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So, Civil Journalists -- isn't it time for you to do your civic duty and report on some problems with the much vaunted Blackberry Bold?

What's that, you say?

At this very second, Orange has allegedly pulled all units off the shelves to hammer out some "software issues" that have plagued early devices in subscribers' hands. The whole situation leaves one to wonder whether carriers jumped the gun on validating early builds of the Bold's firmware in an effort to get it out into the market in a non-ridiculous amount of time, while AT&T may have chosen to play it safe with a longer, more excrutiating battery of tests -- leading to RIM's claims that the October 2 miss was all AT&T's fault.

It's just a theory, and probably a pretty meaningless one since this Orange fiasco should apparently take a couple weeks to clear up at most, and we're still hearing occasional whispers out of the AT&T camp that they're still pushing for an October release over there.

Hmmm.... harks kinda back to early problems with the iPhone 3G, which had certain people plenty enraged, touting the awesomeness of the Blackberry Bold.

So, how come the peanut gallery's all quiet now?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:58 pm on Oct. 10, 2008
cos this is an iphone thread not a bold thread

no im not new, im just stupid remember

and by battery "problem" I mean that with heavy usage and wifi 3g etc it ONLY lasts 14hrs, unlike your iphone that lasts about 14mins

for a normal user the blackberry lasts a day at least

although at least by using several curves I always had a backup battery near

now I just have to ensure the bold is charged when I leave home etc as its a bigger size battery cant be swapped with the curve

also my points WERE PERSONAL PREFERENCE not complaint

the bold is an amazing phone

i might as well complain that the iphone has a touch screen
thats a feature duh

a feature of the bold is the new software etc keys

im just saying I PREFER the curve keypad

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:42 am on Oct. 11, 2008
mine is a rogers one direct from canadia

also the 3g dubai thing is the network issue due to eid saturation now its cool on fire smoking hotly fast again

ner ner ner

better than iphone ner ner ner

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:50 am on Oct. 11, 2008
I was actually talking about China Sailor, mostly -- but thanks for clarifying that it's your personal preferences we are talking about.

I hear RIM is poised for a take-over from Microsoft - that ought to put the nail in that coffin, if it were to happen.

By the way - amusing how you feel that you must compare the Bold's *STAND BY* time to the iPhone's actual *TALK TIME* (which is rated at 5 hours - same as the Bold, in fact) - well, I can understand why you feel the need to lie about obvious and verifiable facts, just don't be so obvious.

iPhone Talk Time (from :
up to 5 hours on 3G
up to 10 hours on 2G (EDGE, GSM, GPRS)

iPhone Stand By Time (from :
up to 300 hours (over 12 days)

Blackberry Bold Talk Time (from :
up to 5 hours

Blackberry Bold Stand By Time (from :
up to 13 days.

snpark: FAIL

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:17 am on Oct. 11, 2008
sorry daffy I didnt compare any standby times, I didnt even mention that
nice try
i compared normal usage

and who cares about standby times except apple nerds who like to sit and look at their phone for 13days

where bberry users are businessmen who use their phones normally

certainly with 3g IN MY STUPID OPINION I dont find it any faster for emails or sms, so I have mine on 2g only mostly, I dont download things from the net that much and not everywhere has a full 3g network anyway

hahahhaah hang on daffy I just read your comparisons that you said I lied about?!?!! and iphone is no better than the bold!!

both have similar / same talk times (5 hours) and in fact for standby time the bold BEATS the iphone by a day

so you obviously didnt read your own comparisons

very amusing

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:41 pm on Oct. 11, 2008

Quote: from snpark on 1:15 pm on Oct. 12, 2008

both have similar / same talk times (5 hours) and in fact for standby time the bold BEATS the iphone by a day

so you obviously didnt read your own comparisons
Woohoo, oh boy, you must be hard up to win that pissing contest -- iPhone 12.5 days vs. Bold 13 days. Oh yeah, boy, you 'win' by 12 hours.

....oh, and if you claim the Bold has 14 hours of talk time, and the iPhone only 14 minutes, well, those are lies, because neither are true from your own statements - but I keep being reminded, by yourself, that you are, in fact, stupid. Apparently, you seem to cherish that condition - far be it from me to counter you.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:10 am on Oct. 12, 2008
but a win is a win, especially when you accused me of lying and even saying something I didnt even say

and you are one sad git to really care that I put 14mins when I was quite obviously taking the pi55 out of you

and you were the one who said 14hours, not me!! idiot


ps I said "about" 14mins

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:29 am on Oct. 12, 2008

Quote: from snpark on 10:03 pm on Oct. 12, 2008
and you were the one who said 14hours, not me!! idiot (...)

Odd, since to quote you:

Quote: from snpark on 1:17 am on Oct. 12, 2008

and by battery "problem" I mean that with heavy usage and wifi 3g etc it ONLY lasts 14hrs, unlike your iphone that lasts about 14mins

You been hanging out with EPC...?

Sure looks like you're caught in another lie.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:11 am on Oct. 12, 2008
another lie?
what was the first one?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:11 pm on Oct. 12, 2008
ok yes I said 14hrs thats cos thats how long my battery lasts on a normal day

which was very kindly backed up and verified by your list of comparison times where you said 5hrs talktime and 13days standby
thus confirming that a normal average user should expect battery time to be between 5hrs and 13 days

hence the 14hrs that I experience is not out of the norm

so yes it was me who specifically mentioned 14hrs as my own personal experience as an example

but it was you who kindly dug yourself into a hole by supplying the cold hard facts that the bold battery lasts longer than the iphone one

oh by the way IF your iphone battery does go dead daffy and you cant charge it, what do you do?
you got a replacement one you can switch it for??!!

see if mine does go dead, than I can remove it and put in a nice shiny new charged one


over to you again to try and twist all my words and accuse me of lying "AGAIN" ?!??!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:19 pm on Oct. 12, 2008

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