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Bars with Short Time Rooms thread

Bars with short time rooms (

-- Posted by Chester on 8:50 am on Nov. 5, 2002

I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of bars with short time rooms. I shall start.

Soi Cowboy - Moonshine / Lolita's

Nana - Mandarin

Patpong - Kangaroo / Star of Light / Rose Bar / Super Pussy / Pinnochios (Has ladyboys for those interested)

-- Posted by chateaujade on 10:10 am on Nov. 5, 2002

Just a linguistic question:

Are you sure the LB bar on Patpong (which bar I never heard of before) is called Pinnochos (as in the puppet fairy tale) and not Finnochios (which is Italian slang for fairies, as in transvestites)?  The latter would make more sense.

There used to be a famous cabaret show in North Beach, San Francisco, called Finnochios, atop the Enricos Sidewalk Cafe, corner Broadway and Kearney.

-- Posted by farangman on 3:13 pm on Nov. 5, 2002


No it is definitely called Pinnochios. It is a small bar on Patpong 2 with a mixture of girls and ladyboys...actually ladyboys probably now outnumber the girls.

It used to be a great small local expat bar, but has over the past 6 months or so gone downhill rapidly. What girls there were, have started leaving and it is not unusual to witness the occaisional rat running around the bar!!


-- Posted by aurum on 1:01 am on Nov. 6, 2002

an addition to patpong- "madrid" upstairs the famous madrid pizza

-- Posted by ccvvbb on 10:17 am on Nov. 6, 2002

Midnite bar in soi cowboy has short time rooms that are included with the 400B bar fine

-- Posted by Root Rat on 12:34 pm on Nov. 6, 2002

Wild Country in Washington Square has a short-time room upstairs and a storeroom / short-time room labelled "69" downstairs...just shift the Heineken crates around.  Woof woof!

-- Posted by griffin on 1:59 pm on Nov. 6, 2002

also baccara on soi cowboy as well!

-- Posted by Chompoo on 6:26 am on Nov. 7, 2002

Soi Cowboy / Asoke Plaza
Lolita's (BJ, Curtains)


Star of Light
Rose Bar
Super Pussy

Washington Square
Wild Country

Number One Club

The Dollhouse in Clinton Plaza used to have ST rooms, I imagine they don't anymore and if they did it would probably be a waste to add it to the list.

-- Posted by darknight on 6:40 am on Nov. 7, 2002

Chompoo, just to add to your Soi Cowboy list:

Soi Cowboy
Jungle Jim


-- Posted by Chompoo on 6:44 am on Nov. 7, 2002

Au contraire, mon frere. This is your list! (Or will be eventually, I hope  ;))

-- Posted by Jerseyboy on 6:52 am on Nov. 7, 2002

Perhaps Dk could put this list up somewhere for reference purposes.

-- Posted by griffin on 5:06 pm on Nov. 7, 2002

dk, i am not aware that dollhouse cowboy has a st room. dollhouse clinton had, but this is mainly gone.
also shortly suzie wong on cowboy will have st rooms after they finished their extension in about 2 weeks!

-- Posted by darknight on 5:11 am on Nov. 8, 2002

That list is now on the main site under the "bars" section.

-- Posted by bangcock on 5:24 am on Nov. 8, 2002

Hi Griffin,

Do you know how much it will cost to use this new ST room at Suzie Wong?

Most of the time, there is a very "short" time limit when you use a ST room of the bar compared with the time you get a at "normal" ST Hotel.

2 days b4 touchdown !!!


-- Posted by Chompoo on 6:16 am on Nov. 8, 2002

The short time limit is probably either 60 or 90 minutes (I think it was 90 at Dollhouse/Clinton). I think BJ bars would probably be 30 minutes (since that seems to be the maximum length of a BJ before they ask for more money). If we get more info we can add the length of time and costs to the list (e.g. I think it is 90 minutes for Eden and Number One and the price is included with the girl).

I suppose Alley Cats (from another thread) should be added to the list too (under Sukhumvit?). I was initially hestitant to list BJ bars, but I suppose it doesn't hurt if they are marked as such. They still come under the category one-stop popping, I guess.

