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great post...

All your points are spot on and speaking as visitor to BKK and not a resident, I still think soi 33 offers a great experience that is different to the "hello handsum man" etc, etc of other areas of bangkok, that in my opinion are rather hackneyed and cliched.

We have all seen these images portrayed time and time again in films, TV programs, new stories on SEA - heaven forbid some of the forum brothers have no doubt been living it since it exploded during the 50's & 60's. If I want to work on my forehand I will sit in PP and other such places and have a BG spit ping pong balls at me..

I guess it gets down to this... some guys like fishing with dynamite, others like watching the river working out where the good catch is, preparing the lure and willing to take the risk of sometimes leaving empty handed (but not too often!)

If we can say no, why can't they?



Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:45 am on Aug. 16, 2004

Quote: from shanghaisnap on 12:45 pm on Aug. 16, 2004

If we can say no, why can't they?

because you are paying them for it...

it's called P4P because, you pay for PLAY, not for the Option of Getting Played

Your screename should be EyesWideShut !!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:52 am on Aug. 16, 2004
F### me you are sooooo wise

Oh thank you...

My first flame from LY....

I will print out and frame.....

Now I feel complete...

And at the risk of sounding cynical - which woman isn't P4P - we all end up paying in some way...


PS: Can this thread get back on topic now or should we just move the debate to Soi 33 thread...

Apologies if my earlier threads helped direct it off topic

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:26 am on Aug. 16, 2004

Quote: from shanghaisnap on 1:26 pm on Aug. 16, 2004

F### me you are sooooo wise

Oh thank you...

My first flame from LY....

I will print out and frame.....

Now I feel complete...

And at the risk of sounding cynical - which woman isn't P4P - we all end up paying in some way...

ok, Fvck You !!

and if they're ALL pay for, then just stick with the ones at home if you want to gamble at getting lucky...

G'Bye for now

Your's Truly,


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:43 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Shanghaisnap (and others)

I said that I would bare my soul about a bad experience with a TGF. I don't know why I am doing this (partly I need the closure; partly a lesson to others) but here goes:

I've been in Asia for 20 years, last 8 in Thailand (so I should know better). Mid/late 40's, married twice before to Western girls, 2 kids. I have always had very high paying jobs.

I've never been much of a player although like everybody else I went bananas for the first 12 months, mainly in NEP and Pattaya, occasionally MP's and discos. Had 2 "steady" TGF's, one a MP girl, one a BG. I longed for a "normal" ie non P4P TGF.

One of my mates had a long term TGF and I met her friend (22) who was gorgeous. She had a farang boyfriend but I made my interest known. They split up but b4 I could get my oar in she had taken up with another one, so I bided my time.
6 months later she was available again (he'd been shagging around) and we started dating.
Let me say at this point that I had been warned about this girl. That she was only interested in what she could get. Jewelry, expensive clothes, bags, shoes, cosmetics, etc. All top draw designer stuff and she sure wore it well. But I was smitten and this time it would be different.

I was working in another part of Thailand so I rented a serviced apartment (25K a month) for her on a 1 year deal, but there were additional requirements (DVD player, bedding, decorative stuff, etc. She went to study at one of those colleges (she had never done a day's work in her life). Whenever I came "home" for weekends she would invariably be somewhere else (not shagging of that I am positive) like home to the family, with her friends in various places. But of course always back on a Sunday to take me shopping, pick up some cash, and wave me off on Sunday night. It just seemed to me that she always preferred to be somewhere else.

This went on for a few months. I complained. Sulks. But some semblance of normality returned.

Xmas came and went. I spent a lot. She disappeared to the family on Boxing Day promising to return on New Years Eve. I offered to visit the family instead (I had done so many times - they had a small business - not farmers or anything like that; normal nice people). No it was OK she would definitely be back. Phone Calls every day. Sure, definitely back on New Years Eve (I had explained in great detail how New Year was always very important in my family, more so than Xmas, and that it was very important to bring the New Year in with a loved one). Sure, definitely, right up until about 10.30 pm on New Year's Eve when "Sorry darling I'm not going to make it" I hit the roof calling her some very unpleasant names and telling her not to bother coming back.

Lots of tears. I relent. She returns a few days later. All is forgiven. Life goes on. Weekends are a blur of shopping.

Her birthday is coming up. I spend as usual. The night before she goes out with her friends (it is a weekend) for her "party with friends" promising that the next night we will go out together for the usual romantic stuff. She gets back at 6.00 am, picks up her present (jewelry as usual) and stays long enough to pack a bag. She is going home with her cousin (she wants to take advantage of the lift). I am speechless.

