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WritingPad app is very interesting. The idea of dragging over the keys of the virtual keyboard to form the word, is pretty nifty. I seem to be able to type faster this way compared to the finger tapping method. Try it out.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:22 pm on Aug. 3, 2008
WritingPad's a good idea, but I'm used to the iPhone keyboard, and am pretty speedy on it, so I'll stick with that -- WP's implementation of copy/paste is cool, but hobbled by being limited to just within the app.

An interesting app is GoContact - does one thing, which is email or SMS you the contact information from an address book card - something the phone lacks. While GoContact is a great start, what it really needs is the ability to send a contact card (or a series of cards) in VCF format to a destination via email.

iPhone 2.0 recognizes VCF - try sending yourself a contacts card via email, and upon receipt it is being properly recognized, and you can quickly add it to your address book with one click. To me, a semi killer feature would be the ability to send individual cards, as VCF attachments to one another via email. All the components are already there in the iPhone, they just need to be brought together.

There's also still a few other apps I am waiting for - one being the video recorder from DreamCatcher Ltd:

Does a great job, and a lot of folks are waiting for the App Store release. For Jailbroken phones only, currently.

SnapTure is an Digital Camera app that improves upon the Apple CameraPhone:

Not available on App Store yet. No idea when or if it will be available. For Jailbroken phones only, currently.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:32 pm on Aug. 3, 2008
i dont know if any of you with iphones know this, or if its just on the 3G one

but if you press and hold any of the icons for a few seconds you get this funky wobbling thing where all the icons keep wobbling a bit until you press the round reset button

someone did it to my phone today by mistake and it took me ages to work out what it was he did (i googled it in the end haahaha)

its kind of neat to do to someone elses phone if they dont know about it!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 am on Aug. 4, 2008
This is relatively good news for Thailand:

It was just a question of time until the Brazilian $350 chip solution would be cloned by the Chinese vendors (it essentially uses the same as the Stealth SIM chip, just programmed differently).

The above at $35 is a reasonable solution, and will allow a good interim solution for a 3G unlock - albeit, of course, the problem of *procuring* the iPhone 3G is still there... Well, procuring it at a reasonable rate, that is.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:17 am on Aug. 4, 2008
...and, speaking of supply chain:

*A WEEK* - and pre-emptively addressing the usual counter-argument of "Yeah, but Apple will count SHIPPED iPhones, not SOLD iPhones", bear in mind that stores sell out of them daily, and receive daily shipments - worldwide. So, by that logic, I guess Apple just ships them, and then keeps the in warehouses to stockpile.

Astute observers will notice that the shelves are filled with unsold Windows Mobile phones (which MS counts when they are shipped, not sold), and other makers - while iPhones are sold out (and restocked) daily (except for ONE day where they were unavailable everywhere - a Sunday)

and another pre-emptive strike:

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:00 am on Aug. 4, 2008

Quote: from snpark on 6:31 am on Aug. 5, 2008

if you press and hold any of the icons for a few seconds you get this funky wobbling thing where all the icons keep wobbling a bit until you press the round reset button

someone did it to my phone today by mistake and it took me ages to work out what it was he did (i googled it in the end haahaha)

ROTFLMAO All that arguing for naught! Well, here you've show your true colors. You go, ya Gomer iPhone boy!

As of this post, you're on my ignore(amous) list for all time.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:57 pm on Aug. 4, 2008
blah blah blah

youre talking to yourself you idiot, you are ignoring us all


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:08 pm on Aug. 4, 2008

Quote: from Skip on 6:31 am on Aug. 5, 2008


Please tell me, Skip, that you just made that up? He can't possibly be that much of an idiot? Then again...

Yeah, thanks for confirming - no regrets putting him on ignore a page back.

Thanks for the laughs...

For extra laughs - let's ALL (those of us who can read this) put him on ignore - he'll think it's all just me talking, or maybe he'll complain to BK about the Real Estate adverts again... This is simply too unreal...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:58 pm on Aug. 4, 2008
iPhone Software 2.01 is out, with 'bug fixes' (as Apple so eloquently explains).

So far, zippy and much snappier - feels more like than 1.1.x than ever before. Essentially, it's the 2.0 that 2.0 should have been

While not entirely eradicated, the issues of slow response are, for the most part, reduced or eliminated. Now, I'm just curious if the crashes in Mobile Safari have been fixed.

Oh yeah, if using a Jailbroken and Unlocked Generation One iPhone, wait until the update from iPhone Dev is released for Pwnage Tool.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:10 pm on Aug. 4, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 5:32 pm on Aug. 5, 2008

Please tell me, Skip, that you just made that up?

Nope! Honest, it was there and then some. What's odd is that it vanished before I could take a second look at it; thankfully, though, I only needed the first to copy it for pasting. One of the mods must have taken extreme pity on the twit and tried to head of the shame of embarrassment. A case of gross naivete, eh?!

Just how long do you reckon this dork had been using his devise, not that I see evidence he's yet aware of the magnitude of his gaff, mind you, but it certainly makes a great self-inflicted coup de grâce.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on Aug. 4, 2008

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