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Further, interesting commentary by Phil Schiller during the ongoing Samsung/Apple trial:

He added that Samsung's more obvious copying was not "fair competition" because it "trades off all the investment and goodwill we've created... you're taking the hundreds of millions we've invested in our products and all the value we've created." Schiller said he was even more shocked when Samsung came out with products like the Galaxy Tab that clearly imitated the iPad. "They're just going to copy our whole product line," he said he remembered thinking at the time.

When asked about iPhone sales, Schiller joked that the company originally used an internal metric of success that said that each new model should sell as many units as all previous generations combined. In fact, this is almost exactly what has happened -- Apple sold 93 million units in 2011, which is just over all combined iPhone sales from 2007-2010.

Schiller recalled the doubts that many in the press and the industry had about the iPhone's ability to succeed. He specifically noted Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's dismissal of the device, as well as noting some negative reviews from existing phone manufacturers and pundits, but also mentioned positive write-ups from the time, including a glowing review from Walt Mossberg. When asked a similar question about the iPad, Schiller referred to it as "a big gamble" and said that many considered the tablet a failed product before Apple entered the market, and showed that Apple was willing to take a real risk that it would not be successful.

Don't we just all love how Ballmer ate crow on his "predictions"...

At one point while being cross-examined, Samsung's attorney embarrassingly mixed up the models of Samsung phone he was giving Schiller to comment on. Schiller used the opportunity to tell the attorney that the mistake was natural, as Samsung's lineup "was confusing."


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:03 pm on Aug. 4, 2012
PussyLover 69
Report from APF dated 7 August 2012 :-

Samsung launches its super-size Galaxy Note

SEOUL: South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Tuesday it had launched a super-size version of its Galaxy Note smartphone, the latest salvo in its battle with Apple for the multi-billion-dollar handheld market.

The Galaxy Note 10.1, which went on sale on Monday in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, is almost twice as wide as its predecessor and is almost the size of a tablet.

The release comes as Samsung tries to make inroads in the tablet computer market, which is dominated by Apple's iPad, while the two electronics giants are also engaged in a bitter court battle over patent infringements.

The firm said the new Note would be officially released in the US on August 15 and sometime next week in Britain and South Korea.

The Galaxy Note 10.1 -- powered by Google's Android software -- features a touchscreen which is 10.1-inches (25.6 centimetres) measured diagonally, considerably wider than the 5.3-inch screen of the previous Note.

Like its predecessor, it comes with a stylus called the "S pen" to write notes or draw on the screen. The new version allows users to split the screen in half to view two programs at once.

The new device is equipped with a quad-core processor that allows users to run multiple applications at a faster speed than the previous version, which had a dual-core processor.

"The advanced technology and features included in Galaxy Note 10.1 give users the power to produce, create and customise communications," JK Shin, the chief of Samsung's mobile unit, said in a statement.

Samsung -- the world's largest smartphone maker by shipments -- in November introduced the first version of its Galaxy Note, a device positioned between the firm's flagship Galaxy S smartphones and Galaxy Tab tablet computers.

"Size-wise, the new product (Galaxy Note 10.1) is nearly a tablet PC," another Samsung spokesman told AFP.

Samsung and Apple are embroiled in legal battles in 10 countries worldwide over patents for smartphones and tablet computers.

At an ongoing major hearing in San Jose, California, Apple is seeking more than US$2.5 billion after accusing the Korean firm of infringing designs and other patents.

Samsung denies this and counter-charges that Apple infringed its patents for wireless communication.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:34 am on Aug. 7, 2012
PussyLover 69
Report from China Post/Asia News Network dated 17 August 2012 :-

Sales of tablet computers top notebooks in Taiwan: Samsung

TAIWAN - Samsung Electronics Taiwan Co. Mobile Communications Team General Manager Andy Tu
said yesterday that in both May and June the sales of tablet PCs exceeded those of notebooks in Taiwan, an unusual trend that is unlike the majority of the world market. Tu stated that tablet PCs, not notebooks, are the future.

Tu said that the penetration of notebooks is already high in Taiwan, and consumers tend to buy tablet PCs instead of new notebooks to replace their old notebooks.

Tablet PCs are more mobile than notebooks, said Tu. In a coffee shop, people used to have to find a seat with a socket nearby first, and then go to order their coffee, which is not necessary when they have a tablet.

According to tablet PC sellers, sales of tablet PCs reached 70,000 per month in May and June in Taiwan, while sales of tablet PCs in May and June last year were only 20,000 to 30,000 per month. The number of tablet PC sales is rising, they said.

