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MainHealth Matters – Getting off the piss (alcohol) isn't so uncool anymore All Topics

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Yes the alcohol industry is legal so they make very convenient studies showing how great it is and its advertised all over the tube. While they also support governments in convenient studies showing how bad all the illegal drugs are so they can increase their profits.
They also make coloured alcohol to attract kids and we are told its quite allright.

Until you actually go out in the real world and try this stuff alcohol and the rest. I have tried just about everything going legal and illegal and beer and wine ok a few glasses no problem.But how the hell hard liquor is legal and many other much less harmfull stuff illegal beats me.

But it all comes back to the alcohol industry they run the show and dont care you die. As these figures will never be presented offcially. It would be funny if they ever started reporting on alcohol how they do with other drugs. They must think people are stupid and some are. I often come across people unable to stand or walk, glass in hand saying proudly ' I never do drugs ' and they believe it the fools that they are. We even gave it another name to complete the charade ' alcohol '. While we call the others drugs but not the ones from the doctor even opiates they are ok right michael.

Either ban the lot or tell the truth and allow adults to use sensibly the current situation however is laughable. Alcohol is the drug problem in society its everywhere the sun is shining people are drinking it and selling it. In many bars they have an alcoholics corner where the girls who hate what they do for money get plastered. But hang on wait until the piss testing police come round and she used something else not taxed and advertised on tv then its a different story. What a hypocritical world we live in.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:11 am on April 15, 2013
Totally right cc...

Imagine all the booze and beer bottles with 50 % of the printing on package and glass used for horror pics as we know them from the cigarette boxes...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:20 am on April 15, 2013
Agree completely with most of what was said above. Alcohol creates hellish suffering for individuals and families, even though I don' t agree with the conspirational ideas about those studies.

And yes, alcohol is a carcinogenic. But in small doses it also may prevent cancer. Where is the tipping point?

I love those reds. If I could afford one of those Ch Latours I would not hesitate to risk or benefit, who would care in front of such heavenly hedonistic pleasure?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:27 am on April 15, 2013
dirty guru
Of course it's not a conspiracy....indepencece of many studies confirm that small amounts of red wine are good for you.

Red wine contains a complex mixture of bioactive compounds, including flavonols, monomeric and polymeric flavan-3-ols, highly colored anthocyanins, as well as phenolic acids and the stilbene polyphenol, resveratrol. Brown said that some of these compounds, particularly resveratrol, appear to have health benefits.
Yes alcohol causes much death and destruction and social discord.
However it also keeps populations in check.
Allows females to find a man to impregnat them when their attractiveness is limited.

It allows in many instances a social gathering to celebrate.

I miss drinking but at 50 realise it was time to stop

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:15 pm on April 15, 2013
The conspiracy is that alcohol is protected and ufairly marketed while other products are illegal and the suppliers labelled criminals. Most large alcohol companies have politicians amongst the shareholders and politicians decide policies. So they think its fine to advertise their drug on early evening tv. It works a little bit like communism wipe out the competition.

Im around DG's age but have not stopped just slowed down to a couple of times a week moderately. I saw My doctor yesterday and he is happy I use other things that are not such a burden on my liver. I have a problem when im in Thailand but thats not so often these days.

It would be more balanced to read daily negative reports on alcohol and have pictures of the deseases its cause on cans and bottles.But that would be too near the truth and politicians are not good on the truth just twisiting it to their advantage.

This would be better for the youth as for me I dont care I have tried everything so know what it does and realised the government is talking out of their ass so gave up taking them seriously long ago.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:17 am on April 17, 2013

I am too naive or stupid to understand all those conspiracy theories that are so prevalent on sites like this one. Take the most common one: President Bush and Mossad were behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. How the hell did they manage to keep it secret among all those thousands and thousands of individuals, technicians, scientists etc involved in commissions and investigations. Same goes for those wine/ health issues. Politicians, companies and other commerical groups have conflicting interests and are at its other throats about them. How can the conspiiring groups avoid being revealed and harassed by all those other interest groups? Please explain!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:54 am on April 18, 2013
The 9/11 "Truther" bullshit is ridiculous, of course, but it is based on some truth: it's pretty clear that Bush and his cronies knew an attack was imminent, and that they let it happen anyway, because they knew it would enable them to erode American liberties and strengthen their position. Which they did.

What they didn't realize, though, was how large the attack would be and just how many people would die. They probably thought, a few hundred or so...I don't think they would have let it go ahead if they knew it would be thousands. Still, it worked out quite well for the Republicans.

That said, to take that one step further and say they CAUSED it, and blew up the World Trade Center buildings themselves, well, that's just goofy.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:43 am on April 18, 2013
dirty guru
Examples of 9/11 conspiracy theories

From the film "9/11 Explosive Evidence"

The controlled demolition theory of the collapse of the World Trade Towers and Building 7 is not a fringe idea.

It is the conclusion of hundreds of engineers, architects, materials experts and demolition experts who have been willing to put their names and reputations on the line.

My thoughts are that some aspects were worth considering....after all these are experts.

The same applies to alcohol.

If experts say red wine in small amounts is good it's worth considering.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:07 pm on April 18, 2013
Excuse me for putting it straight, but how can it be "clear" to outsiders; how can you really KNOW, and I mean KNOW and not speculate or find or find it probable that Bush and his gang calculated with the attack and let it happen in order to put into effect their own agenda? I was and I am strongly anti-Bush and against the Iraq invasion, but I would never let my own political position influence my observations and judgment of reality. Excuse me again but I do find the underdoggish idea that people in high places always conspire quite boring until evidence is shown. Too much "24" watching, excellent entertainment as it is. But if it can be shown I accept the evidence totally in disregard of my own political preferences or bias. Sorry for continuing being off-topic.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:17 pm on April 18, 2013
dirty guru
Agree it's unlikely Bush did it.

But some questions remain unanswered

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:07 pm on April 18, 2013

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