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AAPL hits quarter trillion market cap

Jonny Evans | June 18, 2010 | Apple Inc News

What fruit-based firm was started in a garage, is still run by one of its founders and is worth around a quarter of a trillion dollars?

Apple, which saw shares hit $275 -- an all time high -- was today briefly worth a market cap of just over $250 billion. A few weeks ago, Apple surpassed Microsoft (MSFT) - now worth $230.4 billion - to become the stock market’s most highly valued technology company.

Analysts are forecasting -- well, take a look at some of what is being said -- you have expectations of AAPL stock heading up, up and away.

Standad & Poor analyst Clyde Montevirgen today raised his price target on the sock to $320, from $310.
Gene Munster at Piper Jaffray cites $348.
Jeffrey Fidcaro at Susquehanna reckons on $335.


Just wondering where the economic and financial experts, who *knew* the stock was doomed when it hit $85, are now? They are strangely absent in this thread -- funny, huh?

Good thing I picked up a bunch of AAPL at $85 (and $65, prior) and even in the $150s. I wonder how the 'experts' have been faring?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:48 am on June 19, 2010

Quote: from quack quack on 8:09 pm on June 19, 2010

Do you believe anything that Wall Street analysts predict?

I wasn't talking about wall street analysts - I was talking about this forum's self-proclaimed economic experts, the ones boasting of hi-so degrees, from claimed hi-so universities, who were lecturing about the various value propositions of this stock a year or so ago.

I was just wondering how well they have done, with their wisdom? I just know I have been doing quite nicely trusting myself, and ignoring their lecturings...

In clearer words - this was a dig at some guy that only knows how to talk, and who is commonly wrong.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:52 am on June 20, 2010
a stock or a share is only worth as much as someone wants to pay for it or what you sell it at

so the value really today is irrelevant

i had a property in dubai go up to $3m in value
not its only worth $1.5

but if some crazy russian offers me $5m then I take it

or if I need the cash fast I sell it for $1m

but maybe in 5 years time its worth $10m

a property and a share are similar assets except a share is a bit more liquid and easier to sell
unless of course your share is $2m each

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:05 am on June 20, 2010
its rented and covers the mortgage easily and even at $1.5m it still has plenty of equity

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:13 am on June 21, 2010

Quote: from quack quack on 5:21 pm on June 20, 2010
Happen to believe / guess, that ANDROID phones will overtake the iPhone unless Apple ties up with Verizon soon.

...and you would join the masses on this forum that are consistently wrong - then again, you are also consistently wrong, so, par for the course.

Android consistently eats into RIM and Windows Mobile marketshare (it pretty much already ate, and burped up WinMo), and is unlikely to eat away at iPhone in the long run.

The only gains Android reportedly experienced over the past 3 months, was a slowing of Apple iPhone sales, because people were expecting iPhone 4. Look at the sales situation of iPhone 4 now, in comparison.

Quote: from snpark on 9:05 pm on June 20, 2010

a stock or a share is only worth as much as someone wants to pay for it or what you sell it at
Blah Blah.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:30 pm on June 21, 2010

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:30 am on June 22, 2010

Quote: from snpark on 9:05 pm on June 20, 2010

a stock or a share is only worth as much as someone wants to pay for it or what you sell it at

Blah Blah.

unless you are daffy, in which case you are always guaranteed to get the highest ever price the stock got to

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:23 am on June 22, 2010

Quote: from snpark on 3:23 pm on June 22, 2010

unless you are daffy, in which case you are always guaranteed to get the highest ever price the stock got to

I bought a good portion of the AAPL stock I own in 2001, when it was around $9.50 a share. I bought more when it was around $12.50, $45, $65, in the $90s, and recently even around the $160s. The $9.50s and $12.50s were all pre-splits, though.

Do the math.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:03 pm on June 22, 2010

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 4:03 am on June 23, 2010
I bought a good portion of the AAPL stock I own in 2001, when it was around $9.50 a share. I bought more when it was around $12.50, $45, $65, in the $90s, and recently even around the $160s. The $9.50s and $12.50s were all pre-splits, though.

Do the math.

ok im doing the maths
a good portion of what? of the 26 shares you own?

ok so you bought 11 of them at $9.50
3 at $12.50
3 at $45
4 at $65
2 at $90's
3 at $160's

so you have 26 shares now at what $285 ? thats $7410

they cost you $1197

so you have made a profit of $6213 in 9 years

thats outstanding sir, I salute you

however, thats if you sell them today NOW

i for one would be mortified if steve jobs had another cancer scare in the months before you retired and the stock plummeted

your lovely nest egg and retirement fund would be in pieces

but of course we know that you are psychic

there is no way that any company could do to apple what apple has done to microsoft or rim or nokia, right?

i mean apple is untouchable

just like microsoft was in the 80's and 90's
or just like GE and enron were years ago

hell I bet shares in AIG were pretty good between 2001 and 2007 too?

good luck daffy, we all pray your share keeps going up every day

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:59 am on June 23, 2010
oh ok so he has 14 more then?

damn that duck be shitting benjamins

and wiping his arse with them too

duck u remind me of forest gump when he buys into apple before it becomes huuuuuge

daffy duck shrimp farm
or maybe u invented the everlasting gobstopper

or the internet????

well good luck to daffy
hope with all that profit he doesnt get stung for any capital gains tax
or dies and leaves it all intestate back to the government

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:06 pm on June 23, 2010

Quote: from snpark on 2:59 pm on June 23, 2010

so you have 26 shares now at what $285 ? thats $7410
You just keep believing that - though in an odd twist of irony, you picked a number that is a multiplier of what I hold.

...and no, I certainly don't consider myself 'rich' by any of my own definitions of that term. I'm quite comfortable in where I am, though - which is a lot more than can be said about others.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:19 am on June 24, 2010

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