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lets be back to topic


s a sheikh

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:02 pm on Nov. 1, 2006
Some more observations from the Moo Bhan ( village ) that was the subject of this Thread :-

(1) Recently one of the girls from this Moo Bhan had a sort of "House Warming" for the house that she had built with money provided by her 2 sponsors.
I was visiting with my Chinese Mainlander at the time and so I was invited along.
Apart from a few elders and children there were about 25 girls who all work in Thailand.
What was interesting was that these 25 girls gradually gravitated into one group and the conversation slowly moved on to their various sponsors - how many each had ; how they handled numbers more than one ; the tricky situations some of them had to handle ; how much they had suckered each sponsor out of ; the sexual preferences of various sponsors/ customers ; what was the current going rate for different forms of sex ; etc.
The really interesting part was that all of this discussion took place in the presence of the children and the elders - AND a few of the elders even contributed their advice on how to handle sponsors / customers ; how to get out of tricky situations when a sponsor / customer wanted sex in a particular way that the girl did not want ;etc.

(2) The particular girl who had built this house had 2 sponsors - one Malaysian about 60 years old and one Singaporean about 35 years old. According to this girl, she initially met the Singaporean and really liked him and wanted to keep him on a permanent basis.
But, either he was not very rich OR he did not want to be suckered, so she could not get very large sums out of him.
The solution ? She took up with the Malaysian ( while keeping the Singaporean on hold ), and got the Malaysian to finance the construction of her house.
She had planned to ditch the Malaysian after the house was complete, but the problem was that she had become too fond of the Malaysian and now she was in a quandry as she had to juggle these 2 in terms of "Visitation Rights".
For the House-Warming, she arranged a fake House-Warming about a fortnight earlier to the real House-Warming and invited the Singaporean for that one. And then a fortnight later after she had safely dispatched the Singaporean she had this real House-Warming with the Malaysian present !!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:20 am on Nov. 5, 2006
so girls are able to live at ease and built their own houses after getting good financers and more over open discussion will attract and bring more talent in this line from Moo Bhan ( village )


s a sheikh

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:55 am on Nov. 5, 2006
This is why I only take girlfriends that already have a boyfriend.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:21 am on Nov. 5, 2006
you make nice decesion I also prefer free lancers


s a sheikh

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:40 am on Nov. 6, 2006
Just returned from an 18 day stay in the Moo Bhan that is the subject of this Thread and here are some more observations :-

( NOTE : These observations have nothing to do with P4P or with the girls ).

(1) I have heard for many years now that China had a very strict one-child-per-family policy. But in this Moo Bhan this is more the exception than the rule - there are families with 2 sons OR 2 daughters and the parents of the current generation come from families of 3 to 6 children. Funnily, in the current generation I have not yet seen a family with 1 son and 1 daughter - the 2 children are always of the same sex.

(2) The school hours are unbelieveable - first session 7a.m. till 12 noon ; second session 2.30 p.m. till 5.00 p.m. last session 6.30 p.m. till 10.00 p.m. - 5 days a week. Of course during these times they have organised games, exercises, etc. apart from their studies.

(3) I got the impression that "Religion" is not allowed ( OR not encouraged ) in China. BUT in all the Moo Bhans and towns in this region the Buddhist Religion is followed "religiously" - with even Government officials joining in for major religious festivals and celebrations.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:06 am on Dec. 11, 2006
thanks for your info abou china
one child policy is more strict in cities and in many villages people have 2 or very rarely more childrens

and same about relegion in cities not encouraged but in villages people are more relegious

s a sheikh

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:14 pm on Dec. 11, 2006
no new post since last seven months


s a sheikh

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:41 pm on July 8, 2007

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