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Quote: from LocalYokul on 10:27 am on Sep. 10, 2007

what's so f***in' chivalrous about that ?
No idea where that sudden, out of the blue, attack on chivalry is coming from, but honestly, I don't think you're in any position to make any such arguments right now. Just walk away.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:33 pm on Sep. 9, 2007
LocalYokul Posted on 11:27 am on Sep. 10, 2007

not that I'm going anywhere but,,,

I wouldn't miss all the loudmouth c***s who think they are better than you, while all they are is sex tourists

it's really kind of strange, since they are pretending to be chivalrous but they're dipping into the sex trade industry being the demand in a supply and demand system

so if you are part of the demand, you're part of why the BGs are having to sell themselves

what's so f***in' chivalrous about that ?

I stopped mongering a couple of years ago.
Surprise, surprise, today there are still lots of girls selling themselves.
It didn't make any difference to anybody but me - and I wasn't trying to be chivalrous - thinking that WE can change how this is, now that's a delusion.

LY, I agree with DD on the "out of the blue" bit - besides what do you care what anyone thinks? Enjoy.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:26 am on Sep. 10, 2007
China Sailor

I think you know of the events that have lead to this post and as you were not a direct witness to the events in question alluding to them on another thread does not help.

As there is no direct evidence that his statement was referring to you, it seems to me that you are simply using these events as an opportunity to make ungentlemanly attacks on LY.... or maybe you are feeling that you fit the bill?

In either case take your issues with LY off of the Main Forum and move them to the 'Z' cuz that is what it is there for.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:35 am on Sep. 10, 2007
Clearly I need to get out more....I hereby step out of this conversation since I don't know what is going on, maybe I could hazard a guess.......

I lost a TG I was very fond once, to another guy, yeah she was just a BG and went after the better money option, but it hurt at the time and the support here on this forum (even the "tough love" ) helped me alot.

Nobody kicked me when I was down and nobody taunted me or took enjoyment from my pain....everybody here was better than that.

LY my apology for any offence...once again I didn't know what I was talking about.....Enjoy.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:54 pm on Sep. 10, 2007
haam sup
OK, back to the topic:

I will not miss the clad-in-black, Amazing Thailand-jam-a-clipboard-in-your-face, "Survey mister, I get twenty baht" attack squad that have Sukhumvit Rd. staked out from Nana to Cowboy.

I fear them.

I have to admit that I really don't know why I fear them, as I have never stopped to see what they actually do. Does anyone know?

Is it the kind of thing where you wake up in a tub full of ice, with surgical scars, and a note exhorting you to seek dialysis immediately? Or do they craftily steal your secret money belt while you are filling out the form? What?

I see them double-teaming (or even triple-teaming) anyone who is silly/dumb/brave/kind/compassionate enough to stop and see what they were about.

Now that I think of it, I have never seen one of those unfortunate interviewees a second time. They just seem to disappear, never to be heard from again...

But seriously, what is the survey about? Is it a time-share marketing thing? Do they sell personal info to marketers, or what?

All I know is SOMEBODY must be getting nicked pretty big to support all the dek wairoon out hustling this deal, particularly given the low hit percentage they must achieve.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:21 am on Sep. 11, 2007

Quote: from China Sailor on 7:29 pm on Sep. 10, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blabbety, Blah....

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:10 am on Sep. 11, 2007
Time share.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:11 am on Sep. 11, 2007
China Sailor

Quote: from haam sup on 3:15 pm on Sep. 11, 2007

...But seriously, what is the survey about? Is it a time-share marketing thing? Do they sell personal info to marketers, or what...

You said it yourself. The interviewees go into the room and not come out. Obviously this is a body-snatching scam. A lot of money to be made in used organs and bones ya' know .

Actually they make their money by having you sign up for a twenty-year lease on a vacation rental where you rent part of a resort villa/apartment for a few weeks a year at an outrageous price on the assumption that you will either use it or sub-lease it to someone else.

The first time I was approached by this type of scam was 30 Years ago in Ruidoso, New Mexico. Was not fooled then and I am not fooled now...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:22 am on Sep. 11, 2007

minder, you're right, a single man ceasing to monger is hardly going to change anything

but I still think that those guys who have their white knight jackets on are also delusional

if it weren't for them the young ladies wouldn't have the demand and hence wouldn't be choosing to sell their bodies

so in a sense, those men who think so highly of the prostitutes and call them ladies and would defend them to the death are just protesting too much

cause deep down they feel guilty

and I don't mean to justify treating anyone badly. I have a general animosity towards other humans, not just women or TGs or Thais, it's a GLOBAL thing for me, but unfortunately I'm part of the human race so it's time to buckle down and conform a little

but the white knights that pop out of the woodwork whenever a daft situation occurs and calling the prostitute who screwed over the punter a lady and all the other bullocking associated with it, well... it's guilt on their part

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:34 am on Sep. 11, 2007
must say that LY always is a mix of sense and nonsense.

spot on: hookers are hookers.

not spot on: physical encroachment.

LY, continue digging your own hole or simply acknowledge, apologize and move on or out.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:51 am on Sep. 11, 2007

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