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MainAnything else? – US Navy back in Asia Pacific All Topics

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How about a reality check.

Although China is increasing its military spending it is still much less than that of the USA.However,as China`s GDP continues to grow relative to that of the USA its military expenditure will more closely approximate that of the USA.

In the not too distant future the USA will need to recognise China`s bigger military footprint and cede greater influence in the Pacific to China.

Failure to do so will only increase the risk of overt conflict.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:57 am on June 5, 2012

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 12:12 pm on June 5, 2012
The Chinese "Aircraft Carrier" -- uh huh....
Coming... errr. Copying soon!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:14 am on June 5, 2012
dirty guru
This is a silly Internet futurist look of a wishful version of an Aircraft Carrier that the Chinese might have....well several.

The truth is their only one is an old soviet one with some refits.

The Americans spend more on defence than the next ten nations do combined.

China vs America on the high seas would be like two kids at cracker night.

One is holding a small cracker, and is saying "" don't f*** with me""

The other kid has boxes of TNT and a petrol tanker.....and says "" Jesus loves me and your a c***""

But keep in mind the little kids dad.....owns a fireworks shop down the street.

( the Chinese have lots of nukes)

While the other kids dad has a dynamite factory opposite..

China poses no threat to anyone really....and historically the Philippines island in dispute was there's anyhow..

Much the same way the Americans claim places away from their coastline and the British and French and others....

But they do it and it's evil empire shit.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:51 am on June 5, 2012
dirty guru
Here's what mining does Magnum

Today's economic figures.

Treasurer hails 'exceptional' economic growth
Updated June 06, 2012 12:06:33

Australia's economic growth surged 1.3 per cent in the first quarter of the year, more than double economists' expectations.

Bureau of Statistics figures show gross domestic product came in at 4.3 per cent in the 12 months to the end of March on a seasonally adjusted basis.

Economists had been expecting growth of just 0.6 per cent in the quarter, with an annual growth rate of 3.3 per cent.

Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan hailed the figures as painting an "extraordinary picture of exceptional growth".

"This is a remarkable outcome and reaffirms Australia's position as one of the strongest economies in the world, with the Australian economy growing faster than every single major advanced economy in the March quarter," Mr Swan said.

"In through-the-year terms, this result is the fastest growth in over four years, which have been the most turbulent in the global economy since the Great Depression of the 1930s."

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:20 pm on June 5, 2012
With all of the sailors in town it might well be worth reading this and double bagging!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:13 am on June 9, 2012
This article summarizes Panetta's trip and US plans pretty well:

Last updated:June 2, 2012 2:28 pm

US plans to boost Pacific naval forces

By Demetri Sevastopulo in Singapore and Ben Bland in Jakarta

The US plans to boost its naval presence in the Pacific as part of the Obama administration’s “pivot” towards Asia, a move that will almost certainly antagonise China.

Leon Panetta, US defence secretary, on Saturday said the US would deploy 60 per cent of its naval assets, including warships and submarines, in the Pacific by 2020, up from the current 50 per cent.

Speaking at the Shangri-La Dialogue – an annual meeting of Asian defence officials and experts – Mr Panetta said the shift underscored Washington’s intention to remain what American officials describe as a “resident” Pacific power.

“Make no mistake. In a steady, deliberate, and sustainable way, the United States military is rebalancing and brings enhanced capabilities to this vital region,” said Mr Panetta.

The US defence chief, who will also visit Vietnam and India on his week-long tour of Asia, said the Pentagon would also increase the number of military exercises it conducts in the Pacific, and make more navy port calls, including in the Indian Ocean.

A US defence official said Mr Panetta had also held talks with Voltaire Gazmin, the Philippines defence minister, about a potential arrangement to base US troops in the country. Earlier this year, the US started basing marines in Australia – one of the first concrete pieces of its new Asia strategy.

Asian countries that have been calling on the US to increase its Pacific presence will applaud the shift. But China, which has repeatedly criticised the US for claiming to have a national interest in the region, will not react as positively. Earlier this year, Xi Jinping, the Chinese vice-president, said the US decision to “scale up military deployment and strengthen military alliances is not really what most countries in the [Asia-Pacific] region hope to see”.

Military rivalry between the countries has mounted as Beijing increasingly pursues territorial claims in the contested waters of the South China Sea. Mr Panetta tried to dispel the widely held view in Asia that the US shift is part of a strategic move to counter the rise of China.

“Some view the increased emphasis by the United States on Asia-Pacific as a challenge to China. I reject that view entirely,” said Mr Panetta. “Our effort to renew and intensify our involvement in Asia is fully compatible with the development and growth of China.”

