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I have seen a few political topics being discussed on this forum. I have myself participated in a few of these. But after one recent discussion, in which I posted some rather lengthy 2-baht-bits, I have been asking myself whether there is any justification for having political discussions in this forum. I do enjoy political discussions and I have found it interesting to read other members' posts too, but is this the forum ? I am asking this because I have found that after reading posts on such matters and typing my own viewpoints, my mood is totally different from what it was when I logged into this site in the first place.

Of course, I have the option to not read the political topics and not participate either, but when you find some topical subject you do get drawn into it. And then the central theme of this forum -- all about LOS -- suffers. Should this forum end up encouraging discussions on any topic under the sun ? Or, should members and guests and first-time visitors be requested to confine themselves purely to matters that concern LOS ?

Thank you for your inputs
(on the horns of a dilemma)

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:36 am on Feb. 10, 2003
My 2 cents worth as someone who has yet to participate in any political discussion here:

In theory, it's a bit silly to discuss Iraq or whatever on a forum dedicated to a completely different set of issues like P4P in Thailand. It's not as if there's any shortage of sites where political subjects are on topic.

That said, on any forum, you get to know people and make friends (& enemies of course), and sometimes it's interesting and fun to chew the fat with them on the big issues of the day.

Personally, I can't see anything wrong with it unless it gets out of hand and starts soaking up huge quantities of bandwidth. As for the atmospherics - well, aren't women and politics the two big no-nos for discussion in the mess?      

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:21 am on Feb. 10, 2003
Why is there a thread going (presmably about P4P in) Mexico DF (Mexico City).

Because someone wanted to post it.

It IS off topic, as it isn't about Asia much less Thailand.

However, I didn't try (vainly anyway) to censor it, I just don't read such absurdities. So if you don't like "political threasds" because they spoil your mood, imbalance your wa, or clash with your flower print mental wallpaper, DON'T READ THEM.

Personally I am bored to distraction with all the usual "Where can I find a girl at 2 AM?" and "How to Find Bkk from the Airport" threads. However, I DON'T READ THEM as a result.

MORE boring are threads by people seeking to deny others the option of posting threads they don't personally like. In short, stuff it.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:04 am on Feb. 10, 2003
haam sup
" mood is totally different from what it was when I logged into this site in the first place.

Of course, I have the option to not read the political topics and not participate either, but when you find some topical subject you do get drawn into it."

"MORE boring are threads by people seeking to deny others the option of posting threads they don't personally like. In short, stuff it."

I say: "Ban all political discussions, and enforce motorcycle helmet laws!  Save the weak from themselves!"


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:15 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
I think it is kind of anal and non-sensical for a member to think abut instituting a policy that you can only discuss certain topics on a cyberspace board where the subject matter is primarily composed of Thailand nightlife. That policy and thought and action should belong solely to the owner of the board.
The posters here are an international mix of people with different thoughts, ideas and passions. We discuss things that strike our fancy as you would in any relaxed social setting. Think of this forum as a virtual pub set in Thailand.
What do you talk about when you are in a bar? You talk about women, sports, weather, relationships, careeers, art, enterainment, politics and anything that suits your fancy.
We are all adults here(general assumption on my part) so we all know how to engage and disengage on any given topic. Some do it better than others. The upside of this happening in cyberspace is that there is not a physical brawl when things get out of hand. You can easily close the browser when you had enough.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:24 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
K-Man - How's your asbestos underwear holding up?  ;)

Although I disagree with you, you won't need it for this reply.

I look at it a couple of different ways.  1. Some of these things actually can effect what is going on in LOS.  The Cambodia/Thai flair-up as well as the destruction of Soi 10 have obvious connections but then again, what is happening and what may happen in Iraq as well as possible further terrorist activities could have effects on Thailand in many different ways.

2. I learned a hell of a lot from people who I both trust and respect in many different ways.  Sure, I could go to a political discussion board but all the discussions are flat and one dimensional.  I found it very interesting correlating how people posted on the political issues with how they posted on other issues totally unrelated to politics and it added, at least for me, a more 3 dimensional view of what was being posted.

