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Quote: from Thin White Duke on 8:50 pm on June 25, 2003

i laugh at it all really guys take a break.. you are the costant pains around here- Dirty Guru.


Dirty Guru- This is the kind of feedback that is your due, when your baiting and namecalling begin to spiral. 75%-80-% of your posts lately only self congratulate or damn your brothers in response to others posts.

This is such a typical pitfall for newer (400) posters. Your tendency to go to war, dis senior members only reaps furhter hostility, drawing you away from your initial intention, which is to inform and entertain, and embrace the brotherhood of the sight, (that is your intention, right).

Albeit, sometimes raising hackles is neccessary to raise awareness, but brother, when you paint broadly with your venom on Senior Mbrs, what the f*ck do you expect. Then to whine over the responses is nothing short of immature stupidity.

This is like the third appeal to your sense of logic, here, and like some of the other brothers, I'm tiring quickly myself. I'm asking you nicely to tailor your responses with more wit and less hostility, back off the Senior mbrs who know far more than you, and look forward to the future and design for yourself your legacy of this board. Once you begin to truly impart humor and wisdom, (it's true, you do know the neighborhood!), the brothers will consistantly give strong positive feedback, and less of the vitriolic ramblings of brothers like myself.

Nobody likes a hothead. There are times to fight, and times to shine it on. Your task at this juncture, prior to finding the submit button not working, is to determine, which is which. This wisdom, even in this playground, is hard won, and not succeeded with hostile retorts, and bitching and whining, playing victim, and pissing contests.

Go back to the "happy poster", mode, be funny, inform, tease with love, and if you can't fill a hundred and twenty posts like that per day, f*ck it. It'll come, just now as impulsively as pissing all over the board. JMHO, take it for what it's worth, but this "happy poster" would love to read your response.

DG- You haven't responded to my PM either, and I'd still like to invite you to hang on Z Other Forum as well.

Thin W Dook,

I understand from some of the postings you met Dirty Guru in Pattaya? He must have seemed different from his postings or not ? People in the flesh are rarely the same as from behind a computer screen. Social 'norm' usually means they talk and behave a little better?
Maybe they don't. Sometimes acting crazy is a cover for something else?
May I suggest the bloke needs help not ridicule.

Bother Wolf

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:26 am on Dec. 4, 2003
Thin White Duke
Brother Wolf- Is that really me? Damn, I sound so....... uh, eloquent. Must have been prior to that was after Shady Acres........well anyway, heres the story.

I met Dirty in October in Pattaya. Prior to meeting him, I did two things. I PM'd him and solicited promises he would do nothing to harm himself or me in my presence. He promised and that was good enough.

ThaiAfficianado, my earstwhile traveling companion and international drinking buddy had just left for Bangkok. Librarian Assistant was kicked to the curb. Dirty initially was pretty wild, though redirectable with verbal prompts. After our orgy, which he actually redirected ME back to the action at hand, we went out and that's when he jumped in the ring with the 5 thai kickboxers.

I was somewhat pissed off with the assinine show he was putting on, and told him so in no uncertain terms. I was just about to spit, post haste, when he exited from the ring unscathed, and no blows were thrown. All I could think of was that I'd have to drag his bloody pulp of what would be left of his ass to a hospital, and that was not the way I wanted to spend the night.

Any way, after the tongue lashing I gave him, we went to a couple of go-go's got drunk and that was that. Dirty is a sweet heart, a soft spoken lunk. He has a big heart and is generous. He bathes independently. With refocusing to topic can communicate coherantly for brief periods. I like him. That's not a secret. Why he chooses his style of posting is his secret and he may or may not tell us someday. Until then lets just hope he stays safe.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:58 pm on Dec. 4, 2003
Thanks for the reply.
If it was Dirty Guru talking to himself, kickboxing a post and upsetting that little boy that chap really needs help.
As I have said before I believe his condition will get worse and maybe a trip to the hospital is what he needed. If it wasn't him well perhaps he is just an affable idiot but getting into a ring with Thai boxers who really can look after themselves is daft in the extreme. It probably also seriously pissed the Thais off. I don't think we need that happening with Khun Thaksin around at the moment. I expect the local police chief already has instructions to look out for this type of thing as meat for Thaksin's argument. i.e. We want upmarket tourists not drunken bums.

Brother Wolf

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:14 am on Dec. 5, 2003
Thin White Duke
Herman- That's Mr. Drunken Bum to you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:48 am on Dec. 5, 2003
Join the club !
The 'Economist' has an article about cleaning up Thailand. Thaksin wants to make it another Singapore !
Don't you just love hypocrites ?

Any micro-breweries near you?

I was hoping to get a Sax on the cheap.Bloody skint these days. Or as Cary Grant said in North by Northwest, "I've got two ex-wives and seven bar-tenders to keep!"

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:22 am on Dec. 6, 2003

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