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Thanks again for the generous invite, but I don't think I will be able to make that 23rd date. We will be in Udon Thani up until about then (and probably in Laos for a few days) so I can't commit because our schedule there is not cast in stone. When I get back to BKK, I'll be hooking up with my friend and his TG (who should be back from the southern islands by then) for the last night (we both leave on the same flight the next day). I will try to monitor this forum from LOS, so if anything changes, I'll try to give you a heads up in a reasonable timeframe. Will be spending the first two weeks in LOS at her apartment (Suan Luang area) helping her with her school work and doing my own work on my laptop. She has major tests in the middle of September (including English), so after that we will go north to visit her family. If we don't connect, then have the best of times with your TG!

Mr Joe: don't ever worry that I would take your commentary personally or that I have ever taken umbrage with it. I value the opinions of the bro's on this forum, yours especially, because you've got a lot more water under the LOS bridge than do I. I would also agree that the sweetest of ladies are sometimes the smoldering, latent psychos -- probably better if a TG explodes like an Hawaiian volcano (often but not overwhelming) than Krakatoa! Along those lines, since I've got a really sweet one ... nah, couldn't be? Ha!

I'm a little surprised and embarrased that everyone is falling in love with my TG Maybe I am painting her in too positive a shade. After all, she's just a sweet country girl. And if, as MrJoe cautions, she is really conning me, then I guess I'll gladly present her with the Emmy, as I'd have had a great ride (pun intended). Like all ladies who are climbing out of poverty, she probably has a minimum check list, with more than just the word "love" on it. But I think "love" is on that list somewhere, because when I first met her, she was being courted by an American who promised her more than I ever could in the shortterm (including marriage), but she dumped him for my relatively cheap charlie, go-slow approach. Said she couldn't live with someone she didn't love (already had that with the deadbeat ex-husband), and since she picked me at the club, perhaps the parallels with the approach MrsJoe took give me cause for hope.

I'll be busy getting ready for my departure Sunday night, but I'll try to weigh in on this thread before I leave for LOS.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:47 am on Aug. 30, 2002
- just to add my 2 bahts worth, and as some of the Bros. know, not many paths I havent been down in pursuit of TGs, from Politicians daughters to BGs and all in between - firstly, as the TPE, I have to say regardless of background, my figures indicate 5 out of 6 are not treating the Farang boyfriend as honestly as he believes,  However, having said that - perhaps a little in the Mr/Mrs Joe fashion,  my wife [ also from near Udon, actually Nong Khai ] was a 6 bottles of Heineken, as much Yah bah as she could get, and basically any farang she wanted girl 2 years ago ..... quite amazingly, in view of our history.. we now have a perfect young daughter, you would not get a more caring, devoted mum, who goes out of her way to eat good healthy food, and certainly wont drink or smoke these days. As she say's  " you woke up my think "  ...  so of course, if you both want a relationship to succeed, it can happen, regardless of background, - obviously however, many TGs are not as committed as they make out, or as the farang boyfriend would hope, whilst  the delay in issuing Visa's by Embassy's  is also a ploy to test the strength of relationships ...  my mates gave odds of 100/1 of mine working !!  - but even longshots get up sometimes.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:19 am on Aug. 30, 2002
Another good post from TPE;
I owe it to my wife to point out that SHE was the one with her shit pretty much together when I met her. Sounds as if you and I have more simlar stories than our wives. I too have gone "in pursuit of TGs, from Politicians daughters to BGs and all in between." Or maybe your wife and I; I was the wild one and my wife was no-drink/no drugs/sexually conservative; all of which made her incompatible with me at the time. ÝI changed on the first 2 (okay we've been known to share a drink or a puff on a rare occasion), she changed on the third. She woke up MY think.
In any case I agree that any difference in background can be surmounted given enough good will.
Your observation on the visa issue was VERY interesting.
I don't know if you read about it on this forum, but I've experienced that first hand. ÝPeople didn't believe me when I told them that it was intentional. (In the end, I would say we didn't pass the test).
Finally, I congratulate you (belatedly ) on the birth of your daughter. (Sadly, my wife and I have not been similarly blessed.)May she enjoy a long and joyous life! Ý

