 pm on Sep. 21, 2003
China Sailor
Actually most of the women I have been with have been unattached, I really hate the complicatons of dealing/competing with another lover (guy or girl).

I guess I am drawn to women of the same opinion.  Yes promiscuous, but only with one guy at a time.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:22 am on Sep. 22, 2003

I suppose it all depends on what you mean by 'promiscuous'. All men know just how wildly promiscuous we can be (or would like to be) if given the opportunity. In normal circumstances, we don't get the opportunity, because women just won't give it to us. If they were built the same way as we are, they would. But they aren't and they don't.

In general, I wholly reject the notion that male and female sexuality work the same way. Ideological 'equality' has nothing to do with it.

Sex exists to propagate the species. The model that makes most sense to me (and which applies to a great many species other than humans) is that individuals are imbued with an unconscious instinct to maximise their chances of passing on their own genes.

How do men do that? Very simple. By screwing the largest possible number of females. For women, it's not nearly so straightforward. Women have a very limited number of chances to conceive in one lifetime. Each one is precious, for until very recent times most children died before adulthood. Partnership selection is therefore a lot more important - both to ensure a healthy mate, and to ensure a secure environment for the rearing of offspring. A weak and/or unreliable mate is counter to a woman's biological interests.

At bottom, human beings are animals and sex is an animalistic business. Cultural factors are important, but mainly in terms of regulating what is in fact a clash of biological interests between males and females. Usually they tend to support the female interest.

Of course, you can point to wildly promiscuous women - but not very many, I think. Few women have any desire to behave like that. I would say that most men have a strong desire to behave like that, though most have to suppress it. Of course, you could point to celibate men, too, but they're hardly typical either.

As for 'double standards', I agree. It is wholly unreasonable for men to expect to be allowed to play around but deny women the same right. It is even more unreasonable to screw everything you can find, damn your obliging playmates as sluts and bitches, and then demand that your wife be a virgin who remains ever faithful thereafter. This position is so childish and indefensible, it is almost enough by itself to explain why men draw (and deserve to draw) the short straw in the social regulation of sexuality. Even so, in more open arrangements, I am sure you would find that men would wish to play around considerably MORE than women - and that applies particularly to casual sexual liasons with little or no emotional content.        

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:04 am on Sep. 22, 2003
China Sailor
Gee Arcadius,

And I thonght a person passed on thier jeans by giving them to Goodwill  

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:42 pm on Sep. 22, 2003
Quote from Mr. Arcadius......"Sex exists to propagate the species. "

Well sure...however men, (and women) are the only creatures who make love face to face, generating an emotional bond that goes far beyond procreation.

You biological based analysis forgets the development of our highly complex environmental, social and physical living conditions.

Sex is also used solely as an expression of 'am'.

'I am, therefore I f_ck'.

The complications that evolve from the act of sex are not the result of primative urges, but are the result of calculated social expressions of self.

The search for pleasure is an urge that is as strong as the urge to procreate, especially in our modern socially interactive society.

High School biology lessons doe not explain the growth of the P4P scene around the world, or the liberalization of female sexuality, or the complex nature of sexual relationships.

However..."I think, therefore I f_ck", may begin to.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:06 pm on Sep. 22, 2003

Sheer obfuscation from beginning to end.

The search for pleasure is an urge that is as strong as the urge to procreate, especially in our modern socially interactive society

You are comparing apples and oranges. The search for pleasure is conscious. The urge to procreate is not. Both are as old as the human race. "Our modern socially interactive society" is the sort of meaningless blah politicians use to pad out speeches.

I am not trying to explain the 'liberalisation of female sexuality', the 'growth of the P4P scene around the world' or 'the complex nature of sexual relationships' but the differential tendency of men and woman towards sexual promiscuity.  

I'm not at all sure that 'I think therefore I f_ck' does begin to explain any of these things. In fact, I'd need quite a lot of convincing that it means anything at all.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:40 pm on Sep. 22, 2003
Mr. Arcadius......perish the thought that you should be convinced of anything except your own self-contented version of biology.

Perhaps you base your theories of desperate men rampaging the country side determined to procreate with every female in sight, on you own knee-jerk neanderthal sex drive.

However conscious you feel the drive for pleasure is, there is the sub-conscious need for affection, warmth, and love that also inspires us in a very sub-conscious way.

Allowing for the fact that between lovers, sex is the ultimate expression of the sub-conscious drive for love, your simplistic apple and oranges imagery leaves me wondering if love has ever been part of the sex act for you.

I suspect your determination that, "All men know just how wildly promiscuous we can be (or would like to be) if given the opportunity. In normal circumstances, we don't get the opportunity, because women just won't give it to us",
indicates to me that your approach to women leaves them cold.  

Your claim that, as you state, "women just won't give it to US (read as Mr. Arcadius)", is perhaps more revealing than you intended.

Please do not be confused that what women do not give YOU freely, they also withhold from other men.

If my statement,  "I think, therefore I f_ck", is too confusing for you to ponder, let me coin another phrase better suited to the nature of YOUR sex drive,
Mr Arcadius.....

"I f_ck without thinking."  

Don't worry, evolving from our basic urges takes time.

I am sure your time will come soon.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:02 am on Sep. 23, 2003
The Machine
You made some very good points, maybe some of them a tad insensitive but.....
I cannot wait for an indignant Arcadius to respond!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:24 am on Sep. 23, 2003

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