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Things to look out for in Thailand and a brief FAQ

  1. If you’re in a bar or karaoke in Bangkok and someone tells you that if you go upstairs you’ll see better ladies, do not go. You’ll get hit with a bill that is ten times what you expect.
  2. You can buy designer cologne and designer shirts from vendors as long as you fully understand that they are completely fake.
  3. Don’t take a survey; it’s just someone trying to trap you into a time-share tour.
  4. Hold onto your wallet in any busy place and remember that there are some little children that are highly trained in the art of pick-pocketing.
  5. Don’t let your passport out of your sight; they’re worth 100,000 baht on the black market so that qualifies as motivation for many.
  6. Beware of someone who is going way out of their way to help you with everything, knowing you are totally new to Thailand. They are most likely looking for a handout and may cause you some problems.
  7. Memory sticks are known for having far less memory than labeled.
  8. Fake Viagra and Cialis are common.
  9. Don’t buy a suit from one of the Indian tailors. The quality will be terrible and you’ll waste your money.
  10. If you’re offered gems or rare stones, do not think you’re getting some kind of amazing deal. You’re likely just getting a fake piece of jewelry. There are some legitimate shops that sell diamonds and other stones in Thailand, and they are usually more expensive than the shops in your home town.
  11. Taxi drivers have deals worked out with shops and Gogo’s. They get paid if they take you there, so don’t trust a taxi driver if they tell you they’re taking you to “the best place in town”.


Is HIV a big problem in Thailand?
The short answer is yes among gays or people that have anal sex or use drugs. It’s a problem among straight people too, but not at epidemic levels or anything so much worse than in some first world countries.

Are there a lot of political problems there like we saw on TV in Bangkok in the Spring of 2010?
The news channels tend to sensationalize things and bloviate. No expats and travelers were really in DANGER when that was going on for a couple of days. And since then it’s been fine. There are perhaps some long-term issues, but the Thai military is not at any risk from any type of rebellious action. In 2010, it was sling-shot vs. machine gun and you can guess who won that. This tells me that there is no problem the Thai military can’t quickly dispatch, and I think problems are unlikely anyhow. Certainly in any event there is no animosity towards foreigners, so this shouldn’t be a factor in any decision you make concerning Thailand.

Is there Western-style hospital care in Thailand?
In the big cities, absolutely and it’s cheap. But as you can imagine, the small villages don’t have proper facilities due to a lack of funds. Dentists in the major cities are also very good and cheap. And many people come to Thailand for the low price on plastic surgery.

Is Thailand a good place to go to alone?
It’s an amazing destination for the solo traveler. You’ll meet a companion on day-one if you want to, and you’ll be able to make friends with other travelers fairly easily, and especially if you go on a tour.

If I need help, what do I do?
The tourist police are there for you; they speak English and can be quite helpful in every city. You can also easily get in touch with your embassy.

What is the weather like, aside from the obvious?
It can be brutally hot in the late spring and early summer season, but I don’t think anyone has ever had a bad time due to the heat. The heat is more a factor at night because you might sweat when you’re walking around. Those that live here get used to the heat after some time. The rain is a pain in the ass sometimes, but typically Thailand has great vacation weather and would be hard to beat for retirement. It’s a bit cooler up north, which can be nice sometimes.

Can I backpack through Thailand?
It’s a popular destination for backpackers, thanks to the cheap rents of bungalows and the variety of inexpensive activities.

What is the most discreet way to find companionship for a night?
Use a site like THIS and have them come straight to your room. This eliminates the chance of any privacy issues.

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