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Since it's just us few left let me take the time to second that motion.  I too would like to meet both you and your Ti Lak. (I'm already a little bit in love with her - but don't worry I'm very in love with my wife.  The only threat to her is LUST for others, and I tend to seperate the two feelings.  Ever since I've found my wife, all the girls I fall a little bit in love with, I put on a pedestal and they become my "Nong Sao" - little sister.  There will be no need for your girl to beat me up.)
I don't know for sure if I'll be there but let's see if we can work it out.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:38 am on Aug. 29, 2002
re: The confusion regarding boyfreinds and husbands; The problem may be the ambiguity of the Thai words themselves. ŬIn addition to the facts I mentioned before ie someone being called husband/wife without being married, the word "fan" is usually translated as boyfreind/girlfreind but in fact is commonly used to describe a husband or wife. ŬSo someone can be both a "puua/mia" and a "fan". Depending on a TG's proficiency in English, she might think the same is true in English - that boyfreind and husband are interchangeable terms.
As for the type of marriage, the kind you mention is quite common but it has no bearing on the choice of words used to describe the spouse.
re; Jealous girls. You did a really fine job of summing that up. I too have come to the conclusion that NOTHING is worth that - especially since it will eventually become not just difficult but impossible to deal with. ŬI've had a couple stories and I have one that I bet is the WORST jealous rage story of ANYONE you'll ever meet. I'm talking blood and mayhem--not fun.

Now zzzZ is thinking, "THAT'S why MrJoe is so anti-jealousy.  He had one lunatic girl and now he's paranoid.  MY girl's not THAT bad."  I'm certain that she is not. But my horror story is only one example among many; I have experienced or witnessed quite a ferw that were virtually just as bad.  That is not to say zzzZ that your girl is one of the psycho-killers, but BE WARY.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:57 am on Aug. 29, 2002
MrJoe, I promise you I shall be very wary from this point on    

I don't know that one incident (as described in the other post) really qualifies her as a fatal attraction candidate, but I'll watch it.   I didn't point out that on that day she dranks with "the boys" all day at the beach and by the time of the "incident" had been drinking for 12 hours with us.    She didn't show any signs of being drunk, either, but that no doubt had something to do with it!

Would be interested to hear your story if you feel comfortable telling it to the world!  

I have to agree with both MrJoe and Balls on the jealousy issue.  I don't have much tolerance for that either.  It just isn't called for, and who needs the trouble?  

In any event, I will be sure to give you guys a good report after my trip in Sept.  I'm sure I'll have some interesting things to contribute to this thread!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:31 am on Aug. 29, 2002
You are absolutely correct that one incident doesn't "qualify her as a fatal attraction candidate".
In fact before I sat down at the computer, I was lying in bed (I'm not a good sleeper) feeling guilty so I want to say:
I feel badly if I have inadvertantly dissed your ladies. ŬNot so much because it might hurt you guys (tho' I don't want to do that) but more because your ladies are probably very nice people who deserve the chance you're giving them. Ŭ(And to be honest, even if they are all just conning you guys, I might still have some sympathy for them - more on that later perhaps.)
Please just take all my grumblings as coming from a cynical old man who means well.
This is NOT a promise to not be honest and straightforward in the future; I will still call 'em as I see 'em. I just felt it was time to make sure that all of you know; I haven't formed a complete opinion about your ladies (Okay, sorry to play favorites but I do have a bit of a crush on Balls' lady - don't tell him) and I have no trouble beleiving that they are fine people. More importantly, I have always known that just cause I've been around awhile doesn't mean I have the right to judge ANYONE.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:47 pm on Aug. 29, 2002
BTW as for the scary story, I'll think about it but I have some hesitation; First there is the fact that the story is so extreme that rather than scare anyone, it might give false assurance- "Well THAT girl was just CRAZY.  My girl isn't like that!" Secondly, it is a very grim story without a happy ending. (It will never be "funny when you look back on it.") I'm okay to talk about it (it's been a long time) but I'm not sure if this forum is ready for blood and death. (THAT got your attention, eh?)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:53 pm on Aug. 29, 2002
MrJoe:  Thanks.   If I were 100% sure of anything I wouldn't be airing things on the forum quite like this, so it is great to get the feedback, both good and bad.  Time will tell, and I will be sure to let you guys know what happens if there is an interest.   So keep callin them as you see 'em.   That's my style as well so I've got no problem with that.