Mr Panetta flies to Vietnam on Sunday for two days of meetings. The US official said he would visit a US ship making a port call at Cam Ranh Bay, a major US naval base during the Vietnam war. The visit to one of Asia’s best natural deep water harbours will be a highly symbolic moment that underlines how the rise of China is pushing Vietnam and the US closer together.

Vietnam has said that it wants to open up the historic bay, which hosted the Russian Pacific fleet during the Cold War, to foreign navies for commercial reasons.

Analysts believe that the move is also designed to encourage the US and other allied powers to transit through the South China Sea more regularly, sending a signal to Beijing that it cannot dominate the resource-rich and hotly contested waters.

Mr Panetta also dismissed suggestions that US fiscal constraints – including the fact that the Pentagon must cut $487bn from its budget over the next decade – would affect its ability to carry out the military tilt towards Asia.

In an interview, John McCain, the US Republican senator, welcomed the Obama administration’s move to bolster US forces in Asia, but he questioned whether the Pentagon would have sufficient resources to implement it. The US navy is reducing the size of its fleet because of budget constraints, although the Pentagon argues that the replacement of older ships by new advanced models will compensate for some of the reduction.

“I worry about our reductions in shipbuilding versus the verbal commitments to increase our naval presence [in Asia],” said Mr McCain. “Nobody buys this line that they have increased capabilities and flexibility. Nothing replaces military presence.”

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2012.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:48 am on June 9, 2012
An interesting little side note, the Marine training excersize recently started in Australia has nothing to do with SEA in its mission.

It is being held in an area in the world that is easily isolated from prying eyes, and matches the terrain, and climate of the Middle East more so than anywhere in SEA.

These 240 are not support personel being trained there. They are classed as expeditionary forces, and are some of the best in the Marines, being trained for a specific purpose.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:28 am on June 10, 2012
dirty guru

Its just a Rotation system, that gradually increases......

We initially only permitted this first number, but over time will let it increase to 2500 marines.

The geographic importance of the base has more to do with Joint training exercises and Presence for America in the region further in the Pacific.

A quick Google of the rain fall in that region will show that the Middle east doesn't share the same humidity.....or rainfall

There is no special mission training going on, and the marines get rotated regularly as its an arsehole of a place.

Less than 20% of the population would agree to base Americans on the East
coast....but consider it advantageous to have them there in the top end.

Under the deal it saves Australian tax payers a lot of military dollars as the US agrees to pick up various tabs in the joint exercises.

It puts the Indonesians on notice and protects our resource rich economy.

Regular American warship visits are welcomed but only because they leave.

So those special advanced number may well be elite, but the actual number is controlled by the pacts agreement......

My view on American involvement in the south east Asian pacific are clear...

China is going to surpass the Americans in coming decades as worlds largest economy......

It will win peacefully the mantle of 21st century powerhouse economically.

The reason our business leaders prefer them.

Meanwhile the Chinese move onto bigger things

I saw this story on the BBC News iPad App and thought you should see it.

** China in new manned space flight **
China is set to carry out its fourth manned space flight, sending astronauts to work on its space station project.
< >

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:56 pm on June 10, 2012
It's nice to see DG aligns himself so firmly with a Communist country. The rest of Australia is sure glad their government does not do that....hahahaha.

I thought Thailand was zenophobic, but DG makes them look like open arm school kids....Oh I forgot don't say school kids, or DG gets excited....lololol.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:10 am on June 11, 2012
dirty guru
Your dead wrong.....

The time to see a war monger nation like America in its correct context has well arrived here.

The fact Obama was in our country and held a state dinner, which many main business leaders opted not to attend was a clear sign that they didn't want to offend the Chinese.

Their vice premier was greeted by the banking leaders and mining company heads falling over themselves to attend.

I made it perfectly clear that 80% of Australians do not want the Americans on the East coast in bases....

But myself included and a similar % do not care if they are in the top end ones.

The governments of the day are finding it harder and harder in especially minority Goverments to appease public opinion on the Americans.

The surprising fact you may find is very few Australians approve of troops in the middle east.

Nor do we view the Chinese with the same eyes the Americans do.

Polls and commentary on Obamas speech about the Chinese was not warmly recieved here.

The communists are doing well at showing the world their capitalist model in controlling their economic growth.

Laugh all you want...but don't delude yourselfs we are not just in the bed with the Chinese koolbreeze....we are f***ing them

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 am on June 11, 2012

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