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MainHealth Matters – Always Wash Your Hands -- best health advice in Thailand! All Topics

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Of all the various advices being given to increase and maintain your health, washing your hands is probably the most important - but there are several caveats.

Your hands touch a lot of things during the day, and these same hands then commonly touch your face, wipe your eyes, dig in your nose, and what have you. Doing so will conveniently carry all the germs and virus' your hand have collected, and deposit them in a place where they can easily cross over into your body (touching your eyes is the worst offense).

- be sure to wash them with soap and water -- alcohol based hand gels might kill bacteria, but they do nothing against virus', which require the mechanical action of soap and water washing to be removed from your hands.

- always make sure to use disposable paper towels, do not touch the towel dispenser.

- DO NOT USE TOWELS that might be conveniently hanging on the side of the sink. Everybody left their germs on them, and being wet in a warm climate, they are prime breeding grounds for germs.

- when in doubt, air dry your hands.

- avoid touching the door handles or the bathrooms

- wet wipes are a semi-decent alternative and will do in a pinch, but really, soap and water are best.

- particularly wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER you take a piss yourself -- you may feel you've washed your dick earlier, or maybe you've had some girl 'suck it clean' earlier, but the very fact that your dick is resting in your pants places it in a veritable germ factory -- your pants / underwear are a comfy, warm place with lots of moisture. Germs LOVE warm moisture, and thrive in it.

Everything and anyone you touched earlier will be deposited on your dick, to sit and thrive in your pants - next time you piss, you'll pick up and spread that pleasant colony along to your head and face - unless you wash before and after.

All of the above sounds pretty complicated, but can be summarized easily in:

ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS before and after doing anything in a bathroom, even your own, at home. It's just good and healthy hygiene, especially in Thailand.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:53 pm on Feb. 2, 2009
BTW, also do not forget to floss... but after washing your hands. Oh, and do not forget to use condoms... and sunscreen.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:38 pm on Feb. 2, 2009
hello Bangkok tonight people. I use paper turn on & off water. after go toylet dirty hands touch water on off.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:55 pm on Feb. 2, 2009
Ducky - I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your (no doubt somewhat humorously pedantic) posting on hand washing and believe it is very sound advice to be followed at all times and in all places.

It has become something of a religion with me ever since I contracted Pink Eye on my way back from LOS one time. Ended up with it in both eyes, couldn't go to work because my eyes were so watery and bloodshot, dried yellow puss clamping them shut in the morning. Took me two-three weeks before I was fully recovered. Never again I hope. I wash at every opportunity, without, hopefully, having turned into Howard Hughes. And I still venture into some nasty (but fun) places, I just try to not touch my eyes or face until I have a had to wash my hands again. And that's the real reason I take so many showers

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:44 pm on Feb. 2, 2009

Quote: from Quim on 10:44 am on Feb. 3, 2009

It has become something of a religion with me ever since I contracted Pink Eye on my way back from LOS one time. Ended up with it in both eyes, couldn't go to work because my eyes were so watery and bloodshot, dried yellow puss clamping them shut in the morning. Took me two-three weeks before I was fully recovered.

I guess we can both consider ourselves honorary members of the 'Pink Eye' club. It sounds like you also had contracted the viral variety, instead of the friendlier bacterial variety...

It whacked me out in the last 4-5 days of my trip, and once the doctor at Bum ascertained what I had, and how long it took, I ended I just extended my hotel by an extra 2+ weeks, and waited it out until I was no longer contagious - I wasn't interested in being Typhoïd Daffy on a return trip -- this consideration netted me getting grilled by some bitch in customs/immigration giving me third degree "Why do you know exactly how many days you were gone, and what were you doing there for 28 days?"

I was tired and still beat from my ordeal, so it was her mistake to make to piss me off

So, remember kiddies - always wash your hands. Being stuck in BKK for 20+ days with Conjunctivitis is no fun

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:26 pm on Feb. 2, 2009
Washing, always have a fresh wrapped pocket sized towelette from 7/11, how many times have you seen a fat drunken pig wipe their face on the community towel hanging in a bar bathroom.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:34 am on Feb. 3, 2009
Daffy you might of had Avian pox not Conjunctivitis.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:43 am on Feb. 3, 2009
Buttman 007
Holy Cow! I, too, got pink eye a few days after I returned from Bangkok a few years ago.

So now I use an anti-bacterial hand wash several times a day while in Bangkok, and resist touching anything that I don't need to.

Plus, I take Cipro 500mg for the length of my stay. It's a powerful anti-bacterial pill that super-charges my immune system while I'm there. Since then, I haven't had a single problem. Cipro is very cheap and can be found at any Pharmacy in Bangkok.

And here's something sort of interesting.... When you take Cipro, it completely annihilates most of the bacteria in your mouth. And while I brush my teeth regularly, my mouth feels notably cleaner while taking Cipro. Just a weird, cool unintended consequence.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:06 am on Feb. 3, 2009

Quote: from Buttman 007 on 2:06 pm on Feb. 3, 2009

Plus, I take Cipro 500mg for the length of my stay. It's a powerful anti-bacterial pill that super-charges my immune system while I'm there. Since then, I haven't had a single problem. Cipro is very cheap and can be found at any Pharmacy in Bangkok.
Don't take a regimen of Cipro more than twice a year, maximum - you run the risk of reducing its efficacy when you really need it, if you overmedicate yourself.

It's a *very* prophylactic application for the infrequent traveler, though, as it pretty much renders you immune to most bacterial (though, not viral) bugs you may encounter - watch out, though, as it heightens your sensitivity to sunlight.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:27 am on Feb. 3, 2009
Shredded Wheat
Verrucas can also be a problem. Easily picked up in LOS. I got one once which I put down to taking a shower in a rusty and dirty old bathtub, in a hotel in Chaiyaphum.

If you ever stay at the Lert Nimit in Chaiyaphum watch out for the verrucas.

Walking about in flip-flop shoes when you go around the bars at night and then taking a leak in dirty toilets with puddles of p*ss on the floor cannot be too healthy for your feet either.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:56 pm on Feb. 3, 2009

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