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:44 am on Aug. 30, 2002
I'm glad we're cool. As always, I enjoyed your post much. BTW that warning of sweet girls was not directed at you (or anyone in particular). ÝI too have the sweetest TG ever. Fortunately, I beleive in the old adage of "the exception that proves the rule." ÝThe question is which one of us has the exception! :D ÝAfter 10 years I'm not any more sure than you - so I'm not taking any chances; I don't plan on setting her off!
Don't feel awkward about your girl's popularity. The brothers obviously recognize fine quality when they "see" it. Ý(As for me if I had known she was going to be such a big hit, I never would have fallen in love with her. I'm over her now.)
Liked your comment about the Emmy. I've always said Ýsomething similar about any of the fine, sincere TGs I've known: "Maybe I'm a fool and I can't see it but;If she's acting THIS well, she deserves whatever she can get from it!"

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:06 am on Aug. 30, 2002
To The Brothers In Love: APOLOGY(?) #2:
Recently, I misread a post and briefly thought someone  had made an unwarranted assumption about the Mrs. and I didn't like it much.  This gave me some insight on how things I have said might of upset people. In actual fact I didn't make any assumptions, but I think some people might feel that I did.
Perhaps the problem is I took it for granted that were dealing in unknowns, therefore everything was conjecture. When we spoke of things which haven't happened (and may never happen) we are hypothesizing based on the only things we DO know - that which has (sometimes/often?) happened before - and out of necessity sometimes we generalize.
I also take it for granted that generalization is exactly that; general and not directed at anyone personally.
Also, I think that sometimes people misunderstand my directness.  A lot of so called straight talkers when faced with saying something critical will go right up to the point and expect people to read between the lines.  I don't do that; My remarks don't require interpretation (maybe clarification - like I'm tryin' to do now). If I don't come right out and direct my comment at someone particular, generally it's because I don't have anyone in particular in mind.
Most of all, my favorite role is that of the devil's advocate unless someone takes a position in which I really can't find any fault.
Anything I say about the possibility of ugly behavior on the part of TGs should be considered in light of the fact that I have MANY TGs who are very special to me and I KNOW for a fact that there are some very fine people who come from that unlikely place that many of us find our true love.
Finally (a cheer goes up from the crowd), I take it for granted that my opinion is just that; An opinion. And it's mine. My situation isn't yours and ergo (I just wanted to use that word once in my life) neither is my perspective. It doesn't apply to anyone else and is only intended as more data for people to make their own calculations with. But even I don't assume I'm always right, why would I expect any of you guys to think I'm always right. (I would expect you to think I might be right sometimes.)

So I say to you perhaps my last comment on the dangers of "Falling In Love":

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:40 am on Aug. 30, 2002
TO The Brothers In Love: A FINAL (promise!) ADDENDUM;

I think I pussyfooted around too much on that last post (after going on about what a straight talker I was!). So let me be blunt.  If I were given so much information that I felt able to come to any (tentative) conclusion about your TG, let alone a negative one, I would tell you.  Even face to face and certainly on line, I have the nerve to say &" I think your girl is&... &" If  I haven&' t said that, it&' s  because I haven&' t thought it.  I see and point out potential warning signs, yes. They are not meant to infer anything about anyone.. Ultimately I&' m a contrarian.  It&' s very un-Thai of me but, I believe that progress often comes with conflict-which needn&' t be acrimonious. (Think about it-look at history: political systems/social structures/technology etc.).