Samsung categorizes consumers into high-end ones and those using tablet PCs for Internet access only. For high-end consumers, the company recommends they use their Note series with hand writing capabilities. For others, Samsung recommends their Tab series.

Samsung announced its GALAXY Note 10.1 yesterday. According to Tu, Samsung sold 7 million GALAXY Note tablet PCs which were launched last year, and the product received 90 out of 100 in terms of satisfaction level in Taiwan.

The Note 10.1 features an “S pen,” which can be used as a mouse and a pen.

Woori Investment & Securities Analyst Park Young, however, stated that it will be difficult for the Note 10.1 to be a hit in the market.

A Note 10.1 costs US$499, while prices for tablet PCs are becoming lower and lower. Meanwhile, most functions of tablet PCs can be found on cellphones, Park said.

Consumers are not likely to buy tablet PCs like they used to, Park stated.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 pm on Aug. 17, 2012
PussyLover 69
Report from Brunei Times/ANN dated 16 August 2012 :-

Tablet specs no longer matter much

PICTURE this: If you're a mobile tech company, how would you pitch your products to your customers? Would you talk about how powerful your device is or how useful it is?

Often times, many companies would brag so much about how powerful their device is, how fast and smooth the performance, how much cores are in their processors, how big is the RAM, and how generous they are with ports.

When consumers look at a tick list of specs, generally the mindset is more = better. But that's not entirely the case in today's perspective.

I don't really care too much about the specs. The only thing that is crucial to me when looking at a smartphone or tablet is whether the device will do the job I intended. It's the context, not cores, that matters. It's the functionality and the experience.

Nothing bothers me more than when a company claims that its device has all these wow specs written all over their boxes but fail to be useful at all. What's the point of having all these high spec mumbo jumbo when I won't be using 100 per cent of its capacity?

I don't care whether the device has quad-core processors, state-of-the-art chipsets or high speed graphics. I believe that many of our devices - smartphones, tablets, laptop computers - have long surpassed the bare minimum requirements of being good enough or fast enough for just everyone.

Today, the most important aspect of mobile devices is no longer about the cores, but the context. It's about the functionality and the experience. As consumers, we should learn to ask ourselves how can this device solve our daily problems, instead of how this device has more powerful hardware than the next guy.

And this is where many tech devices fail to live up to their expectations. When you purchase a really powerful smartphone today, you'd be disappointed once again when something even more powerful takes over its place in a matter of months.

But when you look at it in a different perspective, a two-year-old smartphone you're carrying right now is as good as the ones that are out this year. Your two-year-old smartphone can still handle many common or important tasks. The only reason you should get a new one is only when it breaks.

This is the reason why the iPad is still leading the pack. Rivals would come up with their own tablets with better specs, such as more powerful chipsets, better graphics performance, expandable memory, more possibilities to tinker with the software. They boast all these big hardware names such as Exynos, ARM Cortex, Tegra 3, Qualcomm, and more.

Apple hardly ever talks about raw specifications and instead focuses on the experience. Apples customers bought the iPad not because it has dual-core processors with quad-core graphics, but because of the iPad experience; simplicity, tonnes of great apps, etc.

The same can be said with the iPhone. With all the new and better Android smartphones out there, it's amazing how iPhone users still make up the majority of consumers here in Brunei.

Almost always, I would end up with a group of iPhone-touting friends in a coffee shop, and I'm often the odd one out with my super-sized highly-sophisticated smartphone. When I asked them why they have been sticking around with their iPhones, they say that it's easy to use and gets the job done. Nuff said.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:27 pm on Aug. 17, 2012

Funny how it all comes down to the same thing - and how the Android toting guys are the odd-men out (and the minority).

yeah, where's our resident Apple Haters now? Awfully quiet, these days, aren't they?


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:25 am on Aug. 21, 2012
PussyLover 69
Global tablet sales to top 100m in 2012: Survey

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The global market for tablet computers is extending its sizzling growth and will likely top 100 million in 2012, a research firm said on Thursday.

The April-June quarter set a new record for tablet shipments of nearly 25 million units - up 36 per cent from the prior quarter and 77 per cent year-over-year, according to ABI Research.

Apple iPad shipments represented nearly 69 per cent of the total, according to a preliminary assessment by ABI.

"Most impressive about Apple's 17 million tablet shipments in the second quarter was it nearly matched 2010 total worldwide shipments of 17.3 million for all vendors," says Mr Jeff Orr, an ABI analyst.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 pm on Aug. 23, 2012
I'm far from an Apple hater, but my $499 iPad is history and I am happily using my $199 Google Nexus 7. It's the best value out there (let's see where Apple prices the iPad Mini) and I dare say Android Jelly Bean is as good if not better than the iOS 5.1.1 on my iPod touch. Although Apple has more apps, Android has more than I need and continues to close the gap.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:43 am on Aug. 25, 2012
The Google Nexus *is* a fine device, and it took Google to make it, seeing as how their manufacturing partners couldn't manage it previously.

