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Not quoting out of context at all. The article quotes a report about the phone then at the end of the article it states that the phone will be available tomorrow. That is hardly out of context. It is very common knowledge that no PR person writes a negative report about an advertiser the day before the release of the product to the general public. Geeez, are you really that nieve?

You need to either get glasses, or learn how to read a whole article......lololol.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:12 pm on Aug. 3, 2010
The review also stated that they acquired an iPhone from another country for the purposes of their review.

Keep blowing smoke.


"...even when intentionally causing the iPhone 4 to drop all its signal bars the phone still works, proving the issue is probably more of a cosmetic flaw than anything else."

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:03 pm on Aug. 3, 2010
koolbreez really are that nieve............lolololol.

Of course they got the phone from outside of their particular country....IT WASN'T AVAILABLE IN THEIR COUNTRY YET.......lololololol. So NO real experiences from those buyers in the countries in question.....lolol.

Apple has even finally stated that there is a flaw with the phone, and has a wrap-a-round case that has a supposed fix for the antenna problem.....lololol.

Keep selling your phones, there are enough people to buy them just so they can have the latest, no matter what flaws they have.....lolol, and I'm talking about flaws in both the phone, and the people that buy them....lolol.

Nice try duck, but you're just blowing bubbles trying to keep your head above water....lolol.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:16 pm on Aug. 3, 2010

Quote: from koolbreez on 9:16 am on Aug. 4, 2010

Of course they got the phone from outside of their particular country....IT WASN'T AVAILABLE IN THEIR COUNTRY YET.......lololololol. So NO real experiences from those buyers in the countries in question.....lolol.

Damn, you really are that much of a luddite -- and with a reading disability as well.

a) They procured the phone from outside their country, in order to be able to provide a review to their readers at launch. Duh!

b) the iPhone 4 is the same, no matter where it is sold, so the performance and experience are the same.

c) your all too obvious agenda of the typical Apple iHater doesn't detract from the fact that iPhone 4 works just fine, and that you haven't been able to counter the actual conclusions of these reviews:

"I have myself tested the iPhone 4 and tried to replicate the signal loss close to one of Norway's major towns without being able to get even one less bar."

Australia (Daily Telegraph) :
"Is the antenna an issue? No it’s not. Have I dropped calls? No, I have not.
Have I noticed an impact on the device’s performance? No."

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:22 pm on Aug. 3, 2010
As this is the fourth version of the Jobs masterpiece in as many years what do people do with their old ones? Kinda pricey upgrading every year yet True Apple-heads wouldn't dare be seen with outdated versions would they?

Koolbreez its Daffys MO to ALWAYS have the last say so your 'dabate' could be a long hard slog

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:14 am on Aug. 4, 2010
Yeah, a brainwashed Duck is pointless in dealing with. He still thinks that accurate experiences are given by those individuals trying to sell their product, or those individuals given the task of disproving countless negative experiences by actual users so the next days release of the product will have good sales figures....lolol, even after Apple has finally stated that there really is a problem, after refusing to admit it for months, but with so many negative reports they were finally forced to admit, yes there is a problem. Yes there is a problem duck, but that fact doesn't fit in with your brainwashed mind.

It reminds me of a bar girl that refuses to admit she has kids, even though there are stretch marks all over her belly.....lolol, or when Richard Nixon flat out refused to admit that we were bombing the shit out of Laos, and Cambodia, even though the press was showing footage of actual bombings.....lolol.

Duck, you really do need help. Brainwashing can be reversed but it takes strong interdiction, and admission on your part....lolol. Take the first step duck. It really is for your own good.....lolol.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:15 am on Aug. 4, 2010
You do, I take it, speak from experience, when it comes to the various problems, and catastrophic issues with iPhone4, which you belabor.

Oh, what's that? You don't? You don't actually know what you are talking about? You haven't actually used one, and based your admittedly negative opinion on (maybe) handling a model several revisions back?

Yeah, clearly you know what you are talking about -- so much better than various reviewers who have actually used it, and certainly far better than me, who is using one on a daily basis.

Must be interesting living in your world of conspiracies, paid off reviewers, and anything that doesn't agree with you, must be a lie.

"Pauv' con", as the French would say.

As for retiredintahoe -- suuure..... and you have absolutely no agenda at all.

Doesn't really matter - reviews come in from around the globe of reviewers and users being more than satisfied with iPhone 4, and the reception.

ChangeWave survey:

As many as a fifth of all iPhone 4 owners have been hit by the iPhone 4's "death grip" issue in some form but could be happy with Apple's case fix, ChangeWave said in a study today. About 21 percent of owners responding either thought it was "somewhat of a problem" or a "very big" problem, but 73 percent of the group was either very or somewhat satisfied with getting a free case to address it. The majority, 64 percent, either didn't think it was an issue or hadn't noticed it in practice.

