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Mr Alan
you are quite correct.
I take a tablet three times a day. this is to turn off my testerone in my brain, as the cancer feeds off this.

I have a injection every 26 shrink the prostate.

then I start radio.

excuse this rough scrible but am laying here with the most awful flu possible

regards PP

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:10 pm on April 27, 2010
Shredded Wheat
I felt I had to post this. It is not about prostrate cancer but it is about cancer - and hope.

For anyone who is concerned about cancer and who is at the point where it seems conventional medicine cannot help further please don't give up.

Take a look at liquid zeolite - (If you decide to buy liquid zeolite then search for a supplier on the net - places like "e-bay" can give you good deals where it is not expensive. I am not recommending the supplier in this link as I had a bad experience with them, but the link does contain lots of useful info about this mineral product).

Mrs Shreddie was in a bad way a while back and beyond conventional medicine - we were told that palliative medicine was all they could give at the hospital and she was given 6 months to live. (The cancer was first found in her cervix, it was treated with radiation in Thailand, then after a few years it spread to her lymphatic system and she had a lymph gland removed surgically in the UK. It was after that they said she was a gonner).

She's still here with me now and we have this to thank, plus prayer to the Lord. After we got the bad news from the hospital her alternative treatment consisted of:

1. Holy Water from Lourdes;
2. Liquid Zeolite; and
3. Intra (a tonic available as a drink or tablets, in both the UK and Thailand - Mrs S places a lot of faith in this also, but I'm less convinced).

The Holy Water ran out a long time ago - before her last scan showed her as all clear. A result the cancer doctor described as "remarkable". (So maybe this is what did the trick, who knows?)

Its a daily battle and you worry about every little common ailment, a cough or sneeze, or just feeling tired and run down, in case it is a symptom of C coming back. You are always worried it will come back and is just sleeping in your body.

But If you should ever suffer from this dreadful disease keep fighting it. You can win.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:13 pm on June 17, 2010
mfm luvr
I am a rationalist...BS in science and and MBA/PhD, so I see the world through a different lens.

Here is a book which combines both views:
Servan-Schreiber, David (MD/Ph.D) Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life.

For "Kindle-ites" it's available, although charts and illustrations are rendered crappy.

Author at the time was a young Ph.D. in the medical field, diagnosed with brain cancer, dissatisfied with "traditional science-based medical wisdom.

Not a book reader?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:39 pm on June 17, 2010
Shredded Wheat

Quote: from mfm luvr on 5:39 pm on June 17, 2010

Thanks for that extra link. To me he just sounds like a crank. But then I might sound like that too! (But I'm only a crank on the Z, honest).

To my mind it takes more than just diet and a healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer. And my post is about curing cancer, not preventing it.

I'm just saying what worked for us (or for my wife anyway). Personal experience and all that. I felt it was important to pass on this knowledge and let others make their own, informed choice. It's something that has been eating away inside me for a long time. I felt I has a secret that needed to be shared, to prevent suffering.

Mrs S did not want me to put anything on the net about her experiences at all - so if she knew I'd done this she would be upset. But:

1. She doesn't know.
2. I really do think people with cancer that has gone beyond conventional medicine need to know there are alternatives and that some of them appear to work.

This is what Cancer Research UK says about zeolite

If you search on e-bay it is available quite cheaply. Our experience is that it works. But the material on the link I gave in my last post does say that it should not clash with any conventional treatments (read the various links at the bottom of the page). In Mrs S' case it did not, because she declined the paliative treatments on offer; she was not on and declined chemo.

I know there are no US clinical trails to support claims made for zeolite (why should there be, the drug companies stand to lose loads if it works so they won't test). I have read on the net that clinical trials were carried out in Mexico with great success, but the results were not accepted by the US authorities. Again, all I can do is share the knowledge and let others decide for themselves if they want to follow this path. If you're desperate you'll try anything - we did anyway.

Frankly by the time you are beyond conventional medicine its a bit too late to be looking at adopting a healthy lifestyle. You need a cure and I'm telling people about one that, so far, has worked for us. To all who have this dreadful disease, stay strong, you can beat it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:31 pm on June 17, 2010

Good luck with your wife. May she remain cancer cured and in good health for many years.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:10 pm on June 17, 2010
I echo EPC's best wishes for your wife.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:02 am on June 18, 2010
Back to Prostate problems; BPH and Cancer

Visited a urologist the other day.
It appears that proatatic stents are becomming a mature treatment. There are temporary [ 1 month ] and permenant versions [up to 10years] and this can eliminate surgery for BPH [ large prostate ] sufferers.

The nickel-titanium is not approved in the US but they are available here. I may go for this rather than surgery.

