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MainHealth Matters – What are some good performance enhancers? All Topics

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One Eyed Jack
Until now, I thought poppers usually involved Tequila.  

I won't ask where you learned about those other poppers......  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:52 pm on Aug. 26, 2003

Quote: from Smegma on 2:34 am on Aug. 27, 2003
But seriously, dipping your dick for 30 minutes everyday in pineapple juice helps a lot.

I prefer my pineapple juice without the flavor of smegma.

(Why do you know about what helps HIS dick?)

Ý ÝThor

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:28 pm on Aug. 26, 2003
For me, diet supplements with lots of zinc, a little chrome and Ýlotsa vitamine b do it, along with some ginseng and omega-3.
I also often eat peanuts (but not in the LOS bars!), as those are supposed to be good.

V can come in handy, but i prefer cialis as the side effects are not so severe (for me, that is).

Also tried Cabaser/Cabergoline in the past, as it reduces recovery time to almost 0, but always gives me very nasty side effects.

Yohimbine, supposed to be the "only" natural aphrodisiac seems to do nothing for me...

Think i'll try Androgel maybe with some of that clomid mentioned elsewhere here, but i've yet to gather some information on these things.

OEJ & posters, do you have an idea to what degree the substances i mentioned as well as those in your post are considered "controlled" in LOS? What about bringing these in?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:10 pm on Aug. 26, 2003

Quote: from Smegma on 2:34 am on Aug. 27, 2003
It depends the performance of what you want to enhance.

Some guys swear by poppers as an effective anal sphincter relaxant ( isobutyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, and amyl nitrite you know ... that stuff) for increased rabid homo performance -but I am not sure this is what you have in mind. Could it be anabolic steroids the thing for you?

Nah just kidding. But seriously, dipping your dick for 30 minutes everyday in pineapple juice helps a lot.

The immediate effect of poppers is a rapid decrease bood pressure producing an immediate rush then usually follwed by a headache due to decreased blood flow to the brain then resurge of blood pressure. Used in conjunction with Vigrara, your sphincter would be very relaxed, since you would probably be dead.

As Smegma indicates, poppers contain various nitrites of which are cautioned against for Vitamim V users

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:29 pm on Aug. 26, 2003
I mentioned before somewhere, but I think DHEA is worth taking over a period of time, just a tablet a day, bottle of 60 costs around 700bt here, think cheaper in the US, have buddies who stock up on a course of Andirol, 2 or 3 a day, for a week or so before they arrive, and whilst they are here, - andirol brought at any pharmacy here for about 150bt a strip of 10, it is just testosterone, so prolonged use would not be advised, but as a build up to a visit to LOS, does seem to assist -

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:27 pm on Aug. 26, 2003
Try Melatonin suppliments.

As you get older melatonin levels drop, you don't sleep as well but also it has an effect of your ability to get and keep erections.

Usually used just as a sleeping aid, it can make a difference in your sex mechanics. Not say immediately like the big V, or Cyalis, but in general.

It is cheap to purchase, safe with little if any side effects, except that you sleep well and become well prepared for action when necessary.

OTC almost anywhere.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:45 pm on Aug. 26, 2003
Wide Spectrum
One eyed Jack
You recommend supplementation with a hefty dose of different pro-hormones (your -dione and -diol products). Let me give you my opinion as a professional endocrinologist and some clinical evidence.