It's not possible to introduce my TG in proper detail on a text based forum anyway.  Every person is different, and you'd probably have to meet her to be able to form an accurate opinion.   You tend to get the extreme details here, so I know that anything you pick up from this thread will be distorted for sure.   There is a heck of a lot of "niceness" going most of the time or I wouldn't feel anything for her.. ('cause I'm old enough and have been around the block long enough not to tolerate much crap either).

As for your story, maybe you should keep that one to yourself.  I get the impression there is someone no longer living as a result.  I get the picture anyway!!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:29 pm on Aug. 29, 2002
I hear you my man. Stand by your woman!However (here he goes again) careful about measuring things based on the niceness. IMO and experience, even the nicest people are capable of being very evil and the most evil peole are capable of being very nice. ŬAnd after all, sometimes for the BGs it's not about being nice or evil, it's just about survival. By all means cherish and appreciate the "niceness" - but even if it's bad only 1% of the time, pay attention to how bad the badness is (If there is any.) I sincerely wish you both well.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:09 pm on Aug. 29, 2002
Now for a REALLY cynical observation and just one not so scary story to illustrate;(I have come to this conclusion from numerous personal experiences and witnessing others peope's similar experience. However this is of course a generalization and therefore cannot possibly apply to anyone specific.):
The sweeter, gentler and kinder the girl, the more dangerous she will be IF she ever "goes off". I came up with this theory about 20 years and it has never yet been disproven. Case in point:
I had this girlfreind - Lek-that was just a quiet sweet little thing and I knew her history fairly well. (At the time I had been around a while and I was managing go-gos, so I knew what was what.) This girl was very popular amongst a lot of the Thai girls because she was so nice. ŬShe had been the girlfreind of a well known owner of a disco and was considered a real catch.
Well, I had just too many opportunities all around me (think about my job!) and I was not ready for that exclusive relationship, so I break the news to her. ŬShe was great! No hysterics, just a bit of teary eyes and we parted well.
Flash forward a few months: As fate would have it I meet a girl who, at the time seems too good to pass up. She's a pretty college girl and I was going through a burnout stage as far as BGs, so I start dating the "good" girl exclusively.
One night I and my new GF are at a disco, and Lek appears in front of us. She looks upset and I take her aside to talk to her. She tells me I have to leave because I brought this girl. ŬI didn't like that so much (I was the Prince of Patpong!) and I was a VIP customer at that disco (I knew the owners well and I used to bring so many customers and spend so much money there that I would just sign my bills "Mr Joe" and clear them once a month.).
So to try to cut to the chase; After a great night I and my GF are one of the last to leave. ŬAs I step out from the club two Thai guys run up out of the darkness- one hits me on the head with a Heineken bottle and the other takes a swing. ŬI manage to grab one and I'm having a jolly time pounding him into mush when into the light steps Lek. ŬShe reaches down to pick up the neck of the now broken bottle and I (with my hands full) watch as she lunges froward and tries as hard as she can to drive the jagged into my eye. (Fortunately she twisted it in such a way that the circumference of the bottle was too wide to get into my eye socket.)
The epilogue to this story: She hides out for a while then gets word to me that if I don't plan to have her punished somehow (I didn't) she would like to see me. ŬI go to meet her at a freind's bar and she apologizes very nicely. Then she basically says "But you do know that you deserved it right?" Amazingly a few TG freinds who knew the story felt the same way-that I deserved it for having a new girlfreind 4 months after breaking up with Lek (most didn't agree with that though.)
BTW This is not even my worst story! I consider that night a classic BKK night. ŬI won't bore you with all the details but that bottle attack was just beginning of the finale. (The finale took place in the emergency room with me getting stitches in my head and 2 TGs fighting over me in the lobby.) ŬIt was a great night!! (I'm not being sarcastic) and thus representative to me of life in Thailand: The heights of ecstasy and love; extreme violence and hate; and everything in between - all in one place.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:49 pm on Aug. 29, 2002
Hey guys, sorry for the long absense, but work has been a real pain for the last few months which is why I'm so looking forward to my return trip to Bangkok. I am in serious need of some rest and relaxation. Unfortunately I suspect that if Ms. Cmore has her way I WON'T BE GETTING A WHOLE LOT OF REST! OR SLEEP! OR FOOD!!! Pray for me guys ( AW POOR BABY! That sound you hear is the worlds smallest violin playing in the back ground ).                                                         I've been reading all the latest post from you guys and I'm glad that brother Z has been getting lots of good advice. Way to look out for a brother guys. I can't really add a whole lot more then what was said in brother Balls post about Thai ladies internal clock.                       ( By the way brother Balls I will understand perfectly if it isn't possible to meet you and your lady next month but if there's the slightest chance then I hope you'll try your best. I'm not easily impressed by anyone, male or female, but you and Ms. B are the exceptions to the rule. Reading each of your new post always reminds me of what love truly is and what I hope to have with my lady. As for Ms. B, words cannot do this lady justice. Only one thing can. Should I have the privilege to meet this lady in person then I hope she is not easily embarrassed because greeting her with a simple handshake would, in my opinion, be insulting. Someone who has shone the amount of courage and strength she has in trying to better her situation in the face of so many obstacles has earned my respect, and as we all know there's only one way to show proper respect to a Thai person. So even though I'm sure it would be amusing for the so called regular Thai's in the restaurant to see a foreigner offer someone who they probably would never even bother to speak to such a show of respect, it would be my honor to offer her the most sincere wai that I can manage. I'm sure that by doing so I run the risk of losing a considerable amount of face in front of the other Thai's in the restaurant. Do you really have to ask if I give a @#$%&? I truly hope I'll have the chance to meet you two next month but if not I will understand. However we all have many regrets in our lives and not meeting you both would have to be added to my top 30 list. Sorry if I've embarrassed you. )                                                  Brother Z I don't think you have anything to really be worried about at this time. As you've already said the relationship is still in the early stages and you're both still getting to know each other. I think she's just trying to feel you out about what point in the relationship you've arrived at. Brother Balls is right about her wanting to mark her territory and it does seem that Thai ladies internal clocks tick a little faster then most womens do. Just be as honest with her as you've been with her so far, but at the same time just remember to keep an eye out for falling footwear.                              My lady seems to have started to enter that stage as well. She now is getting into the habit of referring to me as Her Husband in the Future. We already had our talk about the future 2 months ago so I view this as a natural progression in our relationship not as anything to be overly cautious about. Next month when we're together I'm sure there will be plenty of talks about the future, but my lady has a pretty good head on her shoulders and I believe that any discussions about the future will be more in the line of "I look forward to hopefully having this happen" rather then "This is what I expect to happen".                                                      When I had "The Talk" with my lady 2 months ago I wanted to tell her about some of the advantages and disadvantages that come with living in America, but I chose instead to tell her about the one thing that would change her life forever, SNOW.                                         I don't think that it would be a big leap to say that there aren't a whole lot of Thai's that have actually seen snow up close and personal. I'm in Michigan and believe me, up close and personal is the only way you're going to see snow here. Winter in Michigan needs to be seen to be believed. I explained the concept of snow to her in as much detail as I could. I wasn't trying to scare her into giving up all idea about coming to America some day. I just wanted her to know that even the place that lots of Thai ladies consider to be the promise land can have it's down side just like any other place on earth.                                                So after giving her a taste of what life in Michigan would be like I made her a promise that would show her how serious I was about wanting us to work hard to build a future together. Now my lady has gotten to the point where she automatically knows that if I only say that I will do something then there's a small chance that it might not happen. However if I make a promise to her then nothing else needs to be said. She has learned to trust the fact that once I make her a promise I won't break it. I may have to postpone it for a short time due to circumstances beyond my control, but it will happen in as short an amount of time as possible.                      The promise I made to her was that if we're still together as a couple and if she thinks she can learn to deal with Michigan winters and with putting up with me then exactly 2 years from the day we met I would ask her if she wants to come to America to be with me. If her answer is yes then we would then start the visa process and once the visa has been approved I would come to get her. That was 2 months ago after we had known each other for only a month. The subject hasn't been brought up since. Why? I made her a promise. One year, nine months and counting guys. Peace

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:50 pm on Aug. 29, 2002
Hi cmore -

A note from another "winter" country here -
I live in Canada right next door to Alaska - we have long and cold winters here, around six months actually, and surprisingly enough, there are a few Thai wives around here. Mind you, here it is a very dry cold - the poor thing would probably worry more about her complexion(dry skin, ugh!) than freezing herself provided that her sweetheart bought her adequate clothing for the climate. In your neck of the woods the humidity is the worst - there's nothing worse than "cold & wet". ŬTry the Arctic - walk across the room and the static electricity is so bad that you almost take your fingernail off when you touch the doorknob ha ha !!

Seriously, I think snow would be a real novelty for most TG's provided they didn't have to see winter at its very worst, which I know you and I have in different ways...

Good luck, have a good one...



Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:37 pm on Aug. 29, 2002

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