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MainCambodia – Bazookas, AK47's, grenades, machineguns and cows. All Topics

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Is that the same place where you insert a grenade through the cow's ass after removing the safety pin.

I heard is great fun. Specially when the cow does not cooperate with the insertion and you become pressed for time. There are bets going from the spectators (all at a safe distance) on all the possible outcomes.

Try it and report back.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:12 am on Dec. 12, 2003
Buxeda thanks 4 the tip.

I grew up on a farm and used to go hunting with my dad and brothers, so culling animals for various purposes is not new to me.
I am not sick. Take a visit to a slaughter house and see the conditions and processes in which cows, chickens and pigs go through before they end up on you plate.
Have you ever thought where the steak you ate the other night came from ?

A cow gets blasted, "big f*cking deal"

Anyway I read they emit most of the gases which cause harm to the ozone layer.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:34 am on Dec. 12, 2003
A cow blasted for fun dies faster and suffers less than cow killed with knife for eating purposes.

My issue would not be the way the cow dies, but probably the waste of the cow as a source of nutrition. I guess blasted cow is difficult to then turn into commercial cuts for sale.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:40 am on Dec. 12, 2003

Quote: from Smegma on 3:12 pm on Dec. 12, 2003
Is that the same place where you insert a grenade through the cow's ass after removing the safety pin.

I heard is great fun. Specially when the cow does not cooperate with the insertion and you become pressed for time. There are bets going from the spectators (all at a safe distance) on all the possible outcomes.

Try it and report back.

One possible outcome "sh*t for brains" any bets?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:53 am on Dec. 12, 2003
Boy, I think you have opened a can of worms here,please refrane from the details of what you want to do,but that is to late.

The hounds on this forum are onto you,they will chase you.

I am a hunter but a cow mate come on, I`ve been there and seen other FOOLS partake IN THE COW fest
and its crap.

I eat meat,deer,ducks ect, but refering to Mcdonalds well its a bit over the top.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:58 am on Dec. 12, 2003
Right the thrill of the hunt is in the chase. It is really hard to track down and catch those cows, next "Pigs will be flying" from the bazooka blasts.

Beware Krypto it is now "Cow Hunting Season"

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:03 am on Dec. 12, 2003
In reality, I never understood the passion for hunting big game. They are easy to shoot at. Big animal standing in the distance, me with big gun, aim, shoot, animal goes down. 5555. Actually quite boring. The beast never had a chance.

Now, if you tell me you are a Masai warrior with a spear, ok, maybe now we are talking about the thrill of hunting.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:16 am on Dec. 12, 2003
I don't care if it's cow hunting season. But if you are hunting my elephants and actually killing them, I am going to start kickin' ass and takin' names!


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 am on Dec. 12, 2003

Quote: from Krypto on 4:25 pm on Dec. 12, 2003
I don't care if it's cow hunting season. But if you are hunting my elephants and actually killing them, I am going to start kickin' ass and takin' names!


You would care after a few elephants and you decide to go cow tipping, you may be the next target

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:31 am on Dec. 12, 2003
Dont know if there are more than one but the one I went to in october was beyond the airport - about 15 minutes from Sisowath Quay.

They have all sorts of guns from 9mm to m16s to ak47s ( the AK was I think $20 not $30 ) up to handgrenades and bazookas and anti aircraft guns at $100 a pop.

The handgrenade was $10 ? - I should really write these things down shouldnt I ? - but was a bit of an anti climax as they take you round to the side of the range and make you throw it into a big pond so you just see a mini depth charge going off.

Yes, my moto man did ask if I wanted to go up into the hills for the big one - but at that cost, I dont really fancy doinig a sighting shot.

I presume from the $100 the poor farmer will get $5 or so in compensaion ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:58 am on Dec. 12, 2003

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