These prohormones partially convert in your body into the male hormone testosterone and the "nor-" products into nandrolone. This leads to a considerable surge in the blood level of these hormones. An increase in Testosterone Ýcan in some men greatly enhance sexual desire and performance but in some men it does the exact opposite and makes them completely impotent. In particular the nor-products can kill all desires for sex and also make it impossible to move your dick even a millimeter. Keep in mind that Nandrolone was actually tested as a treatment to kill or at least reduce the sex drive in convicted pedophiles and sex offenders. Strength athletes and bodybuilders appreciate more test and nandrolone because they lead to an enhanced anabolic nitrogen metabolism which combined with adequate training may lead to an increase in lean muscle mass.
If you belong to the fortunate group of men that don't suffer from impotence after taking these you are lucky. However you have to keep another thing in mind. If you artificially increase your testosterone level with these products for more than half of the day you will actually shut down your own natural testosterone production. In a healthy human there is a very efficient control mechanism for the levels of sex hormones; in more clinical terms you will induce an inhibition of the Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Testicular Axis (HPTA). The result is that your testicles don't receive any more signal which tells them to produce testosterone. This inhibition starts after less than 1 month continuous addition of hormones into your body and after about 6 weeks your natural testosterone production will reach 0. If you continue to use your pro-hormones your testicles will start to shrink because they don't have any testosterone to produce!! This is no joke and there is plenty of clinical evidence for that. Afterwards if you stop using pro-hormones it will take up to two months until your natural test production reaches its normal level (if you are so fortunate and it reaches that level again). During this recovery period your dick will most certainly remain as hard as overcooked spaghetti and you will not feel the desire nor the ability to satisfy any girl.
Another thought: Using the amounts of pro-hormones you indicated will cost you quite a nice sum of money. Since you will anyway most probably experience the side effects of too much testosterone and nandrolone why not use the real thing? Most forms of testosterones, nandrolones and other steroids are freely available in Thailand in nearly every pharmacy and they cost a small fraction of these fancy pro-hormones. Pro-hormones are only sold because they are "legal" and marketed big style but once inside the body and converted into testosterone your muscles or sex appetite will not care where it comes from; the side effects will be the same! If you think you belong to the fortunate ones without negative side effects when taking pro-hormones then why not take the real thing and go to the next pharmacy and buy some cheap Testoviron, Sustanon, Deca-Durabolin, Anabol, Androlic, Oxymetholone, Primobolan or Stanozolol? You will save a real lot of money. This is a Thailand forum, so I reckon you will be here for some time or you live here. If you need an increased testosterone or nandrolone level to achieve your goals in bodybuilding and you are in LOS I would consider it outright stupid to waste money for your -dions and -diols; just go for the real thing and keep growing!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:52 am on Aug. 27, 2003
Can anyone let me know if "Dostinex" or generic "Cabergoline"  touted to be the new sex stimulant, is available in BKK drug stores. Thanks for any info.  

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:13 pm on Aug. 27, 2003
One Eyed Jack

Scary stuff.    Seem to be in the lucky group so far.    I've noticed an increase in desire and the dick gets hard at the slightest breeze.    I've been taking them for about 3-4 weeks now and have limited taking them to a 6 hour window.   Once after the morning workout and once 6 hours later at around 3 pm.  The thought being to allow natural testosterone production the rest of the day and especially at night when I understand it's most active.   The intention was to do 8 weeks and then stop. me scared now though.   6 weeks will be right about the time I land in paradise!   Are you telling me that there is a good chance things might shut down about then?  

Money's not really an issue....but am curious about your recommendations.  Which of the list would you recommend for building and minimum bad side affects?  

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:53 pm on Aug. 27, 2003
Wide Spectrum
One Eyed Jack
Let me see...when you take prohormones you will have a surge of testosterone and nandrolone with a half life time of 2-3 hours....that means that after 6 hours when you take your second portion your hormone levels still might be in a range that leads to a shut-down. Add this up and you will probably have an increased testosterone level for more than 12 hours. However everyone is different and for some people this might be more than enough for a complete shutdown with difficult recovery and for others this might be just around the limit and for some fortunate ones this will be well below the limit required for a shutdown. Only a simple test could tell; stop using your pro-hormones for at least one day and then go to the doctor and have your testosterone level analysed. This will tell you whether you have a shutdown or not.
Anyways, think twice before you want to mess up your metabolism with additional pro-hormones and hormones. If you believe you reached your genetic potential and you still want to grow, then only anabolic hormones including growth hormones, IGF, Insulin and so on will help. Otherwise it's at best just a shortcut but with the price of negative long term side effects. Sometimes a radical change in your training routine will do wonders or a well balanced nutritional cycle inducing a natural hormonal enhancement. If you train according to the volume principle try to switch to the HIT/superslow method. I myself gained about 12 kg of lean mass within less than 1 year after I switched to HIT/superslow training two years ago. I don't take any supplements at all and now at 42yrs old, 195 cm tall, 115kg, 130cm chest, 47cm arms and 11% fat I don't feel any need for artificial shortcuts and enhancements. There is a pretty good formula available telling what you can achieve without additional hormones; if you are interested, I can send it to you...but it doesn't belong here.
I don't believe that any hobby-lifter ever needs pro-hormones or hormones provided his training is good, he gives himself enough recovery time, leads a healthy lifestyle with plenty of girls but with no smoke and booze but with plenty and good Thai food cooked by your Thai sweetheart...
By the way there is evidence that an erection and an orgasm in the early morning before you get up will enhance your test production for a good part of the day - but within a natural limit; sex instead of drugs, that's the solution! Take some time in the morning before you stand up and let your dick stand up first...
If you need some evidence for these findings when you are in Bangkok I happily invite you to the gym one evening.
However if you still might choose to try steroid hormones then please do it right; get as much information or advice as possible and get yourself checked by a doctor regularly. I will be happy to give you some professional hints to do it safely but this doesn't belong into this forum.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:01 pm on Aug. 27, 2003

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