So, I would not say to you DON'T read them, but instead DO read them to learn more about the people you are communicating with on this board as well as people you are very likely to meet at R/Ts or whatever.  Some people may be apolitical about world or even local politics but no one here is apolitical about the ladies of the LOS!  ;)

Haam Sup - Don't even begin to think about commencing to start telling me about wearing a brain bucket to protect something I lost a long time ago!  If I want to go and open up and release a great vacuum that was created over a long period of time, that is my right, or left, or something, what were we talking about?  ;)

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:09 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
haam sup
Yesh, well, let me clear up one thing: no flame was intended - but even my mildest posts can be, uh, well, um  - direct...

I think jjsushi and BAR both made good points (not to exclude anyone else): first, the prerogitive as to what should/should not be discussed is clearly that of BK.  We are his guests.  No harm in bringing the question up, though, especially since this is the section for forum suggestions.

BAR touches on the bigger issue, IMO, with the idea that the political discussions here can be enriching.  I strongly agree, and think that without MrJoe, Sauron and some of the other more knowledgable members this would be no more than an average Thailand sex forum.

However, I know that there are others who would prefer to only hear about who/where/how to get laid, and all the details ensuing.

It seems to me that the option of reading/not reading the political stuff is the best way to prevent someone having to make the choice for us.  Given this board's excellent organization, it should be easy to pick and choose your subjects of the day.

What TRULY puzzles me, though, is the 'train wreck' quality that this all has for some, i.e., the inability to ignore what seems to offend.  Hence my sarcasm toward Kaymanx's original post.

The idea that your own compulsion to read something you don't want to read can spoil your mood/day is baffling!  Don't get me wrong: I applaud KMX for being honest and expressing his feelings, but there must be something akimbo here.

Further, there seems to be a GENERAL tendency for the status quo to be sacred.  Anything remotely perceived as disruptive sends everybody into a nervous state, like a troupe of tree-dwelling monkeys sensing danger.  Amazing!

Now I will be the first to admit that my protracted skirmishes with Pink Boy are certainly boring for everyone else, and probably boorish (given the sources), but they are EASILY ignored.  And nobody dies in the process!

This is, after all, just a bunch of folks filling in the gaps in their lives with social intercourse.  It shouldn't, IMO, replace a real life.

I'm glad for the diversity here.  I may not share interests with everybody, but I can honestly say that everybody here is interesting.  (well, almost...)

haam sup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
Haam sup - I was not thinking of your post when I was talking about flame retardant undergarments.  Actually I like your posts, among many others, as not only containing interesting and thought provoking ideas but a certain amount of humor as well.

That having been said, I would like to amplify your statement that without the types of discussion participated in as well as supported by the people you mention, among a number of others as well, that not only would this be no more than the average Thai P4P forum but that it would also go the route of most of them.

As Sauron pointed out, seeing the same questions asked time and time again gets old real quick!  A given board may be active over a period of time but members have a strong tendancy to come and go with a decided rapidity.  

Except for boards where people end up talking to themselves or where every single post is a one liner containing inside jokes between one another, how many boards can claim the number of > 1000 post members as this one has?

That having been said, "protracted skirmishes" are what I read first!!!  

Now, about that helmet law,,,,,,  ;)

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:38 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
haam sup
"Except for boards where people end up talking to themselves or where every single post is a one liner containing inside jokes between one another, how many boards can claim the number of > 1000 post members as this one has?"

Yeah, well, I like THAT board, too, although it sure takes a long time to even be NOTICED by the 'in crowd'.

Still, this board has broader appeal, and  is really unique, largely due to BK's light-handed approach (Hey! Where's my wallet?? )

He hasn't forced the forum into an exclusivity that restricts all this give-and-take.

It really ain't broken, so...

Now let's see that Snell sticker on yer Wehrmacht brain bucket...

haam sup

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:54 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
HS - Actually the "snell sticker" are two gold medallions (kamon) showing three leaves pointing to the center with each connected to and surrounded by a circle.  My "Wermacht brain bucket", on which either side is located the mentioned Kamon, is actually called a "Kabuto".

That having been said, I rarely wear it, except when my family takes me out on a leash , let alone while riding a crotch rocket, which I have been too nervous and afraid to ride for over 20 years.

But, what is "THAT" board you are referring to?  Is it one that "Ichiro" is on or a different board?

Other than that, I would SLIGHTLY disagree with BK's activities.  I have seen other boards where the admin is "hands off" as well as organizing board meetings and such but still none of them seem to have the success that this one does.  But, as you say, if it ain't broke,,, although I would like to add, if it works, who cares how!?!?  

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:56 am on Feb. 11, 2003

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