Of course, they are loosing money on each one sold, but that's hardly the buyer's problem. Also, I assume you don't need to consume Google supplied media outside the USA.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:06 pm on Aug. 25, 2012
PussyLover 69
Report from AFP dated 7 September 2012 :-

Amazon takes on iPad with new Kindle Fire tablet

SANTA MONICA, California: Amazon on Thursday unveiled a new, larger version of its Kindle Fire tablet computer with a high-definition display, in a move by the retail giant to take on the market-leading iPad.

The new Kindle Fire HD will be offered with an 8.9-inch (22.6-centimeter) display, along with an upgraded version of the tablet launched in a smaller format last year, Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos told reporters.

"Kindle Fire HD is not only the most-advanced hardware, it's also a service," Bezos said.

"When combined with our enormous content ecosystem, unmatched cross-platform interoperability and standard-setting customer service, we hope people will agree that Kindle Fire HD is the best high-end tablet anywhere, at any price."

The large-display tablet is only 8.8 millimeters thick, and weighs 560 grams (20 ounces).

The Kindle Fire HD has dual-band Wi-Fi and two antennas, he said, comparing it to the rival iPad from Apple and the Google Nexus 7 tablets.

Bezos said the upgraded Wi-Fi specifications and increased processing clout would make it run 41 per cent faster than the latest version of the iPad, launched earlier this year.

Amazon will offer three versions of the tablet.

The Kindle Fire HD 7-inch will cost $199 and ships September 14, while the iPad-challenging larger version, with 16 GB of memory will cost $299 and will go on sale on November 20.

In an even more direct challenge to the iPad, a 4G version of the larger Kindle Fire HD will sell at $499 -- the same price as a basic iPad.

"We're taking on the most popular price point for a tablet, $499, but doubling the storage and incredibly, adding ultra-fast 4G LTE wireless," Bezos said.

Speaking in an airport hangar in Santa Monica, California, he said Amazon kept its prices lower than many competitors because it wants to make money from selling content, rather than from devices themselves.

"We want to make money when they use our devices, not when they buy our devices," he told reporters gathered for a press conference, the subject of which had been a mystery before the event.

Contrary to a rumor which spread on the eve of the Amazon event, there was no announcement of a new Amazon smartphone.

The Kindle Fire HD announcements came after he unveiled a new Kindle e-reader with so-called "paperwhite" display. It will have a battery life of eight weeks with the backlight on, and will ship October 1.

The paperwhite Kindle will retail at $119, while a 3G mobile version will cost $179. A new version of the basic Kindle will be reduced in price from $79 to $69, he said.

Amazon, which launched the Kindle Fire in the US market last year, said last week the first version had captured 22 per cent of the market for tablet computers, although it did not reveal detailed sales data.

Apple's iPad has about two-thirds of the global market for tablets, and the company is expected to introduce a smaller version of it later this year.

But the new device drew some positive comments.

"Is Amazon the New Apple? I think Amazon just stole the tablet market," analyst and consultant Rob Enderle tweeted. He added that for "the key uses of a tablet -- reading, games, movies -- Amazon is now better in all three."

Industry analyst Jeff Kagan said Kindle Fire "is bigger, stronger and better than before and will compete more directly with the big guys on the playing field."

The Kindle Fire "is closer to an Apple iPad, but it still is not an Apple iPad," Kagan said.

Ross Rubin, analyst at Reticle Research, said the new device "stays a bit below Apple's 10 (inch) domain (if not price). But 8.9 (inch) is an appealing size for movies."

Rubin noted however that Amazon did not talk up the notion of apps for the devices.

"Amazon stepping up ecosystem efforts but focus is on own features, services. Third-party apps still seem like an afterthought," he wrote on Twitter.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:46 pm on Sep. 6, 2012
Uh oh - I'm getting sucked back into this thread...

I'm intrigued how Apple will price the iPad Mini. Assuming a 7 inch display and 16 GB, I think anything over $299 would be a stretch.

Amazon and Google are offering great tablets for the money. Apple can still charge a modest premium, but their days of dominating the tablet market are over.

As for the other manufacturers, I think they have missed the boat. They don't have the content offerings of the above 3, and competing purely upon specs/price will be very difficult at this point.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:55 am on Sep. 7, 2012

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