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jack attack

Anyone able to comment on this thread will absolutely not take your wager. It has happened, it is happening now and it will happen again in the future. And I agree, nationality has nothing to do with it.

Best advice given, IMO, Heal thyself.

Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me. screw me 3 times, I guess I like being f**ed!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:38 am on Aug. 18, 2004

Quote: from silentbob1234 on 2:56 am on Aug. 18, 2004[

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:11 pm on Aug. 18, 2004
Firstly thanks to all who replied to my post regarding the Soi33 angel I met a couple of weeks ago.
Just thought I would share some more of the situation...

As mentioned last time she told me by email she has some news for me and that turned out that she was married previously to Thai man and they have a son. The x has since remarried another Thai woman. Have kept many of your comments and stories in mind and so far can report that while the soi33 angel and I have have been communicating regularly there has been no mention of money, sick family members, broken motor cylces, stircken buffolos or even an expensive telephone bill - just a lot of good ol fashion conversation about life and laughter.
One of the interesting things that has happened is soi33 angel has taken to call me nearly everynight when she gets home from work - as I live in China this means lots of calls at 2-4 am in the morning. She has not mentioned it but I sense is her way of trying to show she is not going out or bf. I have already explained to her that I understand where she works etc all I tell her is to be careful especially if dealing with drunk arseholes.
I know what her job is but she insists on calling me, plus I often wake up to find long emails sent by her around 2-3 am BKK time.

All of this makes me feel that there is something more than just a atm lover affair unless all the phone calls and emails are being sent from some guy's phone and laptop who has BF'd her and is wondering what the f_ck she is doing on his dime.

I have some more business in BKK in a couple of weeks so will be spending alot of time with her and will see what happens.

All thoughts, comments, flames welcome.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:00 am on Aug. 22, 2004

It seems so far so good. Go for it! Let us know what happens during your next visit. Keep your feet on terra firma.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:22 am on Aug. 22, 2004

Thanks for the comments, definitely keeping the feet planted, lucky I am blessed with big feet so they can hold the earth.

I guess if the forum starts seeing posts requesting any BKK companies intested in using the services of SH based consulting comapny for info on China market you can assume that next trip has gone well and the desire/need for regular BKK trips will become alot higher priority.

Cheers and Take Care

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:34 am on Aug. 22, 2004
Shanghaisnap, although you will read all the horror stories of multiple sponserships, TG'as going back to work in the bar etc. There are a equal number of girls that want to get out of the bar scene provided they are taken care of money wise.

It this situtation is presented to you also make sure that you keep your kept woman busy. Busy as in another legit job during the day or further studies in school.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:35 pm on Aug. 22, 2004
dirty guru
Since november 10th 2003 til now below date (about 9 months) I have sent my girl (joy) exactly 157, 780 baht When you consider that I have been there november, january, march, may, august for a total of 63 days (or two months. That means I have in 7 months sent 157,780 baht or 22,500 a month on average. She has collected every cent from her home in phan (south of chang rai) her phone bills amount to 45,000 of that amount. Mine alot more. My point is she didnt move, and has been above board. And this will determine her visa outcome greatly. Some indeed are very happy to leave P4p scence. And some suprisingly are very loving loyal, and do study. I should add that for every one like the above their are 3 who aint so straight. Have rules. No sudden trips to bangkok or pattaya. Be accountable. And make sure there is no village guy. 2 or 3 trips to their village at 10pm on a saturday night usally does it (without warning) Also learn thai to hear the gossip the villages speak. But sure if your learned in picking them some girls are good. Religion in their life daily is a good sign. Mine also has a 3 year old daughter, and is intelligent so unlikely to set one wrong foot. But I choose to show her here for a couple of months then go live in thailand. Good luck on not beening burnt, but there is some out there, just be strict if your paying. And remember, 16,000 to 20,000 plus phone bills is enough, dont become a business.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:36 pm on Aug. 22, 2004

Quote: from dirty guru on 8:36 am on Aug. 23, 2004
Since november 10th 2003 til now below date (about 9 months) I have sent my girl (joy) exactly 157, 780 baht When you consider that I have been there november, january, march, may, august for a total of 63 days (or two months. That means I have in 7 months sent 157,780 baht or 22,500 a month on average. She has collected every cent from her home in phan (south of chang rai) her phone bills amount to 45,000 of that amount. Mine alot more. My point is she didnt move, and has been above board. And this will determine her visa outcome greatly. Some indeed are very happy to leave P4p scence. And some suprisingly are very loving loyal, and do study. I should add that for every one like the above their are 3 who aint so straight. Have rules. No sudden trips to bangkok or pattaya. Be accountable. And make sure there is no village guy. 2 or 3 trips to their village at 10pm on a saturday night usally does it (without warning) Also learn thai to hear the gossip the villages speak. But sure if your learned in picking them some girls are good. Religion in their life daily is a good sign. Mine also has a 3 year old daughter, and is intelligent so unlikely to set one wrong foot. But I choose to show her here for a couple of months then go live in thailand. Good luck on not beening burnt, but there is some out there, just be strict if your paying. And remember, 16,000 to 20,000 plus phone bills is enough, dont become a business.

Quote :from Dirty Guru-
"Also learn thai to hear the gossip the villages speak."

Up there they may be speaking Lao or some such dialect.

Imagine learning English in a school in London then going to Newcastle?

That would be the same.
In the village they would speak a local dialect with a lot of local slang.

It's like being in a Latin country. When they don't want you to know something they up the tempo and the local slang and then you are lost !

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:30 am on Aug. 23, 2004
Talking about falling in love.....I think I felt "in love" or at least I am in the phase of considering shifting a relationship I've established with my fav BG from BG/client into gf/bf or similar....
Now it comes very useful the painful lesson I got the first time I felt for a TG: I've decided to start "sponsoring" a small amount per month in order to test her reactions and avoid handling my wallet everytime I meet her....when I told her about my ideas, she asked me if I wanted her to leave the scene, but I've decided to let her keep going on.....
She earns over 40k/month and I'm not ready or willing to replace such income, not for the amount, but for the meaning.....say I prefer to put our relationship in a way that I help her facing the monthly installments for the privilege of being the first on the list and ejoy her during daytime, everytime I'm in the mood.....sort of having a good share in a multiproperty!
21 years old cute...we'll see how it ends....

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:29 am on Aug. 23, 2004
Well caronte may I suggest the sponsoring contract:

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:36 am on Aug. 23, 2004

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