Keep frothing, guys, and spouting your unsubstantiated crap.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:56 pm on Aug. 4, 2010
Every second post here is a Blackberry Ad

SHINY TOY MAKER Apple wheeled out full time spinmeister and occasional CEO Steve Jobs to orchestrate damage control in the wake of its Iphone 4 antenna snafu.

The emergency press conference had everyone wondering how Jobs would explain away a fundamental design fault that has been demonstrated hundreds of times. It needed the master of ceremonies to be on top form, and boy did he put on a show.

For those reading on an Iphone 4 we'll cut to the chase before you lose connectivity. As we predicted, Iphone 4 users will be given a free Bumper wrap-around. Rejoice in knowing that the once sleek device you shelled out hundreds of pounds for will be encased in a rubber band. Apple might just as well send out strips of duct tape.

Learning about this act of generosity came at the price of having to endure 90 minutes of Steve Jobs' reality distortion field. The press conference was, for the most part, a patronising lecture, with Jobs repeatedly saying that Apple "loves its users". We think any company would if it could get away with selling its customers faulty gadgets at high prices and repeat that cycle in an infinite loop.

Not surprisingly Apple knew it was under the gun, and it gave access only to friendly journalists. Our application was denied, with our reporter being told that the company was "Limited on space for tomorrow's event and can not accommodate your request." A fair reason, until you notice that there were plenty of empty seats at the event. Maybe Apple had a lot of last-minute cancellations. Sure.

Instead of doing the right thing and admitting Apple's mistakes, Jobs, seemingly living in a state of denial, decided to gracelessly lay the blame on the entire mobile phone industry.

After trying and failing to justify the dismal wireless reception capabilities of the Iphone 4 by holding a Blackberry Bold 9700, HTC's Droid Eris and Samsung's Omnia II, Jobs proclaimed that "phones aren't perfect". Well yes, but for the Iphone 4 perfection is a dot on the horizon. Not content with blaming competing mobile phone manufacturers, Jobs also appealed to science by saying that Apple hadn't found a way "around the laws of physics", as though that could explain his blunder of putting a bare metal antenna on the outer edge of a mobile phone that, by its nature, is designed to be handheld.

Acting like a schoolboy reeling off lame excuses, Jobs, who proudly claimed that the Iphone 4 was the best phone ever, said that it, like all phones, fell prey to "weak spots". This was, in effect, to blame Iphone 4 reception problems on the mobile networks, including Apple's exclusive partner AT&T in the US.

Apparently Jobs also likes to think that the problem is due to the fact that there simply aren't enough cases available for the Iphone 4. He said that the firm's previous Iphone, the 3GS, didn't face this problem because cases designed for the Iphone 3G would fit. And, according to Jobs, only 20 per cent of those who buy the Iphone 4 don't buy a matching rubber band.

Holding the phone, Jobs repeatedly called the Iphone 4 reception problem a non-issue, affecting merely a small minority of users. But Apple claims to have sold 1.7 million of the things. If the so-called fix is to wrap a tacky piece of rubber around a £500 phone and 20 per cent of users don't have these, then that small minority of users affected by Antennagate is about 340,000 people. But let's not get hung up on figures, we're talking about the iconic Iphone 4 here.

The truth of the matter is that Apple's loyal customers are getting hoodwinked with a third rate solution to a major issue. Many of those who spent hours queuing and forking over hundreds of pounds did so for a mobile phone that could at least make phone calls without having to be wrapped in a tacky loop of rubber. Instead what they are ending up with is a manufacturer that insists on defacing their expensive device, which it sells based on its clean lines and sleek, seamless style, in order to cover up its flawed engineering and consequent inability to meet its most basic functional requirement.

Jobs noted that Apple is "not perfect", a point few would argue against. However despite his protestations that his mob of shiny toy merchants care about the people who line Apple's pockets so handsomely, his behavior should be seen as the gold standard of corporate irresponsibility in the consumer electronics industry.

Faced with a billion dollar bill for doing the right thing, Steve Jobs chose the cheap and easy way out, an option that belies his claim that Apple is "an engineering company"

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:32 pm on Aug. 4, 2010
Then there's the German government's report today of the major security flaws in the new operating system....lolol, with no fixes from Apple, and them knowing about it for some time now....lolol.

This time I doubt Microsoft will bail Job's out...lolol. They already own 37% of the company, so it's in MS's best interest to simply let them fail this time, and take over the company.....lolol.

I think Job's medical recovery wasn't quite fully successful....lolol, given how he's acting lately......he seems to be on the same wavelength as the denial...hahahaha.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:31 pm on Aug. 4, 2010

Quote: from koolbreez on 9:31 am on Aug. 5, 2010
They already own 37% of the company

They do? 37%? really

The SEC might disagree with those numbers, seeing as how Microsoft currently owns ZERO % of AAPL stock -- but hey, don't let me stop your continued lies, seeing as how you're on a roll.

....unless you want to show proof of MS owning 37% of AAPL.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:38 pm on Aug. 4, 2010

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