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Evil Penivel
Photos are forbidden in almost all BKK gogos and other venues where the girls are scantily clad on stage. If for no other reason, the bar owner doesn't want to provide the BiB with undeniable evidence of a crime.

At the coyote bars (and even some gogos in Pattaya), picture taking is not only tolerated but even encouraged. The girls have to agree to have their pictures taken and posted on the Net or they don't get the job, but then at least the coyotes are dancing fully clothed.

In any case, ask once, twice, three times before you whip out and start pointing your camera. If in doubt, no photos.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:04 am on April 15, 2007
I took a few phone-cam pics in a Soi Cowboy gogo bar a few months ago. The girls smiled for the camera, but a head-waitress/manager motioned for me to take no more pics, and I obliged. I posted the pics on another forum (faces blacked out). Another poster on the same forum posted several gogo bar shots.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:03 am on April 15, 2007
david 85260
I have only three things to say about this:

1- I was in a bar in Pattaya sitting at the stage front row; that was having quite a hot dance contest going on and the guy next to me was taking pictures or/ and videos. He was so proud that he kept whispering to his buddy that ‘He got it’ – then after becoming bolder he took more and more shots until a service gal spotted him. Next thing the Thai thugs show up and demand his camera. Then they disappear to view the images before they return and lividly confront the guy before getting physical with him. I don’t know if they kept the camera or not.
2- I was in Shebas one evening and the owner and his wife along with some staff surrounded a guy trying to exit the premises and went through all of his photos on his cell phone before he was allowed to leave.
3- I have first hand knowledge of a girl getting busted on a cell phone video taken by another employee of a competing bar in Nana that was connected to the bar she worked in- both bars have similar names and were owned and operated by different owners at the time.There was a downstairs bar and an upstairs bar with a glass ceiling separating the two bars. Locals know which bar I am speaking about.
The employee working downstairs video taped the girl dancing upstairs and took the video to the police who had a nice time with it. The girl, the mamasan, and the owner were arrested and the girl was booked. The owner had to dig very deep into his pockets to keep the place from getting closed for a month or two.

And I think that is the real concern about this issue; if the MIB see the images it can cause real damage for the bar as well as the other employees who are suddenly out of a job if the place gets shut down.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:31 am on May 7, 2007
Joe Wood
An excellent point to make.

You might get away with the pictures you want, but if you are stopped in the doorway or in the street later on by the MIB then you are going to cause a lot of misery, debt, unemployment and suffering to many, many people, let alone the anguish to all the falang who will curse you for bringing about the closing of their favourite bar just because you wanted to be selfish.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:41 am on May 7, 2007
Loung Steeb
I took a picture of my private parts once, and tried to hide it amoungst the other "tourist" pictures within my camera. I was identified as I walked thru customs and was cornered outright., I claimed innocence based on stupidy, but the authorities failed to recognize my pridictament (you know what I mean). They released me I tried to blend in with the normal arrivals at O'hare (the worse ap in the world). But was followed home by some government types...the f***s....I ditched them and went to Harvey's Roast Beef and they could not tract....the cocksuckers

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:53 am on May 7, 2007
I only had one girl get nasty about me taking her pic. She called the cops, and they hauled her away. Well, they put her in the back of the cop truck, then let her take a taxi home, but they made sure she got in the taxi, and I was nice, and waved bye bye to her. They never talked to me once, or wanted to see the pic.

I've taken quite a few pics in bars, and gogos, with never once a problem. A lot of times the girls have posed for me, dressed, and undressed.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:31 pm on May 7, 2007

Quote: from Loung Steeb on 12:38 am on May 8, 2007
But was followed home by some government types

Sickies working at every level. Why don't they get off on their own time--I'm sure there is some kind of venue for these people in such a big city.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:06 pm on May 7, 2007

Quote: from Loung Steeb on 12:38 am on May 8, 2007

I took a picture of my private parts once, and tried to hide it amoungst the other "tourist" pictures within my camera. I was identified as I walked thru customs and was cornered outright., I claimed innocence based on stupidy, but the authorities failed to recognize my pridictament (you know what I mean). They released me I tried to blend in with the normal arrivals at O'hare (the worse ap in the world). But was followed home by some government types...the f***s....I ditched them and went to Harvey's Roast Beef and they could not tract....the cocksuckers
Dude, time to loosen up the alumnium hat a bit....

Quote: from seajohn on 9:51 am on May 8, 2007

Sickies working at every level. Why don't they get off on their own time--I'm sure there is some kind of venue for these people in such a big city.
Sounds to me more like LS has been hanging out with Sr. Commandante Hermie a bit too long for his own good...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:22 pm on May 7, 2007
jack attack
As an aside, I was receiving a few SMS messages while in several bars on Cowboy. Each time the staff were quick to come up to see what was on my phone and I was happy to show them it was only SMS which they had no problem. After the first few times I watched the staff and saw that they were busy watching any punter who had his phone out.

However, there was quite a foto session at Toxic during a show a while back and I am sure a certain Dark Knight remembers it well.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:03 am on May 9, 2007
david 85260
I happen to know that a certain two- big bar’s were closed down in Cowboy about 18 months ago to two years ago, can’t remember the time frame exactly but that is not important; time becomes a fog after a while in Bangkok.

The bars in question advertised; ‘Closed for Repairs’ what else could they say? But the real reason was they were closed because they got caught ‘showing’.
Now the interesting thing is that they are a big force on Cowboy; and you would not want to cross the owners-period! They have a pay roll and the highest echelon on their payroll told them that if they; ‘Happen to have a ‘Harley’ available that all matters would disappear'. Well lo and behold the owner produced a Harley and guess what? They got closed anyway. And the reason being is that there was a higher power that they - had no ‘connection’ with. Did he return the Harley? No!

Were the bar owner’s furious; Yes! But TIT and that is a day in a bar owners life.

I have seen the examples of cell phone shots posted on the Internet and aside from the cheap thrill of doing something that is forbidden; I really do not see the logic in doing this.

Even if a Go-Go bar said; Go ahead and take your photos- the lighting and general poor quality of cell phone cameras will not produce very good images. But a thrill is a thrill and some folks just want to always push for the maximum excitement that is available … So if that is the goal then shoot away!

But please keep in mind that when doing so without permission you are not only putting yourself in danger; you are playing with the livelihoods of the entire staff and the bar itself. This is not prior 1999 when things were different. A while back the farang volunteer police were posing as tourists and taking pictures inside some bars on Walking Street for evidence that they were showing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:05 am on May 9, 2007

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