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I have just been diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic and I am sure like everyone who is ever diagnosed I have thousands of questions.

Anyone else on the board also Diabetic?

How does it affect your trips?

I've just had my second check up and the doctor says that as long as I'm careful and watch my food then I should have no problems on "Vacation".

and no more big breakfasts and baby pigs Oh well I dare say I can live with that.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:35 pm on Aug. 26, 2005
Mr Alan
Just do lots of walking, stay away from sugar, and you will be fine.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:47 pm on Aug. 26, 2005
I normally stay in Nanatai mansions at the bottom of soi 4 and regularly walk to/from Nana BTS. It is nice when I am there as I would rather walk around Suk than take taxi unless I'm up to my eyes with GF's shopping.
Have been known to walk down soi 3 along to Asok and back to Suk for something to do in the mornings especially after one of my "BIG" breakfasts.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:32 pm on Aug. 26, 2005
I had that bad news around 3 years ago.

I find it no where near as restricting as I first thought it would be. No Ice cream was a bitch at first but you get used to it.

You will find fresh Asian food with lots of fruit and veggies better than processed western stuff. Watch out for sugar in savory dishes though.

I still manage a few beers and bacon berakfasts and have mine under very good control.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:38 am on Aug. 27, 2005
I always take med. on time,walk not eat sweets or a lot of starch and only have 1 drink a night.mainly drink water or lipo. have been diabetic for 5 + years never any problem as always follow my doc`s advice. Also have letter from my doc telling name of sickness and name of med. as well as a fax from the thai embassey medical staff in japan that says it is ok to bring the name of the medicine I take to thailand -this is on embassey stationary which gives names and tel.# DO not take advice from people on the board about medical problems,go to your doc and follow his advice to the letter.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:39 am on Aug. 27, 2005
I have ben also more than 5+ years. Here in germany I take medicine in the morning and in the evening. With western food I need also additional insuline. My experience in Thailand is very good. I eat only thai food (whole day, also in the morning) with my GF, and much less problems with diabetic. Normally I no need medicine or insuline Thailand because food much more healthy and also sun help to decreas my diabetic.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 am on Aug. 27, 2005
Thanks for the comments guys.
I think my worst problem will be not being to eat big breakfasts any more.
I have been only eating chicken for a long time now as I had a problem with cholesterol about 20 years ago but managed to control that then but with the Diabetes its back again.
I'm currently on 6 different pills a day at the moment but have 2 more tests to go before I travel.

The big question I have is how do you guys manage the time difference although mine will only be 4 hours?

I've just got 7 weeks and 5 days to go till my trip.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:15 am on Aug. 27, 2005
Loung Steeb
breconion---I do the following and have never had a prob:
1. get Dr. letter listing types and amounts of Rx he has prescribed for you and state what meds are for. Take copy of letter and put in all suitcases and hand bags you will be travelling with and carry a copy on your person as you travel.
2. Make sure you have enough meds to last the entire trip while in asia.
3. I have a 12 hr time dif that I work with so it is no big prob for me. Four hrs is no big deal one way or the other. If you miss a dose of medicine you will not die.
4. Do not be so concerned with having probs as you will find yourself walking more and getting additional exercise in other fashions and I am sure that is what your doctor recommends.
5. I try not to let anything interfer with my nights out on the town. I drink beer, hit a shooter, and nibble on snacks. But I also eat a lot of thai food which is high is veggies. Just watch the rice (and other carbs and sugar that comes with the food.

I find that my B/S level is usually lower in BKK than normal because of the additional "exercise" and the food type and quaility.

Relax and enjoy your trip. Test your B/S as the dr recommends and you will not have a problem.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:44 pm on Aug. 28, 2005
I’m also type 2, the only issue I had was a yeast infection on my groin area that I thought was Herpes… yeast infections are common for Diabetics. I was a nervous wreck for over a week waiting for the test results.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:00 pm on Aug. 29, 2005
Funny, when I went it to see a dermatologist about a small bacterial infection in my groin the first question out of his mouth was "Are you diabetic?" Yes, the skin problems who bother many non-Thais who stay in Thailand for long periods, appear to affect diabetics disproportion ally. I am type II.