If everyone was on this thread were saying only all the reasons why one should NEVER fall in love with a TG, I would definitely being giving the opposite view.  But THE reason why I joined  this forum was that I was struck by how little negative comment there was.  It restores my faith in Falangs that so many of them, even many of the real horndog perverts (like me) have such high regard for the TGs. I think that&' s GREAT. I think highly of the ladies, I want others to too.  After all my wife and many of my Nong Sao are TGs and I demand that people give THEM respect.

There are exceptional cases out there; I&' m married to one and I&' ve known others - Your ladies might be one too. (Actually, all of the gentleman I&' m speaking to strike me as exceptionally decent and sensible people and so I think there&' s quite a good chance that they have found some of those precious coveted gems most of us seek or have sought.)  
Keep the faith.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:45 am on Aug. 30, 2002
No problem, MrJoe.  I know you're shooting from the hip and I appreciate that.   I sometimes ask questions to things I know the answer to anyway.  Just got to air it and get some other feedback so one can always make the best decisions.  

I'm 40 years old, lived in Asia for 7 years, been to LOS 35 times, and been to over 50 countries around the world (many of them as often as LOS).  So I ain't no push over and I've got a pretty good pulse on the ways of the world.   I've also been through more than my share of TG's in the past, and my current is the only one I've ever been serious about.   So take a lot of my questions  with a grain of salt too..

Call me pessimistic, but I live by the saying that "most people are idiots unless they prove otherwise"  -- I just feel that most people in the world are.   I prefer hanging with expats or people who've traveled because they are usually in a category above the average person (from any country, Western, Asian, or whatever).  

TG's are women just like any other, but perhaps one of their defining qualities is that they are more emotional or hot blooded than Western woman.  I can say from experience that Latin women are very similar in that respect.  

So it very much depends on the invididual situation.   All of these words of warning and advise are good to keep under your belt, but in the end your personal situation will likely have some unique differences.   A smart man will be able to use that knowlege to his advantage and do what is best...

Now aren't we a smart bunch of guys on this thread??  :-)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:43 am on Aug. 30, 2002
Hey guys, looks like brother TPE has just been inducted into the Jedi brotherhood. Not only has he presented us with facts and percentages that prove that there are Thai ladies out there who may be deserving of a chance at something better but he's actually married to a lady who is living proof that refutes the old saying You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl. My list of Thai lady heroes grows longer every day.                                                                                                                                                                             I know that the list of us brothers who have (apparent) success stories to tell about ourselves and our Thai ladies is rather short but even so the list does exist. So far there are six of us (hopefully seven if things are working out with brother Vinnys friend and his Thai lady) and how many more are out there that we haven't heard about yet because they haven't found this site and joined the brotherhood.                                                                                                                                                      There are more of us out there guys, I refuse to believe otherwise, but until they decide to make themselves known it would appear that we are the keepers of the flame. I enjoy telling the brothers about some of my experiences with my lady but upon reflection I do notice that most of them (fine, all of them) have more of a positive side to them. I guess it's only fair to flip the other side of the coin and relate my experience with the Thai jealousy phenomenon.                                                                                                                                                However it's getting late so my tale will have to wait until the morning ( Alright, alright. Do you guys have any idea how silly you look flapping your arms up and down and making those clucking noises ). Anyway it's not as bad as you're probably thinking and I was actually in the wrong so this was entirely my fault. Tell you about it in the AM. Peace

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:40 pm on Aug. 30, 2002
- Cheers  C'more, -  probably in my case no one is more surprised at the way things worked out than me,  being the cynical bastard I am !  - Still it goes to show,  and thanks also Mr. Joe, appreciate your kind words, -  certainly having the little "luk krung"  blows me away, and makes me determined to see she grows up with a Mum and Dad, - not just one or the other, as many BGs have had to do -              