The risk is that if you wait too long for surgery and/or the stents need to be removed, you can become ineligible for surgery due to other aging ailments like heart problems or diabetes or weight. That could mean wearing a bag for the rest of your life. Uhgg.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:36 am on July 15, 2010
UK Shaga

Quote: from quack quack on 11:27 am on July 16, 2010
What is there so wonderful in life in old age anyway ?

I am sorry quck quck that I do not know you in person, maybe a meet up would be nice one day but I am as busy as a freak in BKK at the moment. Never the less I found your post most saddening. I agree that shagging boozing and being in good health is all part of a more exciting life but this does not mean that this is the only thing that is great about life.

As I am not in my 70’s etc I can not comment on what it is like the only person I know that is near that age is my mother.

She has one of the worst cases of Arthritis I have ever seen in a personal. Basically all of her joints in her whole body are being eaten away and she is in major pain all day every day. She is on trial drugs and things seem to be getting better but still she is a shadow of her former self, a once very highly ranked business women in the IT field.

Why live anymore if she has to be on constant medication? hardly ever leaves her house? Cannot drink booze, has to watch her diet and is in pain all the time.

She explains it like this:

Loves her son and I love her
Still has a booming career, yes even though she works from home and is old, she is doing very well and she really enjoys her job, like me she is a worker at heart first.
Has an amazing brand new ground floor granny flat that cost me a fortune but she takes care of it with pride.
Like me has a strong connection with music and she also like me spent time in her younger life as a professional classical musician. Ok she can not play anymore but she can listen and enjoy high quality performances on a new sound system she bought herself and about once a month she goes out with her friends to watch the CBSO play live at Symphony hall.
She has many friends around her and natters away with them everyday.
She is looking forward hopefully in the non to distant future to being a grandmother and then she can see a young UK Shaga bouncing around. I am sure she will also pass on her passion for music to my children and she will enjoy doing this, maybe even be a music teacher for them for a while.
Even though she does not live in Thailand when she feels a bit better she likes nothing more than to call me up and to get me to me arranging a Merc to pick her up from her house and take her to the nearest Airport and to sit in Business class and get her broken bone old ass over here in BKK where she can sit out in the sun in my garden and one of the maids takes care of her and for 2 weeks she has 2 lovely dogs and her son with her.
She brought me up well and I take care of her the way she took care of me.
Her body maybe slowing and not what it once was but she has as much to live for now if not more now, why should she or anyone else just give in?

I sure will not, these are not all the things she came up with and I can come up with more these are just the ones on the tip of our tongues.

These are only some of the things that we have to look forward to when we get older. Ok we have to bare our teeth and get through some of the shit of getting old but as we get older we get the rewards of our hard work and getting through the shit.

Life is not only about sex and booze and if that it all a persons life is about then I would call it quits and a pop a pill and get it over a done with it now.

This is not a stab at you more the general way people think of the older generation. OK I am no spring chicken at 36 but I hope to have many more years ahead of me (probably my later year’s with the same affliction as my mother as I have signs of it already in my left hand and my right knee) but I also know that my mother has many more years to come and we want to spend them together. She has a large Thai family in Bangkok that love her the same as I do her and when she is gone then me and err in doors have to carry the banner of the next older generation and our children has my old fat ass to look forward to taking care of and I hope they will treat me the same way I treat my parents.

Old is gold and being old has its advantages my friends as well as it disadvantages.

I do not know how old you are quack quack but another thing an older person told me was as you get older your priorities change. When I was 8 what I wanted to do and what was important to me then was very different to when I was 28. I am now moving towards 38 and sure enough things that are important me have changed yet again from 28 to 38. Maybe if I get to 78 with heart problems, caner and run away arthritis I am sure my priorities will have changed massively. Do not count yourself out until you have got arrived at that age.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:40 am on July 16, 2010
Im no expert, but I think ones life style plays a big part in this cancer, I do, and have read to keep prostrate cancer at bay, eat red tomartos,red capsicums red chillie, in fact any fruits that are red are usally high in anti cancer fighting enzimes, brazil nuts ( I eat at lest 3 a day) are all so hi in serum which helps prevent prostrat cancer and a glass of good red wine wont go astay, 4 Fish oil capses in the morning, and exercise, and more sex this should help keep that cancer away.
I wish you well

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:31 pm on July 16, 2010
Hi everyone.
It is some time since I wrote
My Psa rose to 26.and had a biosie, worse thing I ever had.
found some small cancers so done all the bits that go with it and my cosulton started me on radiotherapy.

the team were the best I could ask for,seven weeks 11am every day,on the machine plus foladex every 26 days.

have now finished and after one month had a check up
and my psa is now 0.2 they say I can now have and inplant every three months, Ill take that.

And was told that if thats stays like that.
my next test in March is ok Thailand April.

So dont despair. I feel a new man,see you soonat at RT


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:35 pm on Dec. 28, 2010

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