I still do not see the writing on the wall. One night whilst staying with me she disappears completely with her friends and is surprised whe I am upset that she is out at 4.00 am partying. The relationship staggers on for another 2 months until her college year finishes when she announces that she wants to go and live at home again. Of course we are still boyfriend/girlfriend.

This arrangement continues for another couple of months until one day she announces (not unsurprisingly) that we shouldn't see each other anymore because she wants to "do things for herself" but we should just be "good friends"

OK. Effectively that's all that we were now anyway.

But here's the kicker. For the next 18 months she calls me at least once a week or more for money for cosmetics, a new phone, monthly phone bills, medical insurance renewal, a motor scooter, etc. etc. Like a fool I cough up.

I finally called a halt to this charade at the end of last year. Not surprisingly she stopped calling me "just to say hello, oh and Darling can you........?"

I lent the family money. They will not repay it (even though she has an Aunt with more money than I will ever have, I was the one who was tapped for the loan).

People tried to tell me from the start that I was in denial. I didn't see it.

For the 10 months that we were 'together" I reckon I spent about 1.25 million ie 125,000 a month on her. That includes rent, shopping, loan to family, furniture for the family (paid for - some I donated from my own, not included).

For the 18 months when we were just "good friends" I probably only spent about 20,000 a month on her.

Lessons learned:
Never again for a start. If it doesn't feel right from the beginning then it isn't.. But I dived in too quickly and I felt "committed" because of the apartment, etc.

Thai Girls are all the same. I don't care whether they are BJ girls, Go-Go, MP, Soi 33 or "nice". All they care about is themselves, their family, other thais, etc. As a farang you come somewhere just above or below the buffalo (or equivalent).

At least with P4P you know what you're getting into.

Bitter and Twisted? You betcha!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:57 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Further (and I think more things will come to me) :

Now I feel that I was a "sponsor" in the worst term of that word rather than a "boyfriend". I was used and treated with little or no consideration or respect.

Do I have anybody to blame but myself? No.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:02 am on Aug. 16, 2004

Bro.....what a gut wrenching story. I think it was brave of you to share that with us...THX.

It is easy to see how you would become bitter after that but frankly I do not see why guys feel it is so necessary to send money to these women?

If she loves you then she LOVES YOU>>>Not the $$.
I know it is impossible to completely divorce relationships from some support...
Bro you mentioned that she has never worked a day...seems like that would have been a good warning sign and a message to other bros that a girls work ethic is one of the things that should be examined closely when getting into a relationship with a lady.

Lazy chicks that want to be "totally" taken care of need to be ejected...

I have only been in two remotely serious relationships with TGs. The second one made repeated comments about having money problems but never asked for any. When she finally did I told her "Oh I am sorry, you have mistaken me for someone that has money to give out. I am sorry...I guess I am not good for you. Bye-Bye"

It can really be that simple guys...there are so many more ladies out there that are thrilled at the idea of having you take care of them somewhat when with them but the whole idea of sponsorship puzzles me...either the lady is too lazy to take financial care of her self (Bad thing) or she is just out to play us guys (Bad thing) Either way she is gone...

Living there and being with her all the time and having a real relationship would be diferent but she MUST still work to take care of herself at least somewhat.

I hate mooching people....women too!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:32 am on Aug. 16, 2004
jack attack

You are not alone and you have passed through to the point of hopefully being certain the next time before the "bank opens".

We are all suckers for this and anyone who claims they never have fallen for this even a little is the same guy who swears he has never jerked off.

The problem is the challenge and the thrill when it works initially. We want to believe it will be different. We don't want to listen to friends who warn us because "they don't really know her like we do".

But it most often is the same story and we have to learn our lessons individually. I will bet there are hundreds that read your note that were saying (like me) I could have written this exact same story.

Who knows, maybe there is only one beautiful girl in Thailand and we have all fallen prey to her!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Cyborg & Jack Attack

Thanks guys. I was expecting some real sh_t for being such a prat (early days yet; maybe that will come later).

And you know the really sad part? Even though she treated me like a piece of sh_t on the bottom of her shoe I still care about her, think about her every day and wonder what could I have done differently or better? Unbelievable!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:52 am on Aug. 16, 2004

Thank you for being so courageous and honest in sharing what is obviously a very painful experience.

From previous relationships I can relate to alot of what you experienced and will be saving your post to remind me of the harsh reality.

The last thing I will say is your kids must be incredibly lucky to have a father who is so obviously generous of spirit and love...

Many Thanks & Take Care


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:52 am on Aug. 16, 2004

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