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"'s all about respect. And when individuals use the words, whore, sluts, ect. they just shows the level of respect that person has for them. Which translates into none. But, it also looks like people that use those words  to describe the working female are only looking for sex and nothing else. So, I guess those words do fit their defintion of picking a female only for sex.

Along these lines I also find it interesting that many threads focus on only sex and how cheap an individual can get it for. I think Thailand and the females have alot more to offer then just sex."

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:51 am on Aug. 15, 2002
Ballsburstin (You should have a doctor look at that BTW),
I just read your post and truly impressed by your wisdom, insight and generosity of spirit.  I hope your lady knows how lucky she is.  Here's to ya!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:54 am on Aug. 15, 2002
Hey guys, cmore here (DAMN! Mr. Joe you really are slipping these days. I managed to wiggle out of the straight jacket yet again and tip toe right past you and you didn't bat an eye. For shame, for shame). Nice to hear from yet another brother who has this extremely strange idea about treating Thai women with a little kindness and respect. Wouldn't it be nice if this particular disease were very contagious? The only bad part is that there will always be someone trying to find a cure. Modern medicine can have it's draw backs. I agree with Sir Mr. Joe (I thought the queen was the only one that can bestow knighthood on somebody). BallsB. you're more than alright in my book also. I like your way of thinking because I think exactly the same. Are you sure we aren't twins? (Don't worry Mr. Joe, the ambulance is on the way. I programmed my phone with the number on speed dial after the last stroke). I live in America and my lady lives in Bangkok so it's not like I can hope on my bicycle and ride over to her place to peek through a window and see what she's doing (Or who). Even if I could I would hope that the love that I hold in my heart for this woman would keep me from taking that ride. I also have to remember that she too is in the same boat. She can't take that ride anymore than I can. So what options does that leave us? Two that I can think of. #1 is trust and #2 is one shoe on and the other in mid air waiting to drop. Everyone on the planet has the right to be trusted. You only give up that right when you do something to abuse or betray that trust. By showing these ladies a little trust you are giving them something that few of them have ever experienced before. You're giving them a gift and as most of us know very few Thai ladies are in the habit of turning down a gift. Yes there are some that are in the habit of pawning or selling the gifts we give them. Only you can decide whether or not that's considered a betrayal of trust. Now as far as the other shoe dropping is concerned, that's just common sense, but don't sit around waiting for it to happen. Don't look for it to happen but be prepared for it if it does happen. I'm over here and she's over there. What we don't know won't hurt us. I'm sold. However I'd be more than a little hypocritical if I didn't say the thought about doing a little checking hadn't crossed my mind. Whenever a spam is sent to my email address I normally just delete it without even reading it first. A few weeks ago I did get one that caught my eye so I saved it. It was for a new software that can be paid for and downloaded at the same time so that it can be used immediately. What does it do? It allows the user to secretly enter into someone elses email address and read their messages. It's suppose to be for parents that want to find out what kind of sickos are emailing their kids. The cost for this download was only 39.95. Not much to pay for peace of mind right? I saved this spam a month ago but for some reason I never actually went through with it. Wonder why? What we don't know won't hurt us. I'm sold. By the way, if any of the brothers are planning on asking me to forward this spam to them, sorry, I just deleted it today. Why? When I got home from work today and checked my email there was a letter from my lady. As most of the brothers already know I met my lady when she was working as a hostess in a beer bar. As far as I'm aware she has only worked in beer bars as a hostess, never in gogo bars as anything ( Remember that annoying trust thing we talked about earlier). She was pleased to inform me that starting tomorrow she will be starting a new job. Which beer bar this time you ask? Sorry, this time she's working in a coffee shop. Why did she seem so happy to be working in a coffee shop? The pay cannot be that great. Her reason for the job change? She wanted me to be proud of her and to know that she's being a good girl. After reading her letter I deleted that spam from my in box and immediately ran my internet washer program to erase it completely from my hard drive. What we don't know won't hurt us. What we do know reaffirms my belief in trust. Peace

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:51 pm on Aug. 15, 2002
The Doc
Most Thai girls are into survival ethics.  They do what they have to do to survive.  Of course the gov. here only educates them to a 6th grade level so they have few alternatives to selling flesh.  Like in most large groups you will find all types, from the sluts to the sweethearts.  Guys do treat them with respect.  What goes around comes around.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:23 pm on Aug. 15, 2002

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:26 pm on Aug. 15, 2002
Hey bro's, where are all the flames telling cmore, balls and I to get a room and stop flirting? If I didn't know better I'd think youre a bunch of sensitive types!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:22 pm on Aug. 15, 2002

Quote: from MrJoe on 10:22 am on Aug. 16, 2002
Hey bro's, where are all the flames telling cmore, balls and I to get a room and stop flirting? If I didn't know better I'd think youre a bunch of sensitive types!

get a room and STOP Flirting!!!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:26 pm on Aug. 15, 2002
Oh, now I'm hurt. I'm taking my ball and going home.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:28 pm on Aug. 15, 2002
I originated this thread because of genuine concern for a good friends 'future'.  He still knows no knowledge of this but will see it on hard copy within the next 2 weeks on his return to the UK.

The first few responses were as I expected.  But it seems we have moved on to the somewhat 'happy-ending' or perhaps - getting there 'scenarios'.

I am personally relieved, (for my friends sake) and for my personal understanding with regards to LOS - that love can conquer!  
I understand on principle (somehow), why LOS BG's become BG's.  It is so very different, it seems to me to than their counterparts in simular 'resulting occupations' in the West (Note: I am from the UK).

I am in the Carribean at the moment and 'succumbed ' the other night to a 'professional lady'.  I really regretted it afterwards!  Why, well I am not sure; I just felt she got me at a low ebb and took advantage - doesn't mean I have a bad feeling about her - but I do have a bad feeling about me.  What I am trying to say I think, is that the way these ladies operate in LOS has the possibility that they are looking for love!  Maybe because it's for survival, but that's better perhaps than most Western or (Carribean women) motives for 'action' which I begin to feel more so day by day is for greed of money - full stop!

I hope, one day, to fall in love again myself , and be genuinely loved back also!

Deep down, I guess after my last visit to LOS, I hope it happens with a TG, but that's because I loved the country and the people per-se and for no other reason.  In other words my heart tells me that is where I want to place my roots!  I just feel it could be my home!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:13 pm on Aug. 15, 2002
You're not the only one that's going home Mr. Joe because Balls just may have confirmed the fact that we are twins and even I just went through the most intense case of the tingles ever recorded. Balls are you sitting down? My lady is also from Udon Thani and I will be arriving in Bangkok on Sept. 22 for one week. Coincidence? Two cmore's born 5 minutes apart. Be afraid guys. Be very, very afraid (I will be sleeping with the lights on tonight). Peace (NO! NOT REST IN PEACE! MOOOOM!)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:16 pm on Aug. 15, 2002

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