-- Posted by darknight on 1:18 pm on Nov. 8, 2002

Oh I forgot one more place! Pegasus Well, it is damn expensive, it is not free. I think it was 1,500-2,000 B for 1 1/2 hours. Girl not included. :)

-- Posted by alba on 4:41 pm on Dec. 3, 2002

I had an hour to spare on Friday last week.

Was walking on Suk Soi 4 and walked past 'Charming Bar' just after the entrance to Nana Plaza.

There were three girls outside two of whom were simply stunning. Took one by the arm and within ten minutes we were settling in to the ST room on the third floor (400B bar fine / 300 ST rent).

I love this city!!


-- Posted by Stueyb on 2:52 am on Dec. 18, 2002

What is Charming Bar ? A regular beer bar or go-go ?
Is the general standard of girls there quite high ?

-- Posted by Chompoo on 1:42 pm on Dec. 20, 2002

FWIW, ST Room at Baccara is 200B for 60 minutes. BF is 600B.

-- Posted by darknight on 2:28 pm on Dec. 20, 2002

Hmmm... I need to update the list. Apparently Shadow Bar has a short time room too and there is very interesting entrance to it.

-- Posted by Chompoo on 1:34 pm on Dec. 24, 2002

The Mandarin ST rooms go for 300B and I didn't ask if there was a time limit. The rooms don't have a bed, just a big couch and there is no shower, so it is more like a VIP private room. It does have the interesting feature that it is on the level with the glass floor and there appears to be a one way glass so you can look out at the stage while hanging out with a girl. Of course you do still need to BF the girl to use the room.

-- Posted by PussyLover 69 on 9:20 am on Dec. 25, 2002


Are you sure that it is a 'one way' glass ? Maybe it is two way' and that the bar customers can see your 'action' with the BG ?  Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,.......

-- Posted by Chompoo on 3:23 pm on Jan. 1, 2003

It wasn't until I noticed that it was a one way glass that I understood why the girl wanted to keep it dark in there (at first my ladyboy and STD radar was pinging).

I'm sure it was one-way because the stage girls took no notice of us when the girl was spread eagled, palms against the glass. That is not a guarantee in itself given how jaded the girls are, but they did start turning their heads when they banging got too loud.

-- Posted by califdann on 2:43 pm on Mar. 4, 2003

I was in Soi Cowboy last week at one of the clubs.... dont remember which.  It was small though.... I asked the BG how much for S/T & she replyed that I had to pay the barfine of 400B, then for the S/T room 300B, and then 1000B for her.... geeze that's 1700B.  How much is the L/T?  She replys: 400B barfine, and 1500B for her.... so... 1900B for L/T.... Was I not communicating with her regarding the price for S/T.... Do you need to pay the Bar Fine, and the S/T room charge?

-- Posted by bangkropolis2020 on 12:19 am on Mar. 5, 2003


-- Posted by cmore on 12:24 pm on Mar. 5, 2003

No brother Cal. Once you pay the BF she is free to leave the bar with you so you can take her back to your hotel and not have to use the ST room. If however you can't wait or if your hotel is too far away from the bar, which is why she might have thought you would prefer doing it there instead of taking a long taxi ride for a ST, then a ST room would fit the bill. As far as I am aware no bar has a policy that you must use their ST rooms for a ST. Peace

-- Posted by ajarnboomboom on 4:26 pm on Mar. 5, 2003


This is something that annoys me when bars ask for a bf and room charge and you still have to pay for the girl.  Its one reason I dont do ST.  A girl could potentially get STd ( oops fruedian slip ) 3 or 4 times a night but the bar would still expect her to work in the bar for the rest of the night because she hadnt gone "out"  Its a money making device for the bars.

As you found out, it could only be a 200B difference between LT & ST.  For that small amount you get at least double boom boom and the pleasure of a smooth skinned young thing cuddling you all night.  no contest.

-- Posted by ajarnboomboom on 4:34 pm on Mar. 5, 2003

Cactus bar in Cowboy

Alleycats has I think 3 rooms with beds as well as the curtained area for BJs so yes, it should be included - 1500B from memory on the menu for 1 girl and 3000B? for 2 girls.


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