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Bub,I regret to say you have done such a complete job of cooking your own goose that your only remedy is to stop patronising this bar.

If you try and deny all and sundry lady drinks your welcome mat will be withdrawn,and the bar will not be a pleasant place anymore.

Really you are dammed whether you stop,or continue paying.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:59 pm on Mar. 5, 2010

Quote: from Bub on 10:11 am on Mar. 6, 2010
Any suggestions on how to politely get away with spending less? I'm old, balding and certainly not handsome. But... they know me!
I have tried a few tricks, and here they are:

1) In one bar, I made sure that the girls let me suck their tits before I gave them a drink. At first some were shy, so I got away with spending less, but the last time I was there, all the girls offered their tits for sucking, that was about 20 odd girls. So, I have scrapped that idea.

2) I tell the girls, let's have some fun. Let's toss the coin, if you call it correctly, you get a free drink otherwise nothing, simple as that. That way, you've cut your drink bill in half (roughly).

3) Another one is to give them a pathetic story that you don't have as much money as before and though you are kind, you can only afford to pay for 3 drinks and let the girls choose who gets it.

Hope that helps. And next time, practice random acts of kindness, don't let them take it for granted.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:11 am on Mar. 6, 2010
BK, QQ: Good tips, thanks for sharing.

To try and minimize the asinine lady drink muggings, I avoid gogo's with low customer/employee ratio, and/or sitting in a completely empty section of the bar. Also, if a girl latches on to me after walking in the door, I'll head direct to the loo betting she will not follow me in. Not fool-proof, but these plays work for me more often than not.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:50 am on Mar. 6, 2010
abe snake
I have come up with a pretty effective way. I say no.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:38 am on Mar. 6, 2010
That's the best method.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:51 am on Mar. 6, 2010

Quote: from quack quack on 5:00 pm on Mar. 6, 2010
I really don’t think that I look extraterrestrial, so am often puzzled as to why these girls are always wrong.

Does that mean they call you things like "Marsian" or something ???

As for the topic I go with abe snake here... there's always the beautiful word 'No'... And if you manage to say it in a polite and Thai compatible way it works pretty well in most cases... If it doesn't work you're entitled to some less friendly behaviour... but then the nasty has won already and this can spoil your mood profoundly... never let that happen, goal number one... at this state you got to make it a game more than a fight...

One long gone day in Jungle Jim Bar Soi Cowboy a really old and ugly bag joined me and my local fancy who had lil' MickTheStick unpacked already and took care of him nicely and the disturbing bag asked for a drink in a very pushy and bad mannered way... What really pissed me off was when she said she will leave us alone (!) when I give her a LD... *W*T*F*?!? Damnit this is extortion... and exactly the opposite of what a LD is about, right??? I was really pissed off about it but didn't want to let her win and spoil my mood... So I cooled down and gave her a big diabolic grin and said something like "You can stay and watch me cum if you like... it's free for you baby, but you'll never ever get a drink that way..."

She got the message and left right on the spot...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:51 pm on Mar. 6, 2010
... for those weak-kneed farang for whom dealing straight-forwardly with drink hounds is just toooo hard, you have GOT to defend yourself... you are NOT the most handsome stud in the bar... you are the weakest.

... consider this tactic... way more work than most care for, but it seems to work for a sissy-assed, cry-baby buddy of mine:

... walking into a new bar, not knowing if drink hounds lay in ambush, he brushes aside attempts to seat him and immediately walks all the way around the bar, as if intently looking for someone in the crowd... he needn't make a big show of this, as the drink hounds will all be watching and sniffing for any scent of weakness.

... he pays absolutely no attention to the gurls, or the floor show... after making the round, he declines to be seated, opens his phone and pretends to make a long call to a buddy, as if to say "I'm here, where are you?"... he then purses his lips, takes a long look at his watch, and hangs-up.

... he by now has a sense for whether this is his kind of place... if not, he walks... if yes, he has a seat.

... that seems to set the table, but he remains fresh meat in the drink hound's lair.

... I've counselled him on how to decline... politely... that part is important... politely.

... my technique is to hold out my palm and wave them off, waving slowly back and forth, fingers spread (fingers together is perceived as more forceful)... not like in her face, or up high where everyone in the place can see, causing her to lose face... but, at low elevation, just at bar level... at the same time, I nod my head almost imperceptably 'no' (they read clearly this even slight head nodding for what it is).

... this obviously does NOT work if you are at the front row, which is the drink hound's main hunting ground, and you deserve to be fed upon if you are a weak-kneed pussy incapable of defending yourself and have wandered into this dangerous territory.

... very important part is the big smile... VERY important... I point to my watch and say "waiting for my friend, nong krap... mai pen rai, mai pen rai"... ambiguous enough that it could mean I am waiting for another gurl from here (as in "I am taken"), or it could mean a buddy... enough Thai to separate myself from their favorite prey - innocent tourists.

... the body language is also useful... legs crossed, pointing away from the attacking drink hound... maintain direct eye contact (unintimidated), showing the drink hound that you are capable of lying directly to her face without blinking (she will respect you for that)... never turn your shoulders square to her, or lean toward her, both of which are perceived as inviting.

... merely looking over your shoulder at her and declining would be the most dismissive, but the skilled drink hound knows to attack lilly-livered pussies directly from the front.

... it is a pathetic sight when the drink hounds are savaging some poor pussy's wallet, him trying to convince himself he is actually a pretty popular guy and having such a good time, while they suck the marrow from his very bones and are already surveying the hunting ground seeking their next poor victim.

... give it a try, or your version of it... you've got to defend yourself out there.

... if I sound a bit disdainful of men incapable of understanding that they are being victimized, I am... I don't want to be around people as you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:18 pm on Mar. 6, 2010
Visited this place with a mate and was charged 2000 baht + for 2 beers and 2 lady drinks. Got into a steaming row. WTF??? My mate paid.
Needless to say, I live here, have been here for 17 years and will be here for the rest of my life and....along with other rip-off joints, will slander this place to anyone willing to listen.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 pm on Sep. 6, 2012
How is this possible? I would expect each lady drink to be about 250 B. The bill should have been less than 1,000 B. If this was a Russian club, then yes it would be.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:07 am on Sep. 7, 2012
Isn't Deja-Vu one of the Arab's bars...?

Worst place in SC I've ever been...

Like Magnums old statement on LD hounds... LOS is *the* place to check out your command of the beautiful word "No"... and its LOS version "Thanks, but No thanks..." with a big grin

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:55 am on Sep. 7, 2012

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