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Are there a shortage of decent bars you can take a non BG to in BKK, probably.

then your knowledge of Bangkok could only kindly be described as limited.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:38 am on Mar. 24, 2006
That is me.....Limited. Just like the number of guys who want every bar in BKK to be a go-go.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:46 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
So Baquawn you want to be chatted to by a crazy bartender, and listen crap shit head banging music....sorry that crap is not music. What is wrong with CCR, Springstein, Billy Idol or Johnny Cash. At least you can sing along and get in the party mood with that MUSIC.

You can use your mouth and say no to the drinks offerred by the dark skinned spunky girls. " What was that mate....oh you had her last night. Tell me was she any good before I barfine her".

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:09 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
With Baquawn on that one... and Yurune... many decent bars to take a GF out in BKK actually...But Glow is cool... drinks, music and bartenders alike (great service - but need more and hotter girls!).

The issue here is guys like Barrafish might be too much of a huge majority of foreign party goers in BKK...

No point to put a country band in Glow... better sell the place if needed...

AP, think that given the choice "jail or country music club?" I'd ask "which jail?"

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:01 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
Well if you think CCR, Commie Springstein, and Johnny Cash (Now that dates you), are good music, there is definately a generation gap here, and Country Road is just the place for you.

I go to Glow so I don't have to listen to that Garbage you like. The only TGs girls under 30 that would be in a place where they play YOUR type of music, are the girls that are paid to be there.

But just because I don't like your style of partying, or your taste in music, I am not going to your beer bar thread and reccomending to shut down Country Road.

One last thing. Glow was originally advertised, and billed as a Chill out bar. Hence the couches. That means a place to go and have a relaxing few drinks prior to going out to other places, or to come in from other busier places. For me it suits that purpose, with the main thing being DRINKING.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:52 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
GLOW is cool alright, dead cool like a mortuary. A real chill out bar is Titanium, now that is a great chill out bar. The thing with Titanium is that people frequent the it....people go there and spend money, the place will survive.

AP what do you want. You are asking for more girls and hotter ones at that. Was'nt I asking the same thing. When the door finally slams shut on Glow, you will be still saying "Should have had more girls..should have had more girls". But you get on here, criticise someone who raises the question for the owners of Glow to jerk themselves into gear and get something happening. I think you may sit on the fence with this one, not knowing which way to jump. Have a bit of backbone and not be a Jellyfish.

And Baquawn, when you turn on the radio or wherever, do they play that f***en shit crap music like Glow does. No..they do not. That music comes and goes in a matter of minutes, has no status. Real music from CCR, The Boss, Spice Girls, Destinys Child, Cash, Stones, ACDC, Inxs, Madonna, will be played till the cows come home, it has a bit of meaning to it.

As I was born in the late 70's, that does not mean I cannot enjoy music generated before my time. I would rather listen to the music from where....Yurune comes from, Namibia in Africa than the crap Glow puts on. Paul Simon went to Namibia, found the music irresistable and formed a great union with the Namibian music company and put Namibian music on the world stage. I have heard from others that Yurune could have been in that music company for his drum playing talent's but turned it down.

In a report tabled in the British Parliament around 2003 by a sub committee looking into the side effects of that crap head banging shit Glow puts on, it found in part :-
'People attending closed venu's listening to the modern techno music, will eventually suffer from hearing disorders. Around 38% of young Britons may require surgery to the middle ear drum by the time they reach 42 yrs of age'.

I might add Baquawn if drinking is your purpose in life, you better get a checkup. AA here comes another one.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:03 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
Arizona Wildcat
I agree with Barrafish and that's why I have never been back to Glow. Techno has to be the crappiest music ever created IMHO. I truly believe it's for people who are on drugs (i.e. X, etc.) or for lazy Gogo girls who can't / don't want to dance for shit (per some comments from Gogo Bar owners as to why they play Techno).

And, no, I'm not only into Gogos but I do go to them a lot (with my gf) because it's not easy to find a bar that plays good music so we just hop in/out until we find one. Fairly convenient. Not to mention that there are usually interesting characters in these places too.

Although I don't agree w/ some of Barra's taste in music, I would go for some good Hip Hop music and a mix of whatever's popular these days (i.e Top 40)....there's a reason it's called "Top 40".....

Anyway, wasn't intending on bashing Glow but again, per my earlier report, I'm voting with feet / wallet. Don't think Glow will be around very long.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:30 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
This argument about music is always a very popular topic. The bottom line is that you will never agree and that most likely so 20 yrs old dude is reading and thinking: "rock and electronic music ? wtf is wrong with these old people ? Can't they listen to HIPHOP... I mean real music".

See that is a matter of generation and perception.

The point with electronic music & especialy House, is that it is a dance music as opposed to rock that lack the roots of funk and that powerful thing called groove (Mix of Beat & Bass line).

I have nothing against Rock and listen to it from time to time but I have the feeling that it is a way for people who can't dance to try to move their body without looking ridiculous.

The point about what on Radio is dull as most radio today play HIPHOP/MTV kinda shit. And barrafish you would be surprise how many radio do play electronic music.

As for the point on brit parliament. Thats so naive. Government want control on their people and the most difficult people to control are the youth. And guess what, they ecpress themselves with music as it provide an easy way to divide people into categories and therefore help recognize your friends. The point is that to dance to night away, every generation has associated music with drugs which explain the concern of the british parliement.

So my guess is (Dont shoot me its just a guess) Barrafish think only gay dance and Rock music is the fondation of everything. Most likely he is lip singing "Born in USA".

Somebody from Nitendo said 15 year ago something like:

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:31 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
Arizona Wildcat,

So Rock Music is drug free ? Come f***ing on. LSD started it all. You could have it mail in from the back cover advertisment of some rock&roll magazine in the 70s.

Again electronic music (That would be techno in your dictionary) was invented to dance.

GoGo bars play crap music anyway in all categories. The fact that you have been brainwashed to make you like hotel california does mean its good music. Its a matter of individual taste.

So you might have limited "individual taste" if you need somebody to tell you whats the top40.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:41 pm on Mar. 24, 2006
Here we have the classic point. Singlolo is so brainwashed with that shit techno music he could not even type a letter in his post........not even 1 letter of the alphabet. And he comes out and attacks us for listening to good rock & roll, middle of the road, top 40 music.

Singlolo, maybe that should be Singlost. Gay music, what gay music. Sorry I am just humming away to BORN IN THE USA, BORN IN THE USA.

Give AP & Baq a little time and they will also be typing posts like Singlost at 12.35pm. I think the British Parliament is doing an admiral job of trying to stop the younger generation from falling into a world of silence.

These young brainwashed sheep go to listen to this shit and nobody speaks, laughs, jokes, sings at the venues. All they do is throw the arms around, look at the floor, look up at the pretty lights, look on the floor, look at the pretty lights.........continuously. Yeah great fun.

Ask them the next day day what they did the previous night. Replies could go along the lines of ' Great music, lots of people, great lights'. Q. "Did you speak to anyone there ?", ANS. " Oh yeah, some dude asked me for money at the door and I said, 'cool man'. Q. "Did you say anything else last night ?", ANS, "Yeah....I said taxi take me home". Real intelligent conversation, could not even look the interviewer in the eyes, the brainwashed idiot could not lift his head up.

How are they going to communicate with normal people when they are in a trance.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:23 pm on Mar. 24, 2006

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