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:36 am on Aug. 31, 2002
Hey brother TPE, I hear you. I agree with you about how sad it is to see the children of Thai ladies who work in bars growing up with out fathers. Children are the future and it would be nice to see some of these get a more positive start in life. Your daughter has an awesome responsibility placed on her shoulders because she has now become our poster child for the Thai and foreigner family unit. However when you look at who her parents are I think she is up to the challenge and will do us all proud.                                                                                Okay guys here it is. Brother Cmores experience with the Thai jealousy phenomenon. Like I said last time the whole thing was my fault and boy did I learn my lesson. The only nice thing about it is that my lady now will never have to worry about being jealous again.                                                                                 One night during my visit my lady and some of my extended family from the bar where I met them all at wanted to take me to one of those western bars that they like. So we all piled into a taxi and off we went. When we got inside the place looked like one of those country and western bars that we have here only minus the mechanical bull. All in all it was very nice. They even had a live band that was very good, at least as far as the music went because damned if I knew what they were singing. However judging from all the applause coming from my table and every other table I have to assume that it was something good .                                                                             When we ordered drinks they ordered a bottle of whiskey and mixers and me being a total wuss ordered a beer. Every one was having a good time, but then I had to go and screw it up by trying a whiskey or two. Bad move on my part.                                                                                   Now I'm not a heavy drinker and I always know when to stop after I feel that I've reached my limit so I never got drunk that night or any night during my visit to LOS. But I definitely was feeling more than a little relaxed by the time the band left the stage and they switched back to the canned music. This seemed to be the time that everyone decided to get up and start dancing around their tables ( A concept that still takes me a little getting use to. I prefer an actual dance floor ).                                                                              Now not one to be a party pooper I did get up and danced like everyone else ( Calling what I was doing dancing is a definite insult to the late Fred Astaire ) and I danced with each of them. My lady, my #1 sister and my son. Now comes the problem. I also danced with my #2 sister.                                                                                 Now I had been in LOS for 3 days when we went to that bar so I had gotten to know my new family pretty well by then and I had started to notice that my #2 sister seemed to have more than brotherly feelings for me. I just chose to ignore the vibe I was getting from her ( All together now, BIG MISTAKE CMORE! ).                                                                           So she and I are dancing and my lady is smiling and enjoying herself when all of a sudden my #2 sister takes both my hands in hers, turns around, wraps my arms around her chest and grinds her backside into me so hard that at that moment I seriously wished I was wearing a condom, and here's the bad part, I didn't even come close to trying to stop her.                                                                                    So we're dancing ( Okay, even I know better then to call that dancing. I quit smoking almost 3 years ago but after we sat down I was seriously craving one let me tell you ) and I suddenly come to my senses and take a look around and notice that my other sister and my son aren't smiling anymore. That right there let me know that it was time to end this particular two step but when I looked over at my lady I saw something that can only be described as a life changing experience.                                                                Now you're probably thinking that the look I got from her would have caused me to immediately start pulling the daggers out of my back. Oh no guys, this was far worse. The look I got was not one of anger, it was one of extreme hurt. Trust me, there is absolutely no mistaking the meaning of that particular look. I only saw it for about 3 seconds but that was enough to burn all traces of alcohol completely out of my system and if you've ever seen pictures of Michael Jackson then you'll be able to understand how a black mans skin can suddenly turn white. It took me 2 hours to locate the spot where my heart landed when it jumped out of my chest.                                                                                 I immediately stopped dancing, sat down behind my lady, put my arms around her and said I'm sorry, but she didn't say a word. The music was still playing and people were still dancing but the silence was so intense that you could have heard a feather drop on the floor. Needless to say that she eventually forgave me and things have been good between us ever since, but man I never want to see a look like that again in my life. That look she gave me actually made me impotent for the rest of the night. NOW THAT'S POWER FOR YOU!                                                                                   Anyway I learned my lesson so from now on the only sexy dancing I'll be doing will be with my lady and no one else ( The rest will just have to settle for the regular stepping on their toes kind ). The look of that much pain on someone I love's face is not something I care to ever see again in my lifetime. Peace

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:01 am on Aug. 31, 2002

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