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Quote: from thailife on 12:26 am on Jan. 4, 2012

I choose to visit, spend freely and leave. It keeps it fresh, new and I can go home and regain my sanity.

As opposed to folks like Kenneth, and you can see what happens to them for being stuck in Thailand...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:02 pm on Jan. 3, 2012
Oh boo hoo iphone boy, who started this? Who sent a personal message to me to have the last word? Go back to flogging your black and whites if you can't take it junior, cos your breaking my heart. Truth hurts doesn't it? I'm getting to you and you're crying to mum cos you can't finish what you started. Soft cock.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:31 pm on Jan. 3, 2012
kenneth, that's Daffy's standard mode of operation:
1. flame
2. bait, many of his posts will contain a bait aimed at his current adversary (adversaries)
3. false and fictitious accusations
4. Then he'll claim stalking
5. Then he goes crying to the moderator that he's been wronged

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:08 pm on Jan. 3, 2012
Here's at #5 already.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:37 pm on Jan. 3, 2012

Quote: from bkkz on 10:37 am on Jan. 4, 2012

... yes, well... what a waste, eh?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:53 pm on Jan. 3, 2012
Get your Steve Jobs action figure now!

If you have more than daffy then I'll eat my hat

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:59 pm on Jan. 3, 2012
Get real with this. You have absolutely no chance of getting a job here. That is the truth, and to come here expecting different is just a pipe dream.

You do not have a skill set that is needed in Thailand. If you had the ability to speak Thai fluently then your management background would be helpful, but without that, there are thousands just like you looking to pay the rent, or trying to get a plane ticket home.

Your only avenue is to get a college degree, it does not matter in what field, them pass your Tefl certification course and teach English for $300US a month if you are lucky. There is lots of competition from the backpacker crowd looking to do the same as you, and plenty of companies charging money for the course to pass your language teaching certification course. Look on

Without a degree you will be real lucky now to even get a teaching job, and then if you do it will be for around $200US a month in the boondocks, not in Bangkok.

To make it here you will also need to develop a tutoring schedule at $10US an hour. You will have to do this on your off hours just to live at the low end of middle class here.

Your construction background is worthless, unless you want to live in a tin shack on the jobsite for $12 a day (if you're lucky), working from sun up to sun down. There are no labor laws here to speak of. But then the language problem comes in to play in this field as no hiring contractor foreman here speak English, and most of the time there is no blue print to work from.

The reality is you will need about $700US a month to live here minimum without speaking Thai. If you spoke Thai you could get by on less, but it would be also a lower standard of living. There are no jobs here for the skill set you have that pays anywhere near what you will need to just survive.

Save your money, and try to take your vacations here each year. If you get the normal Wendy's vacation package you can come here twice a year, if you save your money to do so.

If you do this, and saving your money, every penny of it, you just might run into a business oportunity you can start up. That is the only other way to work here, start your own business, but it is dangerous, and very risky. You will need at least $50,000 to have any kind of a chance, and $100,000+ would be more realistic.

This will get you working at just above the poverty level, but you will be here working - from sun up to sun down or longer 7 days a week 365 days a year.

There are no days off, with most regular jobs only having 2-4 days off a month, but as a business owner in your fields there are no days off. Anyone you hire to run the business for you will steal you blind if you are not there.

This is more the reality of trying to work here. There are some exceptions, but unfortunately you don't fall into any of them.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:02 pm on Jan. 3, 2012
Nice bit of reality from koolbreez

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:07 pm on Jan. 3, 2012
So, can we all agree, duckiphone is a soft, I love it

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:15 am on Jan. 4, 2012
+1 with koolbreez.

When you look up for jobs here, most of them (or should I say all of them) require you to speak Thai fluently. Then, most people here have master degree..then alot of them have master degree in US or UK or from other countries...also why the company get into trouble to sponsor your visa and work permit.

Alot international schools here, so it's your best chance is trying to get into one of the schools. I dont know what farang teachers get pay at international school so I take koolbreez for that....but local Thai teacher dont get pay enough.......guess like in the US the teachers dont get pay enough.

Here they dont have Wendy. You can ask Wendy headquarter to get into business here..then send you here to setup and train new people here.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:32 am on Jan. 4, 2012

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