The biggest short-term hazard with diabetes (type I and type II) is medication induced low blood sugar. More below.

Some suggestions: Read all you can about diabetes, find out the approximate available carbohydrate content of each food (there are tables available -I found a couple of the web and carried it around with me for a while). Learn how each kind of food affects you by observing your blood sugar a couple of hours after each meal. At home, weigh the ingredients for each meal for a month or two, so you really know. Keep this food intake/blood glucose level info in a diary. The diary itself may not be important, but the act of writing it after every meal made me pay attention to what I was doing, and compelled me to be almost fanatic about it. Eventually you will learn how your body reacts to various kinds of foods, and you may be able to relax about the testing.

In my case, I only take medication if I anticipate eating a lot of carbohydrates, for example if we are going to have a big Italian or Indian meal. Yes, you still can have all the foods you like, but you have to control your intake.

As far as your question about sanook:

I was confused about conflicting information about alcohol and diabetes. While your liver is busy clearing alcohol from your body, it does not make glucose, so, ignoring other factors, your blood sugar would fall. Might be bad if you are taking medication, and would have to compensate with additional carbohydrate input. I was very pleased to discover, that in my case, at least, whiskey does make my blood sugar drop, and beer seems to be about neutral -makes for a nice meal, but not if you over-do it.

One other note on alcohol and diabetes - those with type 2 whiskey are likely to have other effects other than just high blood sugar. One that is common among diabetics is high homocystine levels. Homocystines are little molecules that can roughen up the inside of your blood vessels, making it easier for cholesterol to stick, and eventually causing that stroke we are waiting for. A way to reduce homocystine levels is to increase B vitamins (but consult with a doctor to find out which ones and what does is right for you. Too much and you may cause other problems. Google "Foltx", a patented medicine that is a combination of vitamins prescribed for this purpose.) For some reason, alcohol decreases the amount of available B vitamins, and so large amounts of alcohol can make your homocystines higher and may negate the effects of your vitamin intake. So, if you are diabetic, drinking a lot is sill not a good idea. Your doctor or endocrinologist might want to check your homocystine levels just as a precaution.

The biggest problem with type 2 and sanook is that you have to be more selective about foods. I definitely would not waste my carbohydrate allowance on Coke, but many places have Coke Lite and Pepsi Max, both sugar free, available. Of course water is pretty good.

The only time being type 2 has interfered with sex is after taking too much medication compared to my meal (I try to match does to needs, but sometimes get the dose too high) and then spending an hour fighting very low blood sugar, which usually leaves me too tired for anything.

If you are taking an insulin boosting medication, or are insulin dependent, then be sure to have some candy in your pocket while you are out and about. If you suddenly realize that your blood sugar is plunging out of control, you can ask for a glass of orange juice - available in many restaurants and bars. If you are stuck in a taxi on the express way, or in the bowels of the subway system, where it would be a long walk to a 7-11, you might be screwed without a quick source of sugar. Halls breath mints, almost all sugar, is good insurances against this. Not just one or two but a whole pocket-size pack.

Sometimes it takes me a while to realize that the reason I feel very hot and my shirt is soaking through with sweat is not because of the weather, but because my blood sugar is dropping precipitously. Look at the other people around, particularly those with who are physically similar to you.

As a diabetic, your body can't keep as much glucose in ready reserve as non-diabetics can, so exercising, particularly after a few drinks, could leave you feeling weak and disoriented after a little exercise. So, a few hours of drinking low carbohydrate drinks, like Mekong-soda, followed by half an hour of vigorous activity in the bed could do it. This explains why beer is better but life would be less complicated if you stay away from alcohol.

So, its not a big deal once you learn how various foods and drinks in combination with your medication and the amount of exercise affect your body.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:43 am on Oct. 30, 2005

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