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it was a slip, but perhaps a Freudian one; Am I the only one who thinks a few bits of strategically placed fabric can add immeasurably to the whole Visual Trip (An inherent component of HOT MONKEE SEX). I've even thought I should start a thread; True or False- A partly clothed (lingerie, latex, teletubbie costume) girl is sexier than a naked girl.
In my opinion grasshopper, one of the signs of reaching Jedi knighthoood is your ability to (without coercion of course!) get your women to WANT to dress up for you.  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:58 am on Aug. 17, 2002
The Doc
I agree.  Most of the girls I can afford always look better with thier clothes on.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:12 am on Aug. 17, 2002
BTW cmore and BallsB,

Though not my current one, the Love of My Life (the one whom I let go and will regret for the rest of my know, that one) was from-yes.. Udon. Most of my favorite TGs (and male thai friends) over the years have been from there or Nong Khai (which used to be part of Udon).

At the risk of sounding like a pedantic ass (Why stop now MrJoe?) the Isaan dialect is not exactly the same as Lao but they share a great deal and certainly a girl from Udon would have no trouble communicating with Laos. ÝFor that matter, Thai is not that different and it has become a language that pretty much replaces French and Russian as the essential foriegn language for Lao people to learn, so even a Central Thai speaker won't have much problem. Ý

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:15 am on Aug. 17, 2002
Hey Z Man, thanks. Anything I can do to try and help the brothers, although I'm starting to feel like the Ann Landers of the internet with all this advice to the lovelorn (AW MAN! Don't tell me another personality has just been added to the long list of voices screaming in my head. It's starting to get a bit crowded up there). Anyway I agree with you that long distance relationships are hard to maintain, but they are truly worth the work and effort when you meet the right person. Sounds like you may have. Enjoy this time young Jedi but always be watchful of falling footware. A bump on the noggin can be very painful at times. I'm glad to hear that you get to see your lady on sommewhat of a regular basis. Try this one on for size. My return trip in Sept. will be my second one and that will be 4 months after my first one. FOUR MONTHS!!! (OH MAN! Somebody go get the straight jacket and HURRY!). And the next trip won't be until next summer (I can't afford to come during high tourist season), so check back with me after the first of the year because if we're still together at that time then I will have written the book on maintaining a long distance relationship and I'll send you an autographed copy. Peace

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:25 am on Aug. 17, 2002
The Doc
I agree totally about Nhong Khai and Udon, even though my tiloc of the last 9 years is from Ubon.  I think the girls form Nhong Khai are great.  And Cheap!!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:27 am on Aug. 17, 2002
Falling in love with a BG on a 7 or 14, 25 day trip is crazy. I've done these trips. Living 10K from your honey, not speaking Thai and she for the most part not understanding english. Both comming from totally different cultures. Then you get lust that comes in to play and a bit of lonelyness. Crazy!! NO MATTER HOW YOU WANT TO PHRASE IT, bg, working girl, the girls no matter how nice they may seem, responsive they may be in bed are all getting paid for services rendered. They are whores and the young guys, middle aged guys and soon to be senior cits who are newbies to LOS and the many charms of the ladies need to understand what they are dealing with. The number of bg who are emailing a fair number of guys at the same time is amazing. Guys who work at the internet cafe make a real good baht writing english emails for the girls. How do I know this. A bg I've gotton to know gave me a run down of each of the bg's she worked with. Allmost all the girls have Thai husbands or boyfriends many of the girls don't like flangs and are only interested in the money and that they prefer old men like myself because we can't go as long as when we were younger and we have more money. Of course my bg is "different" yah right. Here the differences, shes in here late 30's and knows her days are numbered in the bg bussiness and she's looking around for what's next and who's next. I understand where's she's comming from and I've no problems with it. I always treated her with respect and I always PAID for services rendered. No matter how nice it is, it AIN'T romance guys, it's business. I have a hard time understanding why guys travel 10K to marry a whore? I understand caring and liking them but marriage! Millions of Thai girls work 7 days a week, 8 to 10 hours aday for 6 to 8K baht per month and they don't do it by spreading their legs.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 am on Aug. 17, 2002
I haven't got the energy to get into whether there's ANY truth in the last posting (there is SOME, sadly, despite its bitter, judgmental an unneccessarily harsh tone and its very limited perspective). No doubt there will be two opposing views on this topic. It will be interesting to see how many of those who agree with BigDUSA are like himself, not located here and base their conclusions on info provided by second hand sources (A BG no less; I thought they were alll dishonest BigD?).

I will leave it up to the other bros to suggest that maybe some people are treated only as "johns" because they view the women only as "whores".

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:09 am on Aug. 17, 2002
Hey Mr. Joe, how's life treating you? I still haven't heard back from you about the dinner idea but there's still plenty of time so no rush. Not afraid of having me around Mrs. Joe ARE YA! (You have learned much Jedi master). Anyway about the dressing up issue, I'll let you know after she and I go on our first official date on Sept. 23. HUH? you may ask. The last time I was there she and I didn't really go out at night by ourselves very much. We mostly went out with our family and by family I mean my new extended family. In other words her roommate and some of her coworkers at the bar she use to work at. As of last count I now have, besides her real family of course, 3 sisters, a brother and a young man that liked me so much that he wanted to be my son so he made my lady his mom. Only problem with that is that my lady is 23 and he's 27 so the son was born before the mother was. This just fits so perfectly well into the wonderful world that is Cmore. The closest we came to going out just the two of us was when she took me to see the royal palace. So this will be our first official date with only us and we plan to get dressed up and paint the town (No not blood red BallsB. I'm the schizoid twin, you're  the evil twin remember?). I'm very much looking forward to seeing what her idea of dressing up will look like because I've only seen her dressed in mostly jeans and shirts (And in the morning wearing one of my Tshirts ). I'll let you know how she looks. By the way guys, I don't know about the rest of you but I've noticed that the best time to see exactly how gorgeous and sexy my lady looks is when she first wakes up in the morning. No offense meant to the other ladies of the world but Thai ladies must have some kind of special gene in them that other women don't. How else can you explain how someone who doesn't have any makeup on, has puffy eyes, and hair that looks like she just stuck her finger in a light socket can look so beautiful. If anyone can figure out how to put that into pill form I've got dibs on the patent. Peace

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:22 am on Aug. 17, 2002
What parts are untrue? I'm not bitter or harsh about the girls. I have a great time when I come to Thailand. I've been there 10 times and comming back next April. I treat the girls with respect, show them a good time and pay them the going rate. When I come back to the bar a few months later they remember my name and they all want to hook up not because I'm a great lover or a big spender but they remember that they have a good time with me. I aim the previous message to NEWBIES that when they get to LOS they don't expect the girl friend experience. They start to think with their heart and "minime" and not with thier head. I agree I make the tone harsh because I'm trying to get over one point. When you pay a girl for services rendered it's business not romance. As long as you remember that and "minime" in check the newbie will be ok.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:41 am on Aug. 17, 2002

apropos dinner. e mail me, let's do it.

re; "dressed up"- You innocent lad you, I didn't mean going out. In fact no one got it. ÝAm I that freaky that no else knows what I'm talking about? I don't want to shock you Ýbut I meant wearing various apparel while having sex. (Hence the segue from HOT MONKEE SEX minus the NAKED, get it?)

Oh but my sweetheart is a nice girl you say. ÝI say: What better turn on (assuming both are into it)?- a nice girl dressed/acting like a bad girl. Need I say, I speak from experience? (Mrs. Joe is very sweet and ladylike outside the bedrooom...of course I will not elaborate.)

I know what youre thinking now - " I'm not going to introduce my sweetheart to that dirty old man!"

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:46 am on Aug